Joseph A. Caulder Collection
Past Rotary International Director 1928-29
- Regina, Sask., Canada
"Eyewitness to Rotary International's First 50 Years"
JOSEPH A. CAULDER - An eyewitness to Rotary International's first 50 years.
Rotary Information Book 3
Pages A.1 to B.5 Pages D.1 to I.20 Pages J.1 to N Pages O-1 to W-17
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A. (Pagination as in original) THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO NOVEMBER 28th,1912 - CLUB NO. 55 The following story of the founding of the Rotary Club of Toronto was undertaken by me at the request of President Harold A. Brown. It was a long job as our club had very scanty records and at Rotary headquarters there was little information. Mr. Hall (American Security Co.) had been very active in the organization and in 1958 his files, still in existence, were very helpful. Also, Burton E. Pfeiffer, the first President of the Rotary Club of Buffalo (1911-12) and now living in Los Angeles, was extremely helpful; also our own founder, President, Wm. A. Peace and Ralph R. Corson gave valuable assistance. Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson Barnaby had retained almost a perfectly clear memory of many details that could not be supplied by anyone else. Although he was a member of the club for only a short time, he had been extremely active in the organization and always retained his interest in the club's growth. Now (1962) only Burton Pfeiffer and Ralph Corson are still with us. Comments by the writer are bracketed. The new Toronto member who is interested in finding out how Paul P. Harris and Chesley R. Perry interpreted Rotary in 1912, will find valuable information in the letters included in this history. In the following pages all the underlining was done by the undersigned in 1962. This in B. order to stress to the reader the thinking of Harris and Perry in1912. JOSEPH A. CAULDER NOTE-In addition to the following 80 pages also see pages 252 to 271 (Book 1). C. 1 NOTE Also see Page 53 Book 1 and page 252-271 Book 1. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO Early in January 1912, or more likely in November or December 1911, Mr. James K. Pickett, General Manager of the Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada, when visiting the Company's branches in western Canada, was invited by a friend to attend the Rotary Club of Winnipeg. This club had been organized in November 1910 by Walter James Clubb, who was a brother of our own Wm. H. Clubb. The visit must have made a deep impression on the quiet, reserved Mr. Pickett. When Mr. Pickett returned to Toronto he discussed the matter with R. W.. E. Burnaby (Ralph Waldo Emerson), who was the city manager in Toronto for The Imperial Life. After some chats with friends the two men commenced to seriously consider forming a similar club in Toronto. The Winnipeg club at the time of its organization was not only the first in Canada, but the first in the world outside the U. S. A. In fact, it was Club number 35. Mr. Pickett told Mr. Burnaby that on his visit to the Winnipeg club he felt he had met the finest group of business men that he had ever met at any meeting. Perhaps because Rotary membership is made up of a cross-section of the community, with only one man from each business or profession, this opinion expressed by Mr. Pickett my have been sound. In what follows there must be some suppositions and it is possible there may be errors but not of an important nature. The early club records were poorly kept, and often not kept at all. The same is true of Rotary itself. This is because when Chicago Club (see over) C. 2 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO Number One was founded it was just a social group of business men and not one of them had any thought of number two club over being formed. In the case of Toronto this opinion would hardly be justified, but the men concerned gave no thought to anything except the founding of a Club in Toronto. Ralph Burnaby, who is still living . (April 6th, 1958) and well and residing at 18 Montclair, Toronto, was a real live business man and Mr. Pickett told him to go ahead and get a group of men together to discuss the formation of a club. On Mr. Pickett's visit to the west he had engaged Wm. A. Peace to come east and over the Toronto office of The Imperial Life. This may seem strange to us in 1958 but in 1912 the life insurance business was not the highly organized and complicated business it is today. Also when Mr. Peace was carrying out his duties as Manager of the Dominion Bank at Brandon, Manitoba he was also writing life insurance on the side as the bank managers then got small salaries. Bill Peace had made a study of life insurance and later records show that Mr. Pickett made no mistake in hiring Bill Peace from the Dominion Bank. Ralph Burnaby, being well known in Toronto' s business community, started talking to his friends about Rotary. No time was lost because the club has a letter written on January 30th by Chesley R. Perry, Secretary of National Association of Rotary Clubs of America, 911 First National Bank Building, Chicago, Ill. And addressed to Mr. W. H. (cont’d) C. 3 EARLY HISTORY OF' THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO. Hall, 26 Wellington St. E., Toronto. The letter reads follows:- January 30th, 1912 "Dear Sir: Mr. Herbert L. Hart, of Buffalo reports you as being one of the most energetic and progressive business men in Toronto and suggests that probably you would be interested in organizing a Rotary Club there. The Rotary idea, although a product of the United States, has spread over the line and clubs have been established or are being established in Toronto, Hamilton, Winnipeg and Vancouver. Even London and Manchester, England and Belfast, Ireland each have a Rotary Club and in Europe and South America and far off Australia we understand that the formation of Rotary Clubs is being considered. Enclosed herewith and under separate cover, we are sending you a little printed matter which will give you some idea as to what a Rotary Club is and how it works. As you read this over at your leisure many questions will probably come to your mind. May we now attempt to answer these questions for you? We can give you particulars in detail as to how Rotary Clubs have been organized in other cities and furnish you sample of their rosters, by-laws, etc. This service. is gratis. There are no fees or charges made by these headquarters for the organization of a Rotary Club. The already existing clubs through their National Association are doing this missionary work because it is one of the (see over) C. 4 EARLY HISTORY OF ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO cardinal principles of Rotary to do some thing worthwhile for "the other fellows and also because the greater number of Rotary Clubs the greater will be the commercial advantage to all. We are in correspondence with several good men in Toronto who would like to see a Rotary Club established and belong to it. We shall be glad to give you their names and address and trust you will be able to avail yourself of their support in what you are planning to do. We believe that the time is ripe for the starting of the Toronto Rotary Club and trust that you will let us hear from you at an early date in regard to the matter.
