The Joseph A. Caulder Collection
Past Rotary International Director 1928-29   -  Regina, Sask., Canada

"Eyewitness to Rotary International's First 50 Years"


JOSEPH A. CAULDER - An eyewitness to Rotary International's first 50 years.

Rotary Information, Book 1

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By: Herbert A. Pigman.

      The Rotarian -September 1962.

[Reprinted by Permission]

For than 40 years now Rotary audiences from Tokyo to Portland to Vienna have succumbed happily to the sing-along sorcery of a tall, sunburned, silver-haired Texan by the name of Walter Jenkins.

His manner is informal, his methods marvelous. Without doubt, say thousands who have come under his spell, he can make more people sing better-and enjoy it more-than anyone else in the whole wide world. "Give him five minutes," said one admirer, and he’d have the Great Stone Face singing Sweet Adeline,"

It is true that few can resist his song-leading magic. And it seems to make little difference whether he gathering is great or small. He gets people to sing as they never sang before, stretching their mouths wide to produce a volume and richness that frankly, surprises the crowd itself.

". . . Sing, everyone, sing!" thunders in a voice which hardly needs a microphone. This melody is one of his favorite warm-up sings.

" . . . . Sing, everyone, SING . . . o-o-h, come on, e-v-e-r-ybody, let' s hear it!" :

His arms sweep in time with the beat, his blue eyes dance, his face flows through an amazing

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assortment of expressions. He bursts into great smiles when the crowd responds. Just as quickly, he can feign hurt astonishment when they don't. He displays pixy-like grimaces when a group mumbles the lyrics, and he stretches his mouth into a horse-collar oval . . .

"Open up, folks. W-i-i-i-de open . . . sing, everyone sing . . . no, no, no, no!" he entreats, "SING! not si-n-n-n-g. Bite it off!"

His audiences, mesmerized by this big, broad shouldered, six-foot adopted son of Texas before them, sing their hearts out. They relish the old songs that bring a flood of memories, and relive the days of the community sings in neighborhood theaters and the Sunday afternoon song fests about the parlor piano.

Not only do they sing for Jenkins, they find themselves doing stunts they haven' t done since elementary-school days. These are Walter's fun songs which include tricks to break the ice. Once it is broken, Walter can work a singing crowd as if they were a string of puppets. They sway to and fro, thrust their arms toward the sky and wiggle their fingers, link arm and arm and into long human chains, jump up and down, bend, dance, scratch their heads, and pivot in antics which, to a stranger chancing upon the scene, would dispel any doubt about Darwin' s theory.

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All of it is fun, however, and at the end of a Jenkins' song session the crowd is invariably mentally and physically refreshed.

Such is the effect of this remarkable Rotarian, who for 31 years has served as the official song leader of Rotary, s International Conventions. He has performed his unique service at scores of Rotary District events. He has led singing at more Club meetings than he can count. Always he does his task with a zest and enthusiasm that rarely fails to rub off on the group.

"One sticky night in Portland, Oregon," says one of his long-time friends, "Walter was chosen to lead the singing at a big black-tie banquet. It was hot, and the dinner and cigar smoke were heavy - hardly an encouraging climate for group singing. But Walter won the crowd when he got up and whipped off his coat. The men did likewise, and, in appreciation, really raised the rafters with song."

Walter, who has been a Rotarian for 43 years and has served as a District Governor, has devoted his life to music. He believes that singing should be fun. His favorite warm-up also includes the refrain, "Sing, everyone, sing / All of your troubles will vanish like bubbles."

This, Walter believes, is no figment of a song writer’s fancy. He has the opinion of competent psychologists, educators, and musicians to back him.

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"Singing sets up vibrations within the body which are linked to rhythmic impulses, and myths is a principle of life," says Peter Dykema, professor of music education at Columbia University.

Walter also puts into practice the psychological axiom that a good mood and a bad mood cannot exist side by side; no one really can be happy and sad simultaneously. So, reasons Walter, "whenever your trials, your troubles and your care, seem to be more than you can really bear / Smile – and the world smiles with you, sing a song."

For 29 years Walter served as the music director for the First Methodist Church in Houston, Texas, guiding his l00-voice choir through some of the world' s greatest and most difficult choral music. Though retired, he still sings in the choir, taking lead parts.

His career in music, however, started some three decades before he came to Texas.

