The Joseph A. Caulder Collection
Past Rotary International Director 1928-29   -  Regina, Sask., Canada

"Eyewitness to Rotary International's First 50 Years"


JOSEPH A. CAULDER - An eyewitness to Rotary International's first 50 years.

Album 1 - R. I. Presidents

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Home ] What's New in the Caulder Collection? ] Foreword by PRIVP Wilf Wilkinson ] Foreword by PRIT Tibor Gregor ] Joseph A. Caulder Biography ] Caulder's Combined Books Index ] Introduction, Book 1 ] Rotary Information, Book 1 ] Rotary Information, Book  2 ] Rotary Information, Book 3 ] Rotary Information, Book 4 ] Album 1-Table of Contents ] Album 1-Caulder's Foreword ] [ Album 1- RI Presidents ] Album 1-RI Gen. Secretaries ] Album 1-Early Notables ] Album 1-RI Treasurers ] Album 2 - Table of Contents ] Album 2 - Early RI Boards ] Album 2 - Canadian Area Vice Presidents ] Album 2 - Canadian R.I. Directors ] Album 2 - Notable Canadian Rotarians ] Album 2 - R.I.B.I. Presidents ] Album 2 - R.I.B.I. Secretaries ] Album 2 -  50th Anniversary of R.I. ] Album 2 - Caulder Articles on Early Rotary ] Quotes from Past RI Presidents ] Links to Other Important Rotary Sites ]

[Click on Picture to Enlarge or Go to Page]

Page 1

The Original Four

Page 2

Article by Harry Ruggles


Page 3-5

Paul P. Harris

1st President

Page 6

Article by Paul P. Harris

In the 1st Issue of

The National Rotarian

Page 7-8

Glenn C. Mead

2nd President

Page 9-10

Russell F. Greiner

3rd President


Pages 11-22

Frank L. Mulholland

4th President

Pages 13-14

Allen D. Albert

5th President

Pages 15-18

Arch C. Klumph

6th President

Page 19-20

The First Six Presidents





Pages 21-22

E. Leslie Pidgeon

7th President

Pages 23-24

John Poole

8th President

Pages 25-26

Albert S. Adams

9th President

Pages 27-28

Estes Snedecor

10th President

Pages 29-30

Crawford C. McCullough

11th President

Pages 31-32

Raymond M. Havens

12th President

Pages 33-34

Guy Gundaker

13th President

Pages 35-36

Ann Gundaker

Pages 37-38

Everett W. Hill

14th President

Pages 39-40

Donald A. Adams

15th President

Pages 41-42

Harry Rogers

16th President

Pages 43-44

Arthur H. Sapp

17th President

Pages 45-46

I. B. (Tom) Sutton

18th President

Pages 47-48

Eugene Newsom

19th President

Pages 49-50

Almon E. Roth

20th President

Pages 51-52

Sydney W. Pascall

21st President

Pages 53-54

Clinton P. Anderson

22nd President

Pages 55-56

John Nelson

23rd President

Pages 57-58

Robert E. Lee Hill

24th President

Pages 59-60

Ed. R. Johnson

25th President

Pages 61-64

Will R. Manier, Jr.

26th President


Pages 65-66

Maurice Duperrey

27th President

Pages 67-68

George C. Hager

28th President

Pages 69-70

Walter D. Head

29th President

Pages 71-72

Armando De A.  Pereira

30th President

Pages 73-76

Tom J. Davis

31st President

Pages 77-78

Fernando Carbajal

32nd President

Pages 79-80

Charles L. Wheeler

33rd President

Pages 81-82

Richard H. Wells

34th President


Pages 83-84

T. A. Warren

35th President

Pages 85-86

Richard C. Hedke

36th President

Pages 87-88

S. Kendrick Guernsey

37th President

Pages 89-90

Angus Mitchell

38th President

Pages 91-92

Percy Hodgson

39th President

Pages 93-94

Arthur Lagueux

40th President

Pages 95-96

Frank E. Spain

41st President

Pages 97-98

Henry J. Brunnier

42nd President

Pages 99-102

Brun and Ann

First Rotary Ann - 1914

Page 103

Rotary Convention Location and Dates

Pages 105-106

Joaquin Serratosa Cibils

43rd President

Pages 107-108

Herbert J. Taylor

44th President

Pages 109-110

A. Z. Baker

45th President

Pages 111-112

Gian Paolo Lang

46th President

Pages 113-114

Chas. G. Tennent

47th President

Pages 115-116

Clifford A. Randall

48th President

Pages 117-118

Harold T. Thomas

49th President

Page 119

J. Edd McLaughlin

50th President

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