NATIONAL ASSOC. OF ROTARIAN CLUBS. Sgd. Chesley R. Perry, Secretary." (From this letter it is obvious that Mr. Burnaby or Mr. Pickett had contacted Mr. Herbert L. Hart of Buffalo about the formation of a club in Toronto and it will be noted that Mr. Perry was then writing to several men in Toronto. The names of these men must have been supplied to Ches. Perry by Mr. Burnaby, or perhaps Mr. Hall. It is also obvious Mr. Burnaby had interested Mr. Hall early in 1912 because most of the original correspondence with Chicago has carried on by Mr. Hall, who was then Manager of the American Surety Company. Ches. Perry, who had been joined Rotary in 1908 in Chicago, had been engaged as Secretary of the National Association at its first con ( cont' d) C. 5 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO . vention held in Chicago in August 1910, when there were only 16 clubs and all in the U.S.A. It will be noted that in 1912 the National Association collected no fees of any kind from the clubs. As of this date, January 30th, 1912, the only club in Canada was Winnipeg, already mentioned.) On February 5th, 1912 Paul P. Harris, no doubt spurred on by Ches. Perry, wrote W. H. Hall and from the letter it is obvious Mr. Hall had written Chicago or had told Mr. Hart of Buffalo that he was willing to go ahead. This is obvious because Paul Harris (original founder) and at this time President of National Association of Rotary Clubs of America, states that he has been advised that Mr. Hall was willing to go ahead. Now a careful reading of the letter from Paul Harris shows that the business motive was still strong in the Rotary movement. The letter was as follows:- " NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ROTARY CLUBS OF AMERICA Office of the President Chicago February 5th, ,1912 Mr. W. H. Hall 6 Wellington Street, East Toronto, Ont. Canada Dear Sir:- The advices to the effect that you will undertake to organize a Rotary Club in your city are very pleasing to me and I intend to (see over) C.6 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO make it my business to assist you in every way I can. You will find it a comparatively easy matter to establish a club in your city. As a matter of fact, the situation ordinarily resolves itself into a sort of an endless chain. While your personal. acquaintances might be insufficient in number or comprise a sufficiently comprehensive organization, the personal acquaintances of your personal acquaintances, etc. and ad infinitum would ultimately include the entire city. Of course, some one has to get back of the move and be primarily responsible for its destinies, but to him, who sacrifices somewhat of his personal convenience and leisure to the early stages of a cause of this character, the return in honor and even in direct emolument must necessarily be large. Most people practicing ,professions or engaged in business in cities feel called upon to spend a certain amount of time in public work. In some instances, the necessary result is personal sacrifice. It is the aim of Rotary to advance the individual interests of the members in proportion to the advance of the welfare of the communities in which we are established. The Rotary Club is a forceful idea and seems to take root everywhere it is given a reasonable opportunity. It does not require a large number to make a beginning; in fact, you and two or three friends could meet together and get the move well under way. It is not necessary that the various organizations (cont’d) C.7 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO be exactly alike; in fact, conditions in various cities differ so greatly that the methods of procedure of the different clubs must necessarily differ somewhat. It is our belief that the best results and the utmost of our possibilities can only be reached by extending ourselves in every conceivable direction. This is true whether we consider the matter from the standpoint of the one or either of the other of our fundamental purposes. So far as business is concerned, each Rotary Club, can undoubtedly, derive business benefits from members of other cities. So far as the altruistic side of our curriculum is concerned we can, as a National Rotary, bring to bear, the same insistent force in National matters that as a local Rotary, we can upon Municipal matters. The force of a combined Rotary operated from all the large cities throughout the country would be almost beyond conception. It will be obvious to you that the most vital consideration is the class of people you ask to join. Aim, to secure the leading men in each line of business. Above all things make no mistakes in the banker, the insurance man, the printer, the lawyer, the dentist, the physician and all those, who will get the most direct benefit out of the club and therefore are likely to be the most prominent in its activities. Some broad lines you should sub-divide so as to secure that many more members for the club. For example, you should have a fire insurance man, a life insurance man, an accident insurance (see over) C. 8 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO. man, perhaps a liability insurance man, a surety bond man. The general line of insurance is bread enough to warrant such subdivision and the case may be similar with other lines. I should be glad indeed to answer any inquiries you may have to make and give you the very best advice that I can. Yours very truly, Sgd. Paul P. Harris President" (It will be seen from the third last paragraph that Paul Harris himself stressed the business motive.) (In our current records the first letter we have from Mr. H all to Chicago is dated February 7th, 1912 and is in reply to letter from Paul Harris of February 5th. In this letter Mr. Hall writes Mr. Harris that Mr. Hart, Secretary of the Buffalo Club, first mentioned Rotary to him and he refers to letter from Ches. Perry of January 30th, 1912. This seems strange and it would appear that Rotary came to Toronto through two channels, Mr. Pickett from Winnipeg and Mr. Hall from Mr. Hart. It is also obvious these two streams joined into one early in 1912. The letter of February 7th reads as follow: -) "AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY 26 Wellington Street, E., Toronto, Ontario. February 7th, 1912 (cont'd) C.9 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO "Mr. Paul P. Harris, President, National Association of Rotary Clubs, 1317 Unity Bldg. Chicago, Ill. Dear Sir: Your valued favour of the 5th inst. is to hand, contents of which have been carefully perused. My attention was directed to this organization by Mr. Herbert L. Hart. Secretary of the Rotary Club of Buffalo, N. Y., when visiting that city recently, and who, at my request, wrote the National Association desiring that particulars be sent me. With a letter, dated Jan. 30th, 1912, from Mr. Chesley R. Perry, Secretary, I received some printed matter for which I am obliged. In that communication also the name of Mr. Fred Kent of this city was mentioned who it was represented was interested in this movement, and I shall call upon that gentleman at the earliest possible opportunity. Appreciating your consideration, and hoping that it will be practicable to organize a Rotary Club at Toronto in the near future, Yours very truly, Sgd. W. H. Hall, Manager." (In this letter Mr. Hall mentions Mr. Fred Kent whose name does not appear again except in a footnote of a letter from Perry to Hall . (see over) C.10 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO dated February 20th, 19l2 in which Kent's name is mentioned as an interested party. He was of the firm of Ambrose Kent and Sons, Richmond and Yonge.) (In this letter of February 20th Perry expresses pleasure over message from Paul Harris regarding Hall’s willingness to proceed.) "Chicago, Ill., Feb. 20th,. 1912 Mr. W. H. Hall, Manager American Surety Co., 26 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Dear Sir, -- We are pleased to hear from President Harris that our letter of recent date aroused your interest. We feel that we can count upon you to organize or assist in organizing a Rotary Club in Toronto and I am sure that a club organized by you will be promptly welcomed will affiliation by the older clubs of the National Association. We have just recently received applications for the affiliation of the Winnipeg and Vancouver Rotary Clubs. We are constantly in touch with other Rotary Clubs in the Empire. A Rotary Club is usually started by some good live business man (say an insurance man, a printer, a cigar man, a hotel man or a real estate man) who is a leader in his line -- one who is busy, but hot too busy to be willing to do a good turn to others. (cont, d) C. 11 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO "After studying the literature until he has an appreciation of the Rotary idea, he makes a selection of five or six other leading men -- booster and live wires -- men old enough to know how to do business and young enough to want more business to do – and then sets a place and day to meet at luncheon. Perhaps he tells his five or six friends to meet him for luncheon on that day merely telling them that he has a new idea to impart to them - something that will give them an opportunity to be of service to others and incidentally will help the city and benefit them personally. At this luncheon he explains the proposition and exhibits and reads the printed matter we have sent you and then, if the others approve, a temporary organization is formed, with one of the number as temporary President and another as temporary Secretary. Appoint a committee of two or three on constitution and by-laws (turn over to them the by-laws of the other clubs) and a Committee of two or three on membership. Let each man present suggest two or three names for membership (which are acceptable to all those present). The sooner this temporary organization is accomplished the better. By means of it the organizers (first charter members) will be held together and can keep in touch with each other. Decide upon a place and a day to meet for luncheon the following week and adjourn to that day. Let the temporary secretary (cont’d) C. 12 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO make a list of those present at the first meeting, (with telephone numbers) and let him agree to remind them of the second meeting. Let those who have suggested names of membership, which proved acceptable to all, agree to bring them to the next meeting. At this next meeting receive reports from the by-laws committee and the membership committee (In the interim additional nominations for membership will probably have been made to the membership committee or to the temporary officers who will turn the suggestions over to the committee.) At this second meeting you will probably have some further communication to read from National Headquarters and other business to transact. Continue to meet from week to week until your by-laws committee is ready to make a final report and then complete your organization and have an election of officers. (It is suggested that you set your annual election of officers for June of each year.) It is not unlikely that you or some other good man will be willing to act as President from now until July 1st and be relieved by his successor then. This would give time to pick the best man President to start the work of the real Club year which begins in September. If desired the officers elected now could re-elected in June. When you have formally organized we will send a blank form upon which to make application for membership in the National Association. When your club has progress to (cont'd) .. C. 13 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO the point of affiliation it will be course commence paying its pro rata per capita of dues to assist in supporting the National Association and extending "Rotary" to the other cities. Keep National Headquarters posted as to your progress. It is possible that we may be able to send your something of interest to be read at meetings or get members of other Rotary Clubs to drop in on you as they happen to be in your city. If any questions or problems arise upon which we might be able to give you the practice and experience of the other clubs we shall be very glad to have you call upon us for the information. Yours very truly, NATIONAL ASSOC. OF ROTARY CLUBS Chesley R. Perry - Secretary. P.S. - Those who are supposed to be interested to see Rotary in Toronto are:-- Mr. Fred Kent, Ambrose Kent & Sons, - Richmond & Yonge Sts. Mr. J. Pickett, Gen . Mgr., Imperial Life Ins. Co. - King St. E. Mr. Hust Supt. " " " " Mr. T. Bradshaw, A.E. Ames & Co. Cor. King & Bay. Mr. W. M. Gifford, Northern Aluminum Co., Ltd. - 1503 Traders Bk. Bldg. Mr. E. A. Cryne, Canadian Representatives United Motor Export Co., 209 Victoria St.