He was born in 1889 in Radcliffe, a small village in the English Midlands just outside the manufacturing center of Manchester. When Walter was 3 years old, his father, who later was to become a national secretary of the Salvation Army, sailed with his family of seven children to the United States. "From that point on", Walter says, "I was raised like an umbrella --all over the country,"

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He grew up in a religious and musical home, and by the time he graduated from high school he was something of a trombone prodigy. He won a place in the Salvation Army's National Staff Band.

When World War I broke out, Walter and the others helped to make the U.S. forces a "singing Army." Well grounded in music, but inexperienced in the art of leading group singing, nevertheless volunteered, and soon found himself in a class with 28 other men - white-haired orchestra conductors and many other persons prominent in the field of music. Walter felt out of his 2 league.

In strode Marshall Bartholomew, head of the music department of Yale University, and announced that within three days they all would be Army song leaders.

It was a trying time for Walter, who couldn't seem to please the professor from Yale. One day, however, the teacher took him aside. "I've been riding you pretty hard, Walter, because you don't know beans about song leading. But you're the only one in the group who has a voice with real power. And, believe me, you're going to need it."

Encouraged, Walter tried harder, and won appointment as Regional Singing Director for the Army and Navy in the Puget Sound area of U.S. Pacific Northwest. It was Jenkins’ choruses which made camp life more bearable, bid the boys off, and welcomed them home. He buoyed civilian spirits, too,

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by leading theater crowds in songs such as "Keep the Home Fires Burning". So well did he do his task that Admiral Koontz, then Chief of Naval Operations for the area, personally intervened when another military cantonment tried to whisk Walter away for its benefit.

"That was a singing Army, a marching Army," Walter recalls. "World War I, that was the singing war."

Walter's introduction to Rotary came at a District Conference in Portland, Oregon. He was impressed with the way the men responded to his song leading efforts. By this time singing was firmly rooted in the fast-growing service club association. The man who started it, the late Harry L. Ruggles, was the fifth man to join the original Rotary Club of Chicago.

As Ruggles told it, conversation had ebbed for a moment at one of those early meetings of the Chicago Rotary Club, and he leaped up on a chair and said, "Fellows, let's sings!" Since that time singing has for countless Rotary Clubs around the world proved to be a social welder, recreative in effect and an avenue to even closer fellowship.

After the war Walter moved to Portland, joined the Rotary Club, and promptly was put on the Community Service Committee, which sponsored, among many things, 20

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choruses to welcome home the Yanks from overseas.

A little later he was well launched in the field of community singing, leading audiences on a 145 town Chautauqua circuit in the Western United States. "I was on in the morning," he says, "between a Catholic priest and the Nothing But the Truth Company from New York. Those were the days when community singing really hit its peak."

It was on this circuit that he met his wife, Vivien. He wooed and won her in Wenatchee, Washington. They have been married 47 years. Their daughter, who once sang with Fred Waring, and two sons, one a clergyman in Kady, Texas and the other a food broker, have presented them with seven grandchildren, who in turn have produced two great grand-children.

In 1923 the Jenkins family migrated to Memphis, Tennessee, where Walter's appearances included several with the Memphis Symphony. For a short while he filled in for Homer Rodeheaver, famed song leader with Billy Sunday, the baseball player who turned evangelist and preached to more than l00 million persons.

In Denver, Colorado, in 1926 Walter directed a crowd of 25,000 Rotarians and spectators in the Denver University Stadium - his first Rotary Convention. Since then he has led the singing at 30 more Rotary Conventions in

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Austria, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, France, Mexico, Japan and the U.S.A.

Of all his performances, however, few can equal his contribution to the International Assembly, Rotary’s annual gathering for its incoming District Governors and other officers. For the last 12 years it has been held in the Lake Placid Club in the Adirondack Mountains of northern New York.

In the creaky old wooden Agora Theater, where the incoming District Governors gather for plenary session's song-leading alchemy reaches its zenith. There, gathered before him, are some 260 men - a stolid banker from Germany who hasn't sung a note since his gymnasium days, a white-thatched French university professor, a Missouri hardware store owner whose Club sings at every meeting, an expressionless Japanese industrialist patiently awaiting to behold the manner of man who steps to the microphone, little red song book in hand.

It is an education in the technique of song leading to observe the scene. Walter sizes up the challenge as a sculptor would a block of marble.

"O.K., boys, let's turn to number 8." Thelma Lindsay hits the opening chord, and the first step has been taken in transforming 260 men into the greatest band of singers ever to invade New York. Maids four floors removed, maintenance men a quarter mile away,

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cock their heads to listen. Jenkins has 'em singing again.

