The Joseph A. Caulder Collection
Past Rotary International Director 1928-29   -  Regina, Sask., Canada

"Eyewitness to Rotary International's First 50 Years"


JOSEPH A. CAULDER - An eyewitness to Rotary International's first 50 years.

Album 1 - Pages 41-42:  Harry H. Rogers, 16th President

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Harry H. Rogers

Rotary's 16th President




Rotary Biography of


San Antonio. Texas, U.S.A.

President. Rotary International. 1926-27.

Until his retirement, Harry H. Rogers was head of the law firm of Rogers, Stephenson and Dickason in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was born in Missouri, was educated at Weaubleau Christian College, and holds honorary LL.D. degrees from Phillips University of Enid, Oklahoma, and Tulsa Universi ty. He taught school from the time he was 15 until he reached the age of 25, was later admitted to the bar and began practice at Wewoka, Indian Territory (now Oklahoma), in 1903.

Mr. Rogers is a former member of the Rotary Club of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and now is a member and Past President of the Rotary Club of San Antonio, Texas. He has been active in Rotary International as President (in 1926-27), Director, District Governor and as committee member and chairman.

In San Antonio, he is President of the Board of the Mexican Christian Institute, and a Past President of the School Board and the Community Welfare Council. He has served as President of the International Convention of Christian Churches (Disciples), the Oklahoma Bar Association, the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, and the Oklahoma State Chamber of Commerce.

From Rotary International,

35 East Wacker Drive,

Chicago 1, Ill., U.S.A..

March 1954.

Joseph A. Caulder



As this is written in 1954, Harry is living in San Antonio and although not young any more, he is still a going concern as he always was. He was Rotary's 16th President. Margaret and I had a fine visit with Harry at our hotel in San Antonio in 1949. We had received a parking ticket that A.M. at Laredo, Texas but had continued on our trip without calling at police headquarters. This worried us so that evening we had Harry phone the Secretary of the Laredo Club and he told Harry to forget all about it. In 1952, when we flew to Mexico City to the convention, I called Harry from the San Antonio airport going and coming. It is always nice to even say "Hello" to old friends.


[Top of Page]

Harry Rogers


from The Rotarian

February, 1958


[Click on Letter to Enlarge]


Letter from

Harry H. Rogers


Joseph A. Caulder

January 19, 1951


[Click on Letter to Enlarge]


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