(see over) C. 14 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO Note in this letter Perry the salesman mentions dues to be paid after affiliation. Our older members will note the name of Geo. Hunt, Imperial Life, appears; also the late Tom Bradshaw and others. It appears that the letter of February 26th, 1912 from Perry to Hall was a follow-up to Perry's letter of February 20th which perhaps Hall was slow in answering. This letter of February 26th reads as follows:- Chicago, -February 26th, 1912. Mr. W.H. Hall Manager American Surety Co., 26 Wellington St. East, Toronto, Canada. Dear Sir, From the history of the formation of Rotary Clubs in the various Cities, we learn that in almost every instance (except, perhaps in Chicago) the Club was formed by someone who like yourself had become impressed with the idea and had done the work in the following manner; at least in either one of the following ways: First, by taking the city or telephone directory and from the classified business section pick 40 or 50 names of the leaders in the respective lines of business, many of them known to him personally, and Then going and telling on these gentlemen and explaining to them that he had something new and unique which would be a benefit to (cont' d) C.15 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO the city and to them as individuals and then appointing a time and place for an organization meeting at which officers would be elected and committees appointed. Second, the other plan has been instead of calling on these prospective members to send them a little note asking them to meet at luncheon at some hotel or restaurant for the purpose of talking over a proposed plan of mutual benefit to themselves and the city. In some cases the men who wanted to start the club paid for the luncheons and in other cases each man paid for his own luncheon. The plan actually followed in Cleveland, for example, was something like this: - Mr. Miller the lawyer and Mr. Goss started as a committee of two. This Committee selected 12 likely prospects for membership. Mr. Miller then invited each one of the prospects to lunch with him at the Chamber of Commerce on the same day without any one of them knowing that the others were invited. They all came naturally and were pleasantly surprised at the little party. Then Mr. Miller explained the proposition to them and passed around the samples of literature of other cities and got them all equally enthusiastic with him. Then they adjourned for a week to think the matter over and came together again at luncheon the following week. At that meeting they selected a committee of three to formulate the constitution and by-laws and the (see over) C.16 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO by-laws of the various clubs were turned over to the committees. They also selected a temporary membership committee of three. Then each one of the 12 agreed to pick out 12 other men who in his opinion would be good members. These suggestions for membership were turned over to the membership committee who arranged them on cards noting duplications in the same line of business and selecting the one who might make the best Rotarian and the committee also reporting at a subsequent meeting some of the leading lines which did not get included in any one of the nominations made. Different members then suggested names to cover these lines. The organization committee continued to meet weekly and until they had selected a list of 100 names who were invited to membership and accepted. To these there was sent a well worded invitation to attend an organization dinner which was held in the Chamber of Commerce and at which approximately 50 per cent of those invited were present. The membership committee, by-laws committee and nominating committee then reported, officers were elected, regular meeting night selected and the Cleveland Club became an established institution. There is no reason why there should not be a good live and successful Rotary club in Toronto. There are successes everywhere and a Club which you would organize in Toronto could not fail to be a success and (cont’d) C.17 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO I am sure it would be welcomed into the National Association by the other Clubs. Do not let your members or the outside public gather the idea which unfairly represents Rotary to be an organization wherein the members are obligated or compelled to patronize each other or whereby any rupture of existing and satisfactory business relations is required. See that your charter members get the true and correct conception of the Rotary spirit that of Service to others believing that "as we unselfishly enable others to succeed we too make progress toward success" and that "He Profits most who serves best." With best wishes, Yours very truly, NATIONAL ASSOC. OF ROT'ARY CLUBS. (signed)Chesley R. Perry-Secy.
P.S. We want to see your club organized soon so it can be recognized by the National Association and entitled to be represented in the next National Convention."
(It will be noted here that for the first time (note last paragraph), the word "service" is used. It the Portland convention held in August1911 Arthur Frederick Sheldon, at the end of a great speech used the phrase "He profits most who serves best", and at the same convention B. Frank Collins, President of the Minneapolis Club had used the phrase "Service not Self", which later was changed (see over) C. 18 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO to "Service Above Self."). On February 28th, 1912 Paul Harris again wrote Mr. Hall and enclosed a copy of a letter written to A. M. Allen of Little Rock, Arkansas by Harris. (This letter is worth reading and the records show a club organized is Little Rock in January,1914. This correspondence shows how persistent Harris and Perry were in extending Rotary. They had, about 1908, caught the vision of a great organization.) The letter Harris to Hall, February 28th, 1912, was as follows:- Chicago, Ill., Feb. 28th, 1912 Mr. W. H. Hall 26 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Canada. Dear Sir,-- It is a great pleasure to me to exchange personal letters with gentlemen who are fostering new clubs but unfortunately my time is limited. I am serving as President of the National Association because of my love for the cause of Rotary and without compensation. You will therefore understand, I trust, why I take the liberty of enclosing the carbon copy of a letter written to someone else asking you to receive it as though written to you personally - as far as it may apply to your local situation. (cont'd) C.19 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO There are several new Rotary Clubs in which I am very much interested. I hope the experience of the older organizations may conspire to make them the best clubs to date. I shall be glad to learn often of your progress. With best wishes for the success of your organization and best personal regards to yourself, I beg to remain, Very truly yours, (signed) Paul P. Harris, President"
Letter from Harris to Allen of Little Rock, Arkansas, July 5th, 1911 was as follows: July 5, 1911. Mr. A. M. Allen, V. P. Modern Gin & Compress Co., Little Rock, Ark. My dear Mr. Allen, Permit me to extend most hearty congratulations on the progress of your Club. It is intensely gratifying to me, you may be sure. Your determination and that of your associates to make a success of your organization cannot fail to meet with success. You will have a vast number of problems to deal with. There is scarcely conceivable an organization the conditions of which call for so careful a scrutiny of the question of rights. You will have to put on your microscopic glasses and keep them on all the time. (see over) C. 20 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO "However, of even more vital importance than the question of individual rights is the matter of maintenance of harmony. If every member could remember at all times what I am going to write you in the next half dozen lines, the success of your Club would be beyond pre-adventure of doubt. It is: Stand for what you believe to be believe to be advisable as long as you can safely do so , but never permit yourself, in your absorption in the measurement of the individual rights or of an individual question, to lose sight of the hundred and one other important questions and say, "Well it they are going to insist on putting through , the obnoxious measure, I am going to quit." To do so, would be to sacrifice ninety-nine blessings for one. Therefore, I say, be tolerant with the man whose convictions are antipodel to yours as the convictions of Theodore Roosevelt are antipodel to those of "Billy" Lorimer - and then you will be safe - always safe. Rotary Clubs vary greatly in complexion. Some are characterized by their civic and altruistic work and others by the business advantage which result to their members. It is my humble opinion that the greatest, strongest and best Rotary Clubs of America are those that are well thought of in their respective communities. The next question is: "What does a club have to do in order to be well thought of in its community?" (cont'd.) C. 21 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO The answer is simple: "Get good men and then do something for the community." It is also my belief that the clubs which now characterize themselves for altruistic work will eventually prove to be the clubs that bestow the greatest individualbenefits upon their members. The reason is this. It is because that class of work attracts to an organization the best and most successful men in a city. Such men can do more for you in a day than men of small affairs can in a week. This is true, notwithstanding the fact that there are many purely altruistic organizations who do little for their members individually. Remember that they are not constructed as we are - one man in each line. Their construction is conducive to rivalry and discussion; and it is not any considerable part of their doctrine to encourage the influence of business to fellow members. Our very make-up, together with the suggestion that we are supposed to help each other, is enough in itself. Business results will inevitably follow. Give them