Walter is not satisfied until everyone is singing. If it's just a matter of relaxing the men, he reaches into his copious bag of tricks. "Listen, everyone," he says. "You' re a fine bunch of fellows. I want you all to know each other. Now each of you turn around and shake hands with the fellow behind you."

Obediently they turn around, and find themselves facing a man’s back. Invariably the house collapses in laughter.

Another of Walter's favorites -- especially when a crowd is loggy after a heavy meal is to cuddle up to the microphone and entreat them in whispered voice, "You did real fine on that last one, boys," he says. Every ear strains to hear the praise. "But now I want you to SING OUT L-O-O-O-U-D!"

His voice booms, the audience jumps, and unwary sound-booth engineers tear their hair as volume indicator needles bang against their stops. Jenkins has fooled them again.

What tips does he have for the tyro song leader? Loosen up everyone with a few songs they know well and enjoy singing. Set aside a definite time for singing; don' t sing in competition with clattering dishes. Kid the group, but don't make fun of them. Use big arm movements for big groups, small ones for small groups. Keep the beat – this

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is very important.

A good accompanist is a rare jewel in Walter' s opinion, and he feels he has one in Thelma Lindsay, who has played the piano and organ for Walter for 26 years.

"She can play what I call a good, singing piano." That means she plays in the middle of the piano in a key suitable for male voices - F, for example. Also, she emphasizes the beat, and that's important."

The most important person in group singing, Jenkins points out, is the singer himself. He has to have fun. He pooh-poohs people who say they can't sing.

"You have a voice, don't you? You can sing!" and he is likely to launch into an old favorite, in his deep baritone voice, to show you how simple it all is.

Walter often expresses his sentiments about singing by reciting a poem he picked up somewhere in his varied career:

If you sing a song as you go along

      In the face of a real or fancied wrong,

In spite of the doubt if you fight it out

      And show a heart that is brave and stout,

If you laugh at the jeers and refuse the tears

      You’ll force the ever-reluctant cheers

That the world denies when a coward cries

      And gives to the man who bravely tries

You'll win success with a little song

      If you sing that song as you go along.

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Tired? Restless? Troubled? Lonely? Just sing s song, says the singingest Rotarian in the world, and you'll be all right. And there are thousands of Rotarians around the world who think, by golly, he' s got something there.

The St. Louis convention was Walter Jenkins's 32nd as Rotary's Song Leader. Atlantic City 1965 was Jenkins 34th Convention as Song Leader.

NOTE - I first met Walter Jenkins on our special train to Los Angeles in 1922. He got on our train at Portland and Mrs. Billy (Ma) Sunday was with him. Walter then had a great head of black hair and was song leader for the famous Billy Sunday. We have been close friends of Walter and Vivien since that meeting. Mrs. Sunday was an interesting character.



What would you think of a businessman who had an attractive window display, then locked the door to keep people from entering. The man who belongs to Rotary, displays his name on the club roster, then locks the door of acquaintance by not attending weekly meetings, is doing much the same thing.

The Clipsheet -June 1963.

-- The Buzzer, Rotary Club of Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A.



From: Winnipeg Whizz – July 3rd, 1963

One of the reasons why people are unhappy - perhaps the chief reason - is that they never learned how to be happy. They think of happiness as coming from some great stroke of good fortune and wait, not too hopefully, for it to happen to them. Nobody has ever taught that that a lifetime of happiness is simply an aggregation of little happiness is small, unspectacular ones that anybody can bare if he will make the necessary effort to accumulate them. There are lots of ways to become happy. Deliberately try to make someone else happy. Out of a clear sky, do a small kindness for somebody. Surprise a friend with e bit of unexpected praise. Take the trouble to show appreciation for the things others are doing. Start a pleasant rumor about a person whose reputation will be bettered because of what you are saying about him. Keep you eye open for opportunity to encourage persons who deliberately need encouragement. If you put your mind to it, you will think of lots of ways to string such "little odd moments" on your happiness thread.

- Richmond "Tobasco" via Rotary Felloe


From: Winnipeg Whizz – July 3rd, 1963

"There is no philosophy by which a man can do a thing when he thinks he can’t."

- Author Unknown -

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This is carried forward from 251-I  re Walter Jenkins.

This man will go on forever. Walter Jenkins)

This man's first time as song leader was at Denver in 1926 - Denver '66 was his 35th. We hope he goes on and on like Old Man River.


