The Joseph A. Caulder Collection
Past Rotary International Director 1928-29   -  Regina, Sask., Canada

"Eyewitness to Rotary International's First 50 Years"


JOSEPH A. CAULDER - An eyewitness to Rotary International's first 50 years.

Album 1 - Pages 109-10: A. Z. Baker, 45th President

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A. Z. Baker

Rotary's 45th President



Cleveland, Ohio

President of Rotary International 1955-56

The writer knows what "A.Z." stands for but it was given in secret and will so remain. No one who attended the Philadelphia Convention and listened to and watched A.Z. make his final speech as President of R.I., will ever forget that few moments. Cornelia (his very capable wife) was there and his sons and daughters and sons-in-law and daughters-in-law. All added to the homey heartwarming scene. A.Z. spoke from the heart and so did Cornelia.

By the way, no International President of R.I. ever had a more capable partner in helping do the job. Her talks are appreciated everywhere she goes and her smile not easily forgotten. A.Z. has been a success in his professional and business life. He sure was a success as President of Rotary International.

Our Toronto Club was fortunate enough to get him (and Cornelia) as guest speakers on November 29th, 1957 for the Club's 45th Anniversary. Here again each covered themselves with glory. It was greatly appreciated as they had to fly from Texas to Toronto on Thursday and back there on Monday to fulfill business engagements, but they endured that trial each with not only a smile but with hundreds of smiles. Cornelia addressed about 200 Rotary ladies at the Granite Club at noon, when A. Z. talked to about 700 Rotarians at the Royal-York. We had almost 200 visiting Rotarians from 91 clubs. Also at the head table there were 108, and this included just under 60 International officers and past International officers from all over the Province of Ontario.

The Bakers did such a good job that the Toronto Board decided to make it an annual affair. We hope we will not run out of Bakers!!


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