time. Not infrequently in the early history of a Rotary Club the question arises whether Department Stores and men who occupy several district lines ought to be admitted. It is our experience that it is not well to include them. The reason is, that later, when someone, asking representation in a special line conflicting with the Department Store or men of many lines, is refused admission, he and his sponsor will feel greatly niffed. Occupancy of too many lines will always provoke jealousy. We have also found it best to keep out confl- (see over) C. 22 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO icting interests even though the members most interested do not object to their admission. Get the very best men in each line who can be induced t enter and then make them work. If they prove to be inactive, avail yourselves of the first legal opportunity to get them out and to get others in their places. If any of your officers show a disposition to be unappreciative of the importance of their work, and evidence same by neglect of their duties, call a meeting of the Board of Directors, discuss the matter, and if it seems advisable ask such officers to attend a meeting of the Board; then tactfully ask them if they cannot do better and if they feel that they cannot do better and if they feel that they cannot afford the time to do the work, impress upon them the fact that you deem it essential that their offices be filled by enthusiastic workers, that you are taking the Rotary Club seriously; and the possibilities are that they will agree with you and promise to attend to their duties or resign. It is only a certain percentage of mankind who take to our propaganda, though fortunately it is a larger percentage. There are in the ranks of the indifferent both good and bad men and big and little men. Some men think that they are enthusiastic when they really not, but most men who think that they are indifferent, really are. There is something odd about Rotarian spirit, either a man has it or he has it not. I have never seen any successful vaccinations. (cont' d) C. 23 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO Your membership committee will have a good deal of work to do. They are the most important committee in the entire club. So much is dependent upon them that some Rotarians are of the opinion that their conclusions ought to be final. Their work is the early stages of the development of a Club and is the most important work than at any other time. They will meet with many discouragements. Some will view the club as an opportunity to repay little personal favors and they will seek to do so at the expense of the Club. For example, Smith, who is a member, proposes Brown for membership. Brown is a very small trader who patronizes Smith. Brown has not one characteristic to recommend him for membership in a Rotary club except that he is a friend of Smith. If the membership committee are not watchful Brown will get in. After Brown is once in, he will also probably view the situation as an opportunity and he will payoff some old score by proposing even smaller and less capable men. Smith will have been benefitted and the Club correspondingly injured. Educate your membership to the point where they had rather do the clubs favor by getting a desirable member than favor a prospective member by getting him into a desirable Club. When San Francisco Rotary Club was organized, Mr. Homer W. Wood, at that time President of that organization, met with three or three high class earnest men every night for two weeks at the Union League Club, giving con- (cont’d) C. 24 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO sideration to the qualifications of this man and that man before they asked a single person to join with them. The result was that they got the best once having gotten started right, it is comparatively easy to keep up to the grade. In the words of Mr. Wood: "It is one thing to organize a Rotary Club - another to organize a good Rotary Club which will be a credit to itself and the community." It is my belief that the membership committee should be empowered to pass upon questions of eligibility and desirability, but that their finds should not be final. I think they should be subject to appeal, both on the part of the candidate's sponsor and on the part of the member who feels that the admission of a candidate would constitute an infringement of his - the members - rights and that such appeal should lie to the Board of Directors, and that appeal from the Board of Directors in such matters, and all other matters should be to the Club, and that the decision of the Club, itself, and that only, should constitute adjudication. As a matter of practice appeals will not be frequently taken. With best wishes for the success of your organization, and best personal regards to yourself, I am, Yours very truly, (Signed) Paul P. Harris, President. (cont'd) C. 25 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO Then on March 7th, 1912 Perry again wrote Hall as followed:
Chicago, March 7th, 1912 Mr. W. H. Hall, Mgr. American Surety- Co.,. 26 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Canada Dear Sir, -- Perhaps the enclosed statement of "Objects" will prove of interest to you. They are submitted for your consideration and use if you so desire. In starting a Rotary Club there should be given the charter members a positive suggestion that the purpose of the club is altruistic rather than selfish even though we are all in it for the benefits we may get out of it. Someone has likened it to leaving the cover off your porridge bowl so that others can fill it for you while you make yourself busy trying to do something that will fill the other fellow's bowl. For a good Rotarian we must pick out a good successful business man who is willing to give up a little of time to meet other business men in other lines of business, who is willing to let them educate him as to their various lines of business and particular establishments, who is willing to undertake to educate others as to his line of business and his particular establishment, who is willing to acquire the habit of thinking of these (see over) C. 26 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO friends when he needs something, or someone else whom he knows needs something, in their respective lines, who is willing to spend a little time now and then deliberately trying to be a good fellow to some of his Rotarian friends. Such a man will be almost the ideal Rotarian. He will give and influence business not because he is compelled or obligated to do so but because he thoroughly enjoys to do so. His reward will be sure and certain for as he does for others, others will do for him. Some new clubs have been afraid of publicity as though they were doing something wrong. If we cannot organize a Rotary Club with clear consciences we had better not start it. We had better organize with ten men who grasp Rotarianism and will glory in it than to organize with a hundred "doubting 'Thomases." As the whole Rotary movement is in a process of evolution - not only as to its philosophy but as to its literature - we are not able to send out just the printed matter and only the printed matter we should like to send out. You may find apparent inconsistencies in the correspondence and printed matter which has come to your hand. Do not let this worry you. If due course of time all these imperfections will be eliminated and we expect that the members of your club will be able to have a part at the National Conventions and in other ways in accomplishing these necessary (cont'd) C. 27 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO improvements and advancements in Rotary. With best wishes, Yours very truly, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ROTARY CLUBS. Chesley R. Perry, Secretary." Still no replies from Hall and on March 20th, 1912 Perry again wrote Hall as follows:-
Chicago, Ill., March 20th 1912. Mr. W. H. Hall, 26 Wellington St., E., Toronto, Canada. Dear Sir, – Referring again to the subject of publicity in regard to a Rotary Club I should not be surprised to learn that some timid soul would decline membership because some envious competitor who had not been asked to join called it a trust in restraint of trade or something of that sort. There need be no trouble in the form of jealousy from outside provided you take pains to prevent any misconception of the workings of the club. Let it be known from the start that there is no obligation for one man to patronize another and that members do not promise to patronize each other. It is not a fellowship where one is constrained to go against his natural inclinations; it is a society of (cont’d) C. 28 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO good friends who are determined to get better acquainted all of the time, and particularly better acquainted with each other' s business. The outsider cannot be aggrieved about this nor because he knows that an exchange of business between the members will inevitably such intimate acquaintanceship. Make everybody understand that it is only an acquaintanceship club with full opportunity to do business. No breaking up of existing business relations is contemplated. Let those who organize or join the club understand that immediate business benefits are not to be expected. The benefits which will come from membership are such as are derived from the development of acquaintanceship and confidence and friendship and in this development time is an element as in any other phase of human relations. As the feature of only one man in each line may look a little suspicious to some, you must take pains to explain that there is nothing more to this feature than the desire to give each member all the opportunity that there may be in his line of business in the club, with the object of thereby making him a better and more active member. If the club is made up of live and active men who appreciate the value of their membership, it will be a live and active club. In this day and age we have got to have some special features for a new organization, or there is no use trying to start it. The (cont'd) C. 29 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO unusual and unique features of the Rotary Club are its limited (and yet representative) membership and its frankness in the "talking shop" at its gatherings. Many of the clubs are now having their annual meetings in June at which time officers are elected. It is expected that they will attend the convention get enthused, come back and begin the club year in September and carry through snappy programme without interruption until the following June. I would suggest this for your consideration in preparing your constitution and by-laws. Perhaps you can get officers now who would be willing to serve until June in order to get the club started but who would not like to assume responsibility for a whole year. We trust these few off-hand remarks will be of some use to you and that we can be of some further service to you in the future. Hoping to be able to welcome you as an affiliated Rotary Club,v ery soon, we remain, Yours very truly, NATIONAL ASSOC. OF ROTARY CLUBS. Chesley R. Perry, Secretary." (It is obvious someone in Toronto, perhaps Hall, was writing Chicago and bringing up the bogey of Rotary with its single classification causing ill feeling and in the above letter Perry tries to answer the query that came from some source.) ( continued) C. 30 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO On March 28th, 1912 Perry again writes Hall as follows:--