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Organized Nov. 28, 1912.

Incorporated under The Ontario Companies' Act,

March 27, 1913

Affiliated with The International Association of

Rotary Clubs, April 1913.


See page 53 Book 1 and Pages C1 to C 80 book 3,

and page 53 Book 1.

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W. A. PEACE, President,

22 Victoria Street,

Telephone Adel. 2110.

R. W. E. BURNABY, Vice-President,

46 Victoria Street,

Telephone Adel. 3410.

GEO. BRIGDEN, Treasurer,

160 Richmond St. W.,

Telephone Main 5642.

T. H. MASON, Sergeant-at-Arms,

12 Wellington St. E.,

Telephone Main 7500.


114 Yonge Street,

Telephone Main 491

GEORGE D. WARK, Secretary,

97 Wellington St. W.,

Telephone Adel. 4480.






Page 254.


Is an association of business and professional men for luncheons, dinners, and other get-together events, whereby (through acquaintance, fellowship and service) each member makes himself a more efficient and successful man, a better citizen and a happier individual.

Through the earnest, thoughtful, scientific and systematic performance of our obligations as Rotarians, we and others come to a realization of the fact that in the Rotary Club is found the greatest exemplification of the spirit of co-operation and service which the world has ever known.

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To establish, maintain, and conduct a Club to promote harmony and good fellowship amongst its members and to study and communicate to the members of the Club and to all Rotary Clubs wheresoever situated, modern, progressive and ethical methods and standards for business and professional men; to increase the efficiency of the several members of the Club by the exchange of ideas and business methods, and generally to do all such things as shall be found necessary and expedient to increase the business of the several members of the Club and to increase the exchange of business between the members of the Club and the members of other Rotary Clubs wheresoever situated.

Our Motto:

"All for one, and one for all."

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Adopted August 9th, 1912 by the International Association of Rotary Clubs in Convention.

Recognizing the commercial basis of modern life as a necessary incident in human evolution, the Rotary club is organized to express that proper relation between private interests and the fusion of private interests which constitutes society.

To accomplish this purpose more effectively the principle of limited and representative membership has been adopted, the Rotary Club consisting of one representative from each distinct line of business or profession. Each member is benefitted by contact with representative men engaged in different occupations, and is enabled thereby to meet more intelligently the responsibilities of civic and business 1ife.

The basis of club membership insures the representation of all interests and the domination of none in the consideration of public questions relating to business. On account off its limited and representative membership the Rotary Club does not constitute itself the voice of the entire community on questions of general importance, but its action on such questions is of great influence in advancing the civic and business welfare of the community.

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The Rotary Club demands fair dealing, honest methods, and high standards in business. No obligation, actual or implied, to influence business exists in Rotary. Election to membership therein is an expression of confidence of the club in the member elected, and of its good will towards him. As his business is an expression of himself, he is expected actively to represent it.

Membership in the Rotary Club is a privilege and an opportunity and its responsibility demands honest and efficient service and thoughtfulness for one's Fellows.

Service is the basis of all business.   He profits most who serves best.


INTEGRITY - The qualification for membership; Rotary Clubs must be so cautious and discriminating in selecting their members that it will come to pass that as the word "Sterling" is to silverware so will the mark "Rotary" be to the goods and services offered for sale by a Rotarian.

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OPPORTUNITY - The privilege of membership. In Rotary is given an opportunity not to be found in other clubs, that of making your business as well known to your fellow members as is your face and name. It is not merely that you are known by your fellow members but you and your business become familiar to them.

SERVICE - The responsibility of membership. Success and happiness come through service. In Rotary a man becomes so well acquainted with his fellow members' business that he is constantly in position to serve them by patronizing them, by recommending others to them, by giving them tips as to possible chances of getting business, by giving them the benefit of valuable ideas which he has worked out in his own business, and in many other ways. The average man likes to be able to do good turns to other men. It is the spirit of unselfish service to fellow members that makes Rotary a great institution. However, it is also true that "He profits most who serves best."

SUCCESS - The result of membership. With every member trying to be of some service to his fellow members, it is inevitable that the accomplishment of a great deal of business must result. All may not profit alike or immediately but the aggregate volume of business accomplished during one year through a Rotary Club is simply astonishing as has been demonstrated in every Rotary Club.

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1. The Head office of the Club shall be in the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, and at the place therein wherein the business of the Club may from time to time be carried on.

