Letter of
Jean Harris
to Joseph
A. Caulder
July 21, 1955
Article by Harry Ruggles
in The Rotarian
March 1952
"Paul Harris as I Knew Him"
Original Constitution and Bylaws
of the
National Association of Rotary Clubs
It was my good fortune to know Paul
and Jean Harris from 1921. As the years passed we met at conventions and
when I happened to visit Chicago, which was often from 1921 to 1940.
Paul was a very modest man and few could know him without being better
men. I imagine the desire to make more money than just enough to provide
reasonable comforts for himself and Jean never gave him any worry. In
1929 during my Board term I induced Paul to come to Winnipeg for their
great annual Anniversary Meeting held in February each year. When it was
known over the district that Paul was to visit Winnipeg, the pressure
from other clubs in my old district became intense. I wrote Paul and in
that loveable, generous, kindly manner of his, he agreed to visit
Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and Saskatoon before the Winnipeg visit on
February 23rd, which of course is the "agreed" anniversary date. Paul was
not well, consequently we had him stay at our home in Regina in place of
the hotel. He was with us three days and Margaret enjoyed his stay as
much as I did. In order to make the trip as easy as possible for Paul, I
had arranged drawing room accommodation all the way. But that did not
suit Paul and he cancelled the reservations I had made and took a lower
berth each night. Our district was paying the expenses (R.I. was not so
flush in 1929 as now). This is a sample of Paul's way of life. In 1930 I
attended the Montreal club with Paul. He was the speaker and in no
uncertain terms he said, "You must not give me the credit for Rotary's
growth and standing, as 90% should go to Ches. Perry". Once again the
real Paul Harris. It was great to have known him.
[For additional remembrances of Paul Harris, click