Chicago, Ill., March 28th, 1912 Mr. W. H. Hall Toronto, Ontario, Can. Dear Sir, -- "There’s a reason" -- and I suppose the reason we have not heard from you lately upon the subject of organization of a Rotary Club in your city is that you have been waiting to see if there was any end to the many letters which were coming out of National Headquarters. You probably that yours truly has nothing to do but sit here in Chicago and dictate letters to you, but as a matter of fact we have had occasion to write upon this subject so often in last two years that we can turn out these regular correspondence letters without much trouble. However, the end has come. You have received the last one and if you have not been inspired to organize a club - well, all we can say is that you had better start in and read our letters again. We have done all that we know how to do to help you accomplish a Rotary Club in your City short of actually coming there and gathering you and your friends in to a meeting and putting you though the stunt of (cont’d) C. 31 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO organizing, electing officers, etc. Much as we would like to do that, it is impossible. President Harris is a busy lawyer and although he gives a large part of his time to Rotary without compensation we cannot expect him also to go out travelling except on rare occasions. For a nominal compensation I am supposed to give the Association as much time as may be necessary - that means practically all of my time - at least it would be all of my business time if I did not work every night. We have no paid organizer out in the field and I am too busy here to go out organizing. The forty or more clubs that are scattered all over the United States are entirely the results of some friendly interest shown from city to city by those who are already interested in Rotary. We would like to hear from you. We would like to know what results our efforts have accomplished in your city. Please write us, today, if possible and relieve our anxiety. If there is anything more we can do in the way of answering specific inquiries or sending copies of The Natiomal Rotarian to your friends or otherwise, we shall be very glad to have the suggestion from you. Yours very truly, NATIONAL ASSOC. OF ROTARY CLUBS. Chesley R. Perry, Secretary." (cont’d) C. 32. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO This letter is a gem. Ches. Perry was annoyed at getting no replies and asks Hall to reread his letters. He seems somewhat peeved. Perry was still working at the Chicago Public Library and Rotary was a sideline at $100.00 a month, beginning August 1910, but for the first year he rarely got the $100.00. In this letter also Ches. mentions the National Rotarian which he and Harris had started on its way with the issue of Jan. 1911.) (It would appear that Perry's letter of March 28th did the trick as on April 3rd, 1912, Mr. Hall wrote Perry as follows:-)
Toronto, April 3rd, 1912. Mr. Chesley R. Perry Secretary, National Association of Rotary Clubs, 911 First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Dear Sir, Responding to your valued favor of the 28th ult., permit me to say that printed literature concerning the aim and object of the Rotary Club system has poured in upon me so thick and fast as to render it impossible to digest this in the short time at my disposal, of late, hence the reason also that your former communications have not each one been specifcally acknowledged. (cont’d) C. 33. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO Let me assure you that the subject has greatly interested me, and I have little doubt that it will be possible in the near future to do something towards organizing a Rotary Club in Toronto, and such time and effort as I can spare for this purpose will be cordially given. Congratulating you and the officers of the National Association upon the evident splendid success of the movement to-date, and thanking you for the full information you have furnished, Yours very truly, (signed) W. H. HALL, Manager." [It is noted that Hall had been swamped with literature from Chicago and even in this letter he does not commit himself but expresses a willingness to do what he can, depending on available time. It can only be presumed that Pickett, Burnaby and Hall, also perhaps Kent had been discussing this matter in a casual way but it is also obvious that Hall did not again write Perry or Harris far some months and Perry gave Toronto up as a lot effort.] [Paul Harris was not quitting however and he wrote Burton E. Pfieffer of Buffalo and Manager of United Shirt and Collar Co. and asked him to contact Hall. Mr. Pfeiffer wrote Hall on Oct. 4th, 1912, as follows:-)
(cont' d) C. 34. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO United Shirt & Collar Co. Executive Offices, Troy, NY., 485-587 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. October 4th, 1912 W. H. Hall, 26 Wellington Street, Mgr., American Surety Co., Toronto, Ontario Dear Sir: At the request of the President of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ROTARY CLUBS, the writer has received your name as one who is interested in the formation of such a club in Toronto. We have a number of others who are also interested, and will you kindly advise the writer if you will attend a meeting in Toronto for the formation of such a club in the near future if you have no other engagement for the time stated? When the evening is decided upon, the writer will organize a club in your city. An immediate reply to the above will be appreciated. Very truly yours, (sgd) Burton E Pfeiffer Buffalo Manager. (cont' d.) C. 35. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO [This letter brought an immediate reply from Hall on October 7th, 1912, as follows:-] American Surety Company, 26 Wellington Street, E., Toronto, Ontario, October 7th, 1912. PERSONAL
Mr. Burton E. Pfeiffer, 485 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. Dear Sir:- Your letter of October 4th, in relation to proposed formation of a Rotary Club in Toronto, has been received. In reply, I shall be pleased to attend a meeting in Toronto for the formation of such a Club in the near future upon being advised of the date thereof and nothing unforeseen prevents me doing so. Appreciating your courtesy in addressing me upon this proposal, I remain Yours very truly, (sgd) W. Hall [Burton Pfeiffer had suggested a meeting and had said others were interested and coming from closeby Buffalo it called for immediate action. It seems that Hall let Pfeiffer name the date and shows that Hall was not much interested.] (cont'd) C. 36. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO [Burton Pfeiffer wrote again on November 12th, 1912, as follows:- "United Shirt & Collar Co., 485-487 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y., November 12, 1912. Mr. W. H. Hall, American Surety Company, Toronto, Ontario. Dear Sir: There will be a meeting at the King Edward Hotel at 8 P.M., Monday, November 18th, for the formation of a Rotary Club. The following men are expected: Mr. George Brigden (Engraver) Mr. C. D. TenEyck (Hdwe. Specialities) Mr. W. H. Gifford(Dept. Mgr. Nor. Aluminium Co.) Mr. J. K. Pickett Mr. Wm. Stone(Pres. Stone Ltd.) Yours very truly, (sgd) Burton E. Pfeiffer, Manager. "
[Now it will be noted that Pfeiffer advised Hill of the meeting at the King Edward Hotel, 8 P.M., Monday; November 18th. Here he mentions the names of Geo. Brigden, Engraver;] (cont’d) C. 37. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARYCLUB OF TORONTO C. D. Ten Eyck, Hardware Specialities; W. M. Gifford, Aluminium Co.; J.K. Pickett, Imperial Life and Wm. Stone. [It is obvious that a good deal of correspondence had been going from these men to Chicago but there is no record. It is also strange that the name of Burnaby does not appear at this time.] [Mr. Burton E. Pfeiffer is still living at 150 N. Gower St., Los Angeles and is still an Honorary member of the Rotary Club of Toronto. This honour was conferred on him after the Toronto Club was organized and because he really was the man who did the job after President Paul Harris had asked him to take of Toronto.] [We next have a letter from Pfeiffer to Perry dated November 21st, 1912, as follows:-] Buffalo, N.Y., November 21st., 1912. Mr. Chesley R. Perry, Secretary, 211 First National Bank Building, Chicago, Ill. My dear Mr. Perry:- The writer has succeeded in organizing a Rotary Club in the city of Toronto. We held our first meeting at the King Edward Hotel , Room F with 15 charter members, all representing large industries and being corporate officers of the companies they represent.
Cont’d) C: 38. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO It is our endeavor to get high-class men. We have applications for a like number which we will have with us at the next meeting. The following is a little a list of names which we wish you would literature to in relation to Rotary.