2. The Seal, an impression whereof is stamped in the margin hereof, shall be the Seal of the Club.

3. The objects of the Club shall be those set out in the Letters Patent and Memorandum of Agreement.

4. The members of the Club shall consist of the Charter Members and such others as from time to time may be elected under the provisions of the By-laws of the Club.

5. Any adult male white person who is engaged as a proprietor, partner, agent or manager in full charge in any legitimate profession, business calling or undertaking, or an officer of a company, in the City of Toronto, shall be eligible for membership, unless engaged in an occupation already represented by a member. Partners of members and officers of companies already represented, or employees of members occupying positions involving the use of discretionary power, shall, on motion of such members, be eligible for associate membership, such associate membership to endure so long only as he retains his connection with his proposer and his proposer shall retain his membership;

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provided that not more than two associates shall be elected in connection with any one regular member. Public officers and civil servants are not eligible for membership. Membership shall be autocratically forfeited by the abandonment by a member of the particular occupation under which he was elected. A member's classification as a member shall be that of his regular and recognized business.

6. Every candidate for membership shall be nominated by one member and seconded by another, neither of whom shall be a director. Such nomination, together with its date and a statement of the candidate's name, residence and occupation, signed by the proposer and seconder on a form to be provided by the Club, shall be forwarded to the Secretary, and if approved by the Membership Committee by a vote of the majority of them present at the meeting where the application is considered, notification thereof shall be sent by mail by the Secretary to each member of the Club. Protests against the admission of a candidate on the ground of qualification shall be sent in writing to the Secretary within ten days after the posting of such notification, and the Membership Committee shall consider such protest. If the membership Committee give effect to the protest, the name of the applicant may be put on the waiting list. If no protest is entered within ten days, an election shall be held at such time as the Membership Committee may point, and the ballots all remain open for one day.

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7. The Club may, by the unanimous vote of all members present, at any meeting, elect by ballot any person to honorary membership in the Club for life or for a limited period, provided thirty days' notice is given of such election to the members of the Club by the Secretary. Honorary members shall have the privilege of attending meetings and participating in the social functions of the Club, but shall not have the privilege of voting at any meetings of the Club.

8. Resignation of membership shall be by notification in writing addressed to the Secretary by whom it shall be submitted to the Directors at their next meeting held thereafter. No resignation shall be considered until all fees, dues and house accounts have been paid by the member tendering the same. If the resignation is not received before the First day of January the annual fee for the ensuing year must be paid.

9. Any member wilfully infringing the By-Laws or Rules of the Club, or being guilty of conduct in or out of the Club premises, detrimental to the character or interests of the Club, or unbecoming of a gentleman, may be suspended from all the privileges of the Club by a vote of two-thirds of the Directors, present at a meeting duly called for that purpose. There shall, at the request of the member suspended, be appeal from such decision to a meeting of the members of the Club to be held within fifteen days of such suspension, of which meeting notice shall be given in accordance

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9. with section 15. If such suspension be sustained by a majority of the members present at such meeting, or if the member suspended fail to notify the Secretary within four days of notification of his suspension, to call such meeting, the member so suspended shall be deemed expelled from membership and shall be forever after ineligible for membership or to be admitted as a visitor.

10. There shall be payable to the Club by every member an entrance fee of $5.00 and an annual fee of $5.00. The annual fee shall be payable in advance upon the First day of January in each year, and in the case of any person admitted to membership it shall be payable for the then current year on such admission.

11. No member shall be entitled to the exercise of any of his rights and privileges as such while in arrears in respect of any payment due by him to the Club, including house accounts.

12. In the case of a person admitted to membership, if his entrance and annual fees be not paid within two weeks after he is notified of his election, he shall forthwith cease to be a member; and in the case of any other member, if his annual fee be net paid before the Thirty-first day of January or within such time thereafter as the Directors may determine, he shall forthwith cease to be a member.

13. The Annual General Meetings of the members shall be held at the Clubhouse, or at such

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13. place in the City of Toronto as the Directors may appoint on the Fourth Wednesday in January in each year or on such other day in the months of February, March or April as the Directors may appoint.

14. Special General Meetings of the members may be called at any time by the Directors; and the Directors shall on the written requisition of twenty-five members, stating the object of the proposed meeting, call a special general meeting.

15. Notice of the time and place of holding the annual or any special general meeting shall be given at least ten days previously thereto by mailing a copy of such notice to each member at his last known Post Office address. No public notice or advertisement shall be required.

16. A quorum of at least eleven members shall be necessary to constitute the annual or a special general meeting.

17. Notice in writing of any change in the By-Laws of the Club, to be moved at the annual or a special general meeting, must be left with the Secretary at least five days before such meeting.

18. No change shall be made in the By-laws of the Club except by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at the annual or a special general meeting.

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19. The Directors of the Club shall be five in number, three of whom shall constitute a quorum, and shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Club. The directors so elected shall hold office for a period of one year, or until their successors shall be elected.

20. Any vacancy, however caused, may be filled by the remaining Directors, whether constituting a quorum or not, at a meeting of the Directors, called for the purpose, of which three clear days notice shall be given. If the number of Directors is increased between terms, a vacancy, or vacancies, to the number of the authorized increase, shall thereby be deemed to have occurred, which may be filled in the manner above provided.

21. The Directors may meet at any time, without notice, if all the Directors be present, or if those absent have signified their consent to such meeting. Directors' meetings may also be held upon the call of the President or of any two Directors, at any time; and notice thereof shall be sufficient if delivered or mailed to each Secretary to each Director at least three days before the meeting is to take place.

22. The Director shall have general charge of the affairs of the Club; and they shall make report to the members at the annual general meeting as to the matters within their charge and in particular as to the finances of the Club, and they shall, with the notice calling each annual general

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meeting, cause to be sent to each member report containing an audited statement of the accounts for the past year, and of the assets and liabilities of the Club.

23. Contracts and engagements on behalf of the Club shall be signed by the President or the Vice-President and the Secretary, or such other persons as the Directors may from time to time appoint, and the Secretary shall affix the Seal of the Club to such instruments as require the same.

24. The Directors may, by a two-thirds vote, at any meeting specially called for the purpose, repeal or annul the By-Laws of the Club, or any part thereof, or enact new By-laws, but such change, unless in the meantime confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a special general meeting, shall have force, only until the next annual general meeting, and if not then confirmed by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, shall from at time cease to be in force.

25. The Directors shall forthwith after the annul meeting, and thereafter on occasion of vacancy arising, elect from amongst themselves a President and a Vice-President. The President shall be the chief executive of the Club, and shall, when present, preside at all meeting of the members and of the Directors. During the absence or disability of the President his duties and powers shall be exercised by the Vice-President. In the event of both the President and Vice-President being absent or

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25. under disability, such duties and powers shall be exercised by such one of the Directors as the Directors shall appoint.

26. The Directors shall also forthwith after the annual meeting, and thereafter on occasion of vacancy arising, appoint a Secretary. The Secretary shall keep correct minutes of the proceedings of the Club.

27. The Directors shall also forthwith after the annual meeting, and thereafter an occasion of vacancy arising, appoint a Treasurer. He shall keep all necessary books of account and deposit all moneys and cheques to the credit of the Club in a Bank approved by the Directors, and shall have authority to endorse all cheques payable to the Club for the purpose only of depositing them in the said Bank to the credit of the Club.

28. The Directors shall also appoint forthwith after the annual meeting a Sergeant-at-Arms and a Registrar.

29. The Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms and Registrar shall discharge all duties assigned to them by the Directors, and shall hold office during pleasure.

30. The Directors shall appoint a Membership Committee and such other committees as they shall deem advisable. All committees shall be subject to the Directors, who shall decide all questions as to their duties, powers and jurisdiction, and who may at any time control their actions.

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30. Their decisions, however, shall be binding upon the members of the Club. Vacancies arising in any committee shall be filled by the Directors forthwith.

31. Accounts payable by the Club shall be paid only by cheques, and cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer, or, in his absence, by some person authorized by the Directors and countersigned by such person as the Directors may appoint, upon vouchers signed by any two officers or Directors.

32. Each member shall sign a yearly subscription for the official magazine publication of the International Association of Rotary Clubs. The subscription shall be collected by the Club from its members as part of the regular dues. The Secretary shall enter such subscription on his books in a special subscription account, and shall forward the same to the business office of said publication as a club subscription.

33. If any member shall absent himself from four consecutive meeting of the Club without good cause, and if in the judgment of the Board of Directors said member is not active and interested in the objects and work of the Club, the Board of Directors may, with or without notice, terminate his membership.

34. Any member whose connection with this Club shall be severed by resignation, death, expulsion or otherwise, shall forfeit all interest in any property belonging to the Club.

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35. At any meeting of the Club no debate shall take place, nor shall any member address the meeting except upon a motion properly before the meeting, or by special leave of the Chairman.