Truly yours, (Sgd) Burton E. Preiffer." (It will be noted that 18 Toronto names appear as being in attendance at this meeting. Really this was a get together to decide to organize and it is interesting to note the names of the firms still represented, such is The Globe, Ryrie (later Ryrie Birks), E. L. Ruddy, etc. Also names that were prominent in Toronto Rotary for years such as Canon Cody, Howard Blachford, J.B. Laidlaw, R. C. Smith, F. C. Henderson, etc. The strange part is to note the absence of James Pickett, Wm. A. Peace, Ralph Burnaby and Wm. H. Hall. It is obvious Pfeiffer had by-passed the old gang which had not shown enough urge.) Next we have a letter from Pfeiffer to Wm. H. Hall, dated November 27th, 1912 as follows:- (cont’d) C. 40. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO Buffalo, N.Y. November 27th; 1912. Mr. W. H. Hall American Surety Co. 26 Wellington St. E. Toronto, Ont. Dear Sir,-- The writer will leave Buffalo at 10 o' clock Thursday morning for Toronto and if possible, he would like to meet you some time during the afternoon to talk over a few little matters before we get into the open meeting. Your letter of November 18th was received and the writer saw by same that he was very well supported in his endeavor to organize the Toronto club so did not send out any notices this week to the charter members, announcing the meeting Thursday night, taking it for granted that you had done so, - but he did, however, notify the International Secretary of Chicago to send what literature he had to each of the proposed members which they, no doubt have in their possession by this time. The writer might state that the International president, Mr. Glenn C. Mead of Philadelphia, addressed one of the most gratifying letters in regard to the formation of the Toronto club and that he considered it one of the big events of the International Association to be connected with a Toronto Club. Will bring this letter with me and we may find it to our advantage to read before the club. ( cont' d) C. 41. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO We trust that we will have a good meeting and as many there as possible. Yours truly, (sgd.) Burton E. Pfeiffer." (It would appear from this that Hall had missed the November 18th meeting for some reason and that Pfeiffer still looked upon Hall as the key man. Note also as of this date the late Glenn C. Mead of Philadelphia had become president, and also in August 1912 at Duluth convention, the name had been changed to the International Association of Rotary clubs. This was necessary when the Winnipeg Club (organized Nov. 1910) attended the convention and applied for admission and was accepted. Then Rotary became truly "international". It was obviously 10 A.M. November 28th when Mr. Pfeiffer left Buffalo for Toronto to complete the job.) (Now follows a memo prepared by our late Secretary, Nic G. Kinsman in 1929 and the information was gathered from what records were available in the Rotary office, also in Chicago.) ORGANIZATION By N. G. Kinsman - January 13th, 1942 Twelve Toronto men, and one from Buffalo, Burton E. Pfeiffer, met in the King Edward Hotel on the 28th of November, 1912, for the purpose of organizing the Rotary Club of Toronto. Of these, two are dead; four have (cont'd) C.42. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO resigned on account of change of residence or classification, and there are five active members and one honorary member of the Club. They are: George Brigden, first Treasurer and fourth President; Fred Henderson, first Entertainment Committee (Freddie was the whole committee). Howard Blachford, first Registrar and later a Sergeant-at-Arms; W. H. Hall, later a Director; Peter Bellinger; and Bill Peace, first President. At this first meeting; twenty eight (28) in addition to those already mentioned, were elected to membership. Of these, four have died have resigned or have lost their membership through change of classification or residence, and :there are remaining six active members and one honorary member. They are: Mannie Ridley, first chairman of the Entertainment Committee, and third President; Fred Brigden, Director 1933-34; Hon. Dr. H. J. Cody, first Canadian to be elected an honorary member of our Club; Burton E. Pfeiffer having been elected . honorary member as founder of the Club; Bert Dennison, Director 1915-16; Rolph Corson, later Chairman of the Educational Committee; Joe Williams, Poet-laureate, and later Director; Bill Burgess, our fifteenth President. And so it is told briefly of the organization of the third Rotary Club in Canada, Winnipeg having been the first organized and Vancouver, the second." (cont'd) C.43. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO This memo says "12 Toronto men and Pfeiffer". As matter of fact two other men showed up from Hamilton, Ont. claiming they held a copyright on the word "Rotary" and from evidence gathered from oldtimers, the Toronto group bought them: off for $100.00 and the lucky 13 then proceeded with the organization. We have talked with Bill Peace, Ralph Burnaby, Rolph Corson and Burton Pfeiffer (in Nov.1957) and after a careful search of the records, including all available in the Evanston office, the committee decided and Bill Peace and Rolph Corson agreed, that the 12 who attended the meeting of November 28th, 1912 were: Wm. A. Peace, Peter Bellenger, Howard C. Blachford, Geo. Brigden, J.A. McClelland, Ralph W. E. Burnaby, Hugh Dunfield,. Wm. H. Hall, F. G. Henderson, James K. Pickett, Chas. G. TenEyck and Geo. D. Wark. Ralph Burnaby resigned from the club in 1914 but in November 1957 his memory was very clear about these early days and he and Bill Peace agree, also Burton Pfeiffer, that these are the 12 who attended. Mr. Pfeiffer and Ches. Perry must have wondered how the 18 reported by Pfeiffer to Chicago as forming the new Club, had shrunk to just Henderson and Blachford 7 days later. This meant 16 of the 18 had dropped out. It seems proper therefore to call Nov. 28th the correct organization meeting. (Referring to the memo by Nic Kinsman, January 13th, it will be noted that at this meeting 28 more were added making a total of 40, Mention is made of Toronto being the (cont'd) C. 44.
EARLY HISTORY OF OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORON'I'O third club in Canada but the R.I. Directory lists Toronto 1912 and Vancouver as 1913.) The minutes of the meeting of November 28th are recorded as follows: Toronto, Ont. Dec. 2nd, 1912. M E M O R A N D U M Minutes of organization meeting of the Rotary Club of Toronto held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto on Thursday, November 28th,1912. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Burton E. Pfeiffer of Buffalo, N.Y., who was elected Chairman Names of the Charter Members were then put in for consideration and election forty in number being received, accepted, and elected to membership. Election of officers then took place, resulting as follows: Nominations for President, R. E. Burnaby, and W. A. Peace. Mr. Burnaby withdrew and Mr. Peace was declared elected. Mr. Pfeiffer here vacated the chair, which was taken by the newly elected President, and the conduct of the meeting was in charge of Mr. Peace to the conclusion. Vice-President. Mr. R. E. Burnaby nominated. There being no other nominations Mr. Burnaby was declared elected. (cont 'd) C.45. HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO Secretary, W. H. Hall, and George D. Wark. Mr. Hall withdrew in Mr. Wark's favor and the latter was declared elected. Treasurer. George Brigden nominated. There being no other nominations the election of Mr. Brigden was declared. Registrar. H. C. Blachford nominated". There being no other nominations Mr. Blachford was declared elected. Sergeant-at-Arms. J. A. McClelland nominated. There being no other nominations Mr. McClelland was declared elected. Re -BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Moved by Mr. George Brigden, seconded by Mr. J. A. McClelland, the election of a Board of Directors was left over and open far three months. Carried. Re - STANDING COMMITTEES. Moved by Mr. J. K. Pickett, seconded by Mr. J.A. McClelland that a committee consisting of the Secretary and Messrs. TenEyuk and Blachford confer with the President and bring in a report of the several committees necessary, and to be appointed. Carried. Re - WEEKLY LUNCHEONS Moved by Mr. H. C. Blachford. seconded by Mr. H. Dunfield, that the weekly luncheon (cont'd) C. 46 HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO of the Club be held on Tuesday from one to two o'clock. Carried. (It was understood that the president in conjunction with other the officers of the Club would make the necessary arrangements with the Manager of the King Edward Hotel.) Re - ANNUAL DUES Moved by Mr. H. Dunfield, seconded by Mr. J. A. McClelland, that the annual dues be $10.00, and that these be increased if necessary. Moved an amendment by Mr. George Brigdon, seconded by Mr. P. Bellinger, that the annual be $5.00.. The amendment carried. Mr.W. P. Thompson of Hamilton, Ont. was present at the meeting and for himself and on behalf of Mr. J. L. Counsell, Hamilton, Ont., agreed to have the registration of the name "Rotary Club" transferred to the International Rotary Association, (so that Rotary Clubs might be organized throughout Canada upon payment of the expenses occurred in originally securing such registration and the proposed transfer of same.) On motion of Mr. J .K.. Pickett, seconded by Mr. C. D. TenEyck, a cordial vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Thompson