By: A.H. Geuting, Director- Rotary Club of Philadelphia.

First- The Key - Membership in the Rotary Club opens the door to real Brotherhood in the exchange of frank, open discussion of the world' s work.

Second - Security - One of the Rotary members has properly described Rotary as a freemasonry of trade. We are constantly receiving reports how, through the medium of the Rotary Club, every one is receiving with a courtesy and fellowship that were formerly impossible; that instead of evasiveness, business information is frankly exchanged to the betterment of all concerned.

Third - Protection -No matter how strong you may feel yourself individually, your real strength comes from a banding together of kindred spirits for the good of the whole. Every Rotary member cannot help but feel stronger in his position by the fact that he is backed by membership that is zealous for his good, the value of which cannot be estimated in dollars and cents.

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FourthCo-operation - Heretofore, there has been a strong inclination for every business man to be intensely individual. The spirit of the times calls for affiliation and co- operation in order to attain to the greatest good. Rotary stands for the ideal blending of individualism with co-operation without the baleful influence of monopoly.

Fifth - Education - No Rotary member can help being educated if he religiously attends the Rotary meetings and gets the innumerable sidelights on business as a whole. He learns, for instance, that the box maker has solved the same problems that he believed heretofore were peculiar to his own business; by giving heed to this member's experience he broadens his own vision and increases the knowledge necessary in his own affairs.

Sixth - Economy - Deep in each man's nature, is a craving for intimate association with his fellowmen, but often lack of time prevents his breaking through the conventional wall that opposes him. Rotary breaks this will for him and draws him easily and naturally within the circle of friendship. His association gives him a status that a life-time would hardly bring about, and thus multiplies his advantages a hundred fold.

SeventhCivic Advantage - The more you become interested in Rotary the more interest you will take in civic affairs. Civic interest is as necessary to a well rotated career as your own applic-

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ation is necessary to your own business success. Interest in Rotary produces a citizen with broadened spirit, pride and ambition for his city and his country.

Eighth - International Advantage - As a member of the Rotary Organization you have the opportunity to make the friendly acquaintance of every Rotary member throughout the World. This acquaintance may be of the greatest assistance to you when in a strange city.

Ninth - Higher Business Standards - A Rotarian is not narrow or self-confining; he is not greedy, voracious or mercenary; he is not monopolistic, for he knows that to grasp is to lose; he has learned that to give means to receive; he knows that "Cast thy bread upon the waters and it shall return to you before many days." A true Rotarian aims to attain a high level of business virtue; to conduct his affairs so perfectly that his fellow members will gladly sing his praises.

Tenth - Rotary Ideals - All Rotarians aim to set the stamp of approval on representative men, who, by virtue of their moral, intellectual and progressive standards, are leaders in their particular fields of endeavour, and by co-operation and helpfulness, to show the world that such men succeed, and should succeed. Thus they set the example of proper enterprise for the young and thriving business men throughout the country. Verily, it is

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a great privilege and a great responsibility to be a Rotarian.

NOTE-All the underlining on these pages is mine. The objective was to draw the casual reader' s attention to some special and interesting clause. These dues of $5.00 to join and $5.00 per year were very soon changed to $15.00 and $10.00. It will be noted that the Toronto Club, at its inception, had been sold on the fact that one of Rotary’s objectives was to help each other in business.


NOTE -Also see pages C 1 to C 80 (Book 3) and previous foreword for the full story of he organization of the Rotary Club of Toronto.

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As of March 31,1962.

There were 11,193 Clubs with 523,043 members in 128 countries or Geographical Areas

U.S.C.B. - U.S., Canada and Bermuda. Alaska, Bermuda, Canada, Hawaii and U.S.A. - 5,379 Clubs with 301,675 members. Note - Canada 362 clubs - 19,222 members.

S.A.C.A.M.A.- This includes South America, Central America, Mexico and Antilles. Argentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil British Guiana, British Honduras, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Neth. Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Surinam, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virgin Islands, West Indies Federation.

Note - in al1 1,473 clubs with 43,508 members. The West Indies Federation will slowly cease to exist and there will be three new and independent countries.

Note- Brazil has 467 clubs with 14,191 members.

C.E.N.A.E.M. - This includes Continental Europe, North Africa and Eastern Mediterranean, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Morocco, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Republic.


Page 273.

ROTARY ZONES . . . (cont’d)

Note - In this area there were 1,726 clubs with 68,013 members. The largest are France with 389 Clubs, Sweden 220, Italy 185.

ASIA- Aden, Burma, Cambodia, Ceylon, China, Federation of Malaya, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Laos, Macao, Marianas Islands, Nepal, North Borneo, Pakistan, Philippines, Ryukyu Islands, Sarawak, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.

Note - This area has 947 clubs with 37,551 members. Japan leads with 487 clubs, then India with 302. Until early in 1961 this are included Indonesia with 14 clubs and 468 members, but Rotary was forced to withdraw early in 1961.

A.N.Z.A.O. - Australia, New Zealand, Africa, ( except those geographical regions bordering on the Mediterranean) and other places not included in USCB - SACAMA-
CENAEM - ASIA. Angola, Australia, Cameroun, Central African Republic, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji Islands, French Polynesia, Gabon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Malagasy, Mali Republic, Netherlands New Guinea, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, Papua, Republic of Congo, Republic of South Africa, Republic of The Congo, Reunion, Ruanda-Urundi, Senegal, Somalia, Southern Rhodesia, South West Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanganyika, Territory of New Guinea, Uganda, Union of South Africa, Zanzibar.

Note - This area had 734 clubs with 30,151

Zanzibar was a comer in 1962.

Page 274.

ROTARY ZONES . . . . (cont’d)

Also in 1962 the Union of South Africa disappears from the list as of June 30th, 1961 and at the same time the Republic of South Africa appears and as of March 31, 1962 had 99 clubs with 3,511 members. The largest is Australia with 448 clubs and 18,189 members; next is New Zealand with 110 clubs and 5,774 members.

G, B. & I. -Great Britain and Ireland. England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Note - In this area 934 clubs with 42,145 members. England with 783 clubs with 35,755 members; Scotland 85 clubs with 3,552; Wales 49 clubs with 1,898; Northern Ireland 14 clubs with 719 and Ireland 3 clubs with 221 members.


From: Winnipeg Whizz – July 3rd, 1963

So you, or someone you know, are getting along in years? More than 64 per cent of the great achievement is this world has been accomplished by men who have passed their 60th year. The decade between 60 and 70 years of age contains 35 per cent of the world’s greatest achievements; between 70 and 80; 23 per cent; after 80, 8 per cent.

Old age can be the most fruitful part of our lives. Yet we have those who believe that a man at 65 should be "put on the shelf" because he is worthless.

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PAGE 274

I have not recorded any changes in Zones since shown on Page 274.


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VENEZUELA for several years has been the only country in South America without a Rotary Club. About a decade ago one was established in the capital city, Caracas. Due to a misunderstanding of its purpose, it waned, finally altogether disappearing. But in other Ibero-American Republics, Rotary had meanwhile taken deep root and was flourishing.

During the Chaco War, Rotarians of both Paraguay and Bolivia co-operated in looking after prisoners. Indeed, there is evidence that cessation of hostilities may have resulted from a suggestion emanating from Rotarians. When tension existed between Uruguay and the Argentine, Rotarians bent their influence toward wiping out the cause of misunderstanding and, as a symbol of their goodwill, exchanged sons during vacation periods.

President Duperrey himself witnessed the leaven at work on the borderline separating Chile and Peru. There Rotarians of Arica and Tacna affixed a plate to a monument, named Concordia, which carries the Spanish equivalent of these words:-

"So long as the sun will shine, so long as there will be a star to guide us, friendship will endure between Chile and Peru".

With Rotary and Rotarians of South America identified with such activities, it was but natural that business and professional men of Caracas should seek a rebirth of Rotary in their city. They were successful, and


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not entirely by coincidence was it that President Durerrey was present for the christening.

We have it on the good authority of Meredith Nicholson, United States Minister to Venezuela, distinguished novelist, and an "alumnus" member of the Rotary Club of Indianapolis, Indiana, that the affair went off with 'éclat'. Someone has exhumed the cogged-wheel bell of the defunct Club, thus providing a link between the new and the old. At a luncheon held in the Country Club of Caracas with the president of the University of Caracas presiding, the new Rotary Club was formally announced. Dr. Novak, Minister to Venezuela from Czechoslovakia and a former member of the Rotary Club of Prague, read the documents in the case. Other diplomats and distinguished citizens representing the commercial and professional life of the city were present, lending impressiveness to the occasion that can but augur well for this newest member in South America of the Rotary family.

(From: The Rotarian of December 1937 )


Copyright© Daniel W. Mooers

Rotary® and Rotary International® are registered trademarks of Rotary International