and to Mr. Counsell. Moved by Mr.W. H. Hall, seconded by Mr. R. E. Burnaby, that a hearty vote of thanks be extended to Mr. Burton E. Pfeiffer for his kindness in coming to Toronto on two separate (cont'd) C. 47 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO occasions for the purpose of organizing a Rotary Club in Toronto, and that Mr. Pfeiffer be elected as Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Toronto, whose success thus was largely due to his efforts. Carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. C. D. TenEyck, seconded by Mr. H. Dunfield, that the President and Officers be authorized to make the necessary expenditure in order to commence operations. Carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned." (It is interesting to note the $10.00 annual fee proposed was reduced to $5.00 before it was accepted. These minutes list the first set of officers: Here again business crops up as Ralph Burnaby; when nominated for President, withdrew in favor of Wm A. Peace who was a new man in Toronto and being President of the Rotary Club would help him and it is recorded that it did help him . How different 1912 was from 1958 !!) Under date of December 14th, 1912 the first Secretary of the club, Geo. D. Wark, writes Ches. Perry as follows: - "Toronto, Dec. 14th, 1912. Mr. Chesley R. Perry, Secretary, International Assoc. of Rotary Clubs, 911First National Bank Building, Chicago, Ill. Dear Sir: -- I am pleased to advise you that Burton E. (cont'd) C.48 EARLY HISTORY OF ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO: Peiffer of Buffalo came over to Toronto and organized a Rot:ary this city. The officers are: -
We have had one weekly luncheon and expect to have the second one, Tuesday, December 17th, 1912. We have a membership of 38 and are receiving applications daily. (cont'd) C..49 EARLY HISTORY OF ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO: Kindly send me any information that you think will help us, such as engraved card of membership, dues to be paid to the International Association, etc, etc. We would like to have a number of copies of the Constitution and By-Laws of the International Association for distribution among our members. Yours truly, ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO. (signed) George D. Wark, Secretary.". (No reply from Perry is recorded but perhaps he was just getting even with Toronto for being so lax answering his letters to W. H. Hall of early 1912.) Then on February 5th, 1913 Secretary Wark writes Ches. Perry as follows: - "Toronto, Feb. 5th, 1913. Mr. Chesley R. Perry; Secretary, International Assoc. of Rotary Clubs, 911 First National Bank Building, Chicago, Ill Dear Sir: - We would like to make application for affiliation for the International of Rotary clubs, but have not quite finished preparing our Constitution and By-Laws. (cont'd) C.50. EARLY HISTORY OF ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO: We expect to adopt those recommended by the International Association with a few changes. Kindly let me know if we may make application for affiliation without sending a copy of our By-Laws and Constitution. Yours truly, (sgd) George D. Wark, Secretary, ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO." ( And so the Toronto Club applied for affiliation and early in 1913 was accepted as Club number 55.) On February 22nd, Secretary Wark wrote Perry as follows: - " Toronto, Feb. 22nd, 1913. Mr. Chesley R. Perry; Secretary, International Assoc. of Rotary Clubs, 911 First National Bank Building, Chicago, Ill Dear Sir: - Enclosed please find application from the Rotary Club of Toronto for membership in the International Association of Rotary Clubs. We have applied to the Ontario Government for a charter and expect to draw up our Constitution and By-Laws as soon as this is received.. (cont'd) C.51. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO We expect to adopt the Constitution and Bylaws recommended by the International Association of Rotary Clubs with a few changes. I am enclosing complete list of active members, also list of associate members. Yours very truly (sgd) George D. Wark, Secretary, ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO. (It is obvious :the Feb 5tb letter did not contain the completed Constitution and By-laws. Application to the Ontario Government for a charter had been forwarded.} (In 1912-13 there were no charter nights, as we know them now. The charter was issued early in 1913 but November 28th is the official organization date.) The names listed below are the 40 names recorded as charter members:- LIST OF CHARTER MEMBERS OF ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO IN ORDER OF ELECTION
A letter from W. H. Hall dated February 4th, 1928 and addressed to Geo. D. Davis, as follows:- " AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY Toronto, Ontario. February 4th, 1928 Mr George D. Davis, Editor Rotary Voice, 151 University Ave., Toronto, Ont. Dear George: Referring to our telephone conversation of yesterday, and to meet your request, I am sending you herewith copy of a letter from Chesley R. Perry, Chicago, dated January 30th, 1912, to the Writer; also a copy of one from Paul P. Harris, President, Chicago, bearing date of February 5th, 1912, both of which speak for themselves. (cont'd) C. 53 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO Beyond these two letters during l912, several other communications passed between the National Association and myself, copies of which, if desired, can be provided at any time. You will note in Mr. Perry's letter the reference he makes to Mr. Herbert L. Hart of Buffalo, and I am particularly desirous that he should have full credit inasmuch as he was the first individual, I believe, regarding the organization of a Rotary Club in Toronto. Yours very truly, (sgd) W. H. Hall (It will be seen; from this that Mr. Hall who handled all the correspondence until the Club was organized and Geo. Wark became Secretary, was anxious to see that Herbert L. Hart of Buffalo be recorded as the man who had a big part in providing the spark that brought the Toronto Club into existence.) List of members of the Rotary Club of Toronto as of June l914 and presented to the International Convention held at Houston, Texas, June 21-26, 1914. W. H. Anderson Gutta Percha & Rubber Ltd., Rubber Goods. Arch'd D. Armour Armour & Mickle, Barristers H. J. Ahern Thompson, Ahern & Co., Customs Brokers (cont'd) C. 54 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO C. H. Acton Bond Bond & Smith, Architects George Brigden (Treasurer) Brigdens, Ltd., Engravers and Printers Fred'k H. Brigden (Treasurer) Brigdens, Ltd., Engravers and Printers P. J. F. Baker Amer. Multigraph Sales Ltd., Multigraph Machines C. H.. Brodie, Penn. R.R. Co. (U.S.) Passenger Agent. R. W. E. Burnaby (Vice-President) Real Estate.. H. C. Blachford, H. & C. Blachford, Shoes C. L. Bailey, Wm. Jessop & Ltd. Steel Mfrs. Wm. H, Burgress, American Co. of N Y., Securities. F. E. Blachford Toronto Conservatory of Music, Violinist Geo. Barron, R. Barron Ltd., Grocers R. G. Bruce Can. Hanson & Van Winkle Co., Elec. Platers' Supplies. F. W. Bond F.W. Bond, Show Cards & Signs (cont'd) C. 55. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO Arthur Blight, Vocalist. Peter Bellinger, Fashion Craft, Clothing. S. K. Cox, Brunswick Belke Collender Co. .Billiard Tables Van. Archdeacon Cody, Rector. St. Paul's Church, Clergyman. Wm. H. Clubb, A. Clubb & Sons, Cigars, etc.. .R. J. Copeland, Copeland - Chatterson Co. Ltd., Loose Leaf Mfrs A. .E. Chatterson (Associate), Copeland-Chatterson Co., Ltd. Loose Leaf Ltd., Mfrs. Chas. Canon A. T. Reid Co. Ltd., Neckwear. R. R. Corson Sovereign Perfumes, Ltd. Perfumes T. S. Downham Can. Steam Boiler Equip. Co. Boiler Equipment. Hugh Dunfield Dunfield &:.Co., Gent's Furnishings. Hugh Dunfield Dunfield &:.Co., Gent's Furnishings. T. F. Dryden, Canadian Westinghouse, Ltd. Electrical Mach. (cont'd) C.56. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO .H. J. Daly, National Cash Register Co., Cash Registers. W. E. Douglas, J. H. McKnight Construction Co., Contractors C. F. Deck (Associate) Trussed Con. Steel Co., Steel Sash & Reinforcing A. H. Eby Can. Steam Pump & Mch. Co., Steam Pumps, etc. . J. W. L. Forster Artist, Portrait Painter. Arthur E. Freeman, Consulting Engineer. J. A. Fullerton, Fullerton Pub. Co. G. W. Fisher (Associate) R. G. Dun & Co., Mercantile .Agency. A. M.. Grantham,. Canada. Co., Hardware. E. Holt Gurney, Gurney Foundry Co., Stoves & Radiators.. J S. Green, Chamberlain Metal Weather Strip Co F. A. Gaul,. American Laundry Mach. Co. Dr. Frank W. How, Dentist. (cont'd) C. 57 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO F.C. Henderson, Oxley-Enos Co. Ltd., Lighting Fixtures A. E. Heaslip (Associate) Heaslip& Young, Stationery, W. E. Hall, Surety Bonds. Geo. Hendry, Geo. M. Hendry Co., Ltd. Educational Supplies. L. A. Hennick Burroughs Adding Mach. Co., Calculating Mach.etc. E. Hopkins E. Hopkins Burial Co., Funeral Directors. W. J. Ingram, Ingram & Bell, Physicians & Hospital. Supp. A. H. W. Joyner, A. H W. Joyner Ltd. Electrical Specialties T. N. Jull, M. Fisher, Sons & Co., Woolens Trimmings. R. L. Kleiser, Albert Kleiser & Co., Jewellers Supplies. H. G. Kelly, R. G. Dun & Co. Ltd., Mercantile Agency. C. O. Lucas Ontario Cloak Co Ltd., Ladies Cloaks. A. S. Leitch Sheldons Ltd., Ventilating Enigneers.. (cont'd) C .58. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO F. H. Littlefield, Canadian Oil Co., Ltd., Oil Mfrs. H. Lamont, Toronto Testing Lab. Ind. Analytical Chemists. M. Lindsay, Specification Data, Ltd., Information. Dr. R. W. Mann, Physician. D. J. MacLean Jones Underfeed. Stoker Co. Ltd., Mech. Stockers.. E. J. Marsh Marsh Bros., Advertising Specialties. Jas. J. Martindale, Vacuum Air Cleaning. T. Marshall, Board of Trade, Traffic Dept. J. P. Milnes, Milnes Coal Co., Ltd., Coal & Coke T. H. Mason, Norwlch Union Fire Ins. Co. D. A. MacArthur Standard Iseal Co., Ltd., Plumbing Supplies B. Minehan, Fidelity & Casualty Co., Casualty Insur. G. M. MacWilliams Hyslop Bros. Ltd, Automobiles, etc Geo. W. Matthews, Huyler's Confect. (cont'd) C. 59 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO T. Mullins, Canadian Pacific R.R., City Pass. Agent. C . F. Marriott, Adams Cellboard Co., Corrugated Paper Boxes, etc. C. A. Matson Coca Cola Co., Beverages J. F. McKay Globe Printing Co., Newspaper Publishers: J. P. Neumann (Associate) Eugene Dietzgen Co., Ltd, Drawing & Survey Ins. B. Y. Newton MacLean Publishing Co Char. B. Owns, Can. Powers Regulator Co., Temperature Control; J. J. Noad Canadian Cleaning Co., Carpet & Window Cleaning A. Park, Matthews-Laing, Ltd. Port & Beef Packers. John Peace John Macdonald & Co., Dry Goods & Carpets Chas. T. Pearce, The News, Newspaper (Evening) (cont'd) C. 60 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO W. K. Pearce, Toronto Manager, Dominion Bank Wm. A. Peace (President) Imperial Life Assurance Co , Walter Bruce Peace (Associate) Imperial Life Assurance Co. S. B. Playfair . Playfair, Paterson, & Co., Stock Brokers. P. L. Paterson (Associate), Playfair, Paterson, & Co., Stock Brokers. W. H. Plant Dominion Express Co., General Auditor H. D. Paterson, Richelieu & Ont. Nav. Co. Steamship Business. M. L. Roessell, Louis Roessell &: Co. Ltd., Silks, Impts & Mfgrs J. S. M. Ridley (Director), John Underwood & Co., Inks, etc. F.W. Rolph, Rolph & Clark Ltd., Lithographers. Harry Rooke Page-Hersey Iron Tube & Lead Co., Wrot Pipe H.. C. Record (Associate) R. S. Williams & Sons Co., Edison Dictating Mchs. (cont'd) C. 61 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO E. L. Ruddy E. L. Ruddy Co., Outdoor Advertising. A. J. Roden Roden Bros., Silversmiths Harvey Robb Concert Pianist H.G. Stanton Musical Instruments. W. B. Somerset A. McKis Ltd. Newspaper Advertising Agency T. H. Stevens Trussed Concrete Steel Co., Reinforced Concrete Wm. H. Shaw. Shaw's Business Schools. Harry L. Smith, Ryrie Bros. Ltd., Jewellers. W. R. Snelgrove, Adolph, Frankan & Co. Ltd. Pipe Mfrs. R. B. Stewart, Brereton & Steward, Furs. Jno. A. Shaw (Associate) Mason & Shaw, Fire Insurance R. S. Stockwell, Stockwell, Henderson Co. Ltd., Dryers & Cleaners. E. L. Storms Nerlich & Co., Fancy Goods, etc. (cont'd) C. 62. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO F. W. Scott, J. C. Scott & Co., Ltd. Contractor S. T. Stackpole (Associate) Pennsylvania R.R., Canadian Freight Agent J. L. Thorne, Thorne, Mulholland & Co. Accountants Chas. D. TenEyck, Tobin, Arms Mfd. Co., B . A. Trestrail (Associate), R. V. Williams & Sons, Musical Instruments. A. S. Vogt Conservatory of Music, Director. A. H. Vanderburgh Firstbrook Box Ltd., Boxes, etc. H. A. Vaughan, Thos. Meadows & Co. . Shipping Agents, Capt. E. A. Williams, Thiel Detective Service, Detective Agency. G. M. Waterman Eugene Dietzgen Co., Ltd., Drawing Instruments C. D. Wark (Secretary) Office Specialty Co., Office Furniture J. F. Wildman (Associate) Office Specialty Co., Office Furniture (cont'd) C.63 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO J. C. Williams, J. C. Williams, Optician C. H. Crestwood C. H. Crestwood Mfg. Co. Ltd., Suspenders, etc J. A. Whiting (Associate) Walker, Parker Co., Ltd Ladies Shoes H. W. Williams. J. B. Ford Co., Alkali.. F. C. West, Canadian Oil Co., Oils & Grease A. C. Wisner Can. Ind. Tel. Co. Telephone Mfgrs. W. Whalen, Ontario May-Oatway Co. Fire Alarm Apparatus J. F. Weston Imperial Life Insurance Co. E. J. Young Stationery, etc. - - - - - (Footnote - The Rotary Voice of February 1st, 1921 shows C. Sidney Furness being present and J. A. McClelland not present. From all available information secured from the club records and from the four men still living, who took part, it seems almost certain that J. A. McClelland was there and C. Signey Furness not there.) (cont'd) C.. 64. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO There is a copy of the Club's first by-laws attached to this record and dated 1913. Also a copy of the Constitution of the International Association of Rotary Clubs as of August 9th, 1912.) J. A. CAULDER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO BY-LAWS The Rotary Club of Toronto - Organized Nov. 28, 1912. Incorporated under The Ontario Companies' Act, March 27, 1913. Affiliated with the International Association of Rotary Clubs, April 1913. OFFICERS - 1913
(cont'd) C.65 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO THE ROTARY CLUB is an association of business and professional men for luncheons, dinners, and other get-together events, whereby (through acquaintance, fellowship and service) each member makes himself a more efficient and successful man, a better citizen and a happier individual. Through the earnest, thoughtful, scientific and systematic performance at our obligations as Rotarians, we and others come to a realization of the fact that in the Rotary Club is found the greatest exemplification of the spirit of co-operation and service which the world has ever known. - - - - - - - - - THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO OBJECTS To establish, maintain, and conduct a Club to promote harmony and good fellowship amongst its members and to study end communicate to the members of the Club and to all Rotary Clubs wheresoever situated, modern, progressive and ethical methods and standards for business and professional men; to - increase the efficiency of the several members of the Club by the exchange of ideas and business methods, and generally to do all such things as shall be found necessary and expedient to increase the business of the several members of the Club and to increase the exchange of business between the members of the Club and the members of other Rotary Clubs wheresoever situated (cont'd) C. 66. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO . OUR MOTTO: "ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ROTARY PLATFORM Adopted August 9th, 1912, by the International Association of Rotary.Clubs in Convention. Recognizing the commercial basis of modern life as a necessary incident in human evolution, the Rotary Club is organized to express that proper relation between private interests and the fusion of public interests which constitutes society. To accomplish this purpose more effectively the principle of limited and representative membership has been adopted, the Rotary Club consisting of one representative from each distinct line of business or profession. Each member is benefitted by contact with representative men engaged thereby to meet more intelligently the responsibilities of civic and business life. The basis of club membership insures the representation of all interests and the domination of none in the consideration of public questions relating to business. On account of its limited and representative membership the Rotary Club does not constitute itself the voices of the entire (cont'd) C. 67 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO community on questions of general importance, but its action on such questions is of great influence in advancing the civic and business welfare of the community. The Rotary Club demands fair dealing, honest methods, and high standards in business. No obligation, actual or implied, to influence business exists is Rotary. Election to membership therein is an expression of confidence of the club in the member elected, and of its goodwill towards him. As his business is an expression of himself, he is expected actively to represent it. Membership in the Rotary Club is a privilege and an opportunity and its responsibility demands honest and efficient service and thoughtfulness for one's follows. Service is the basis of all business. He Profits most who Serves Best. ELEMENTS OF ROTARIANISM Integrity - The qualifications for membership. Rotary Clubs must be so cautious and discriminating in selecting their members that it will come to pass that as the word "Sterling" is to silverware so will the mark "Rotary" be to the goods and services offered for sale by a Rotarian. (see over) C. 68. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO Opportunity - The privilege of membership. In Rotary is given the opportunity not to be found in other clubs, that of making your business as well known to your fellow members as is face and name. It is not merely that you are known by your fellow members but you and your business become familiar to them. Service - The responsibility of membership. Success and happiness come through service. In Rotary a man becomes well acquainted with his fellow members' business that he is constantly in position to serve them by patronizing them, by recommending others to them, by giving them tips as to possible chances of getting business, by giving them the benefit of valuable ideas which has worked out in his own business, and in many other ways. The average man likes to be able to do good turns to other men. It is the Spirit of unselfish service to fellow members that makes Rotary a great institution. However, it is also true that "He profits most who serves best." Success - The result of membership. With every member trying to be of some service to his fellow members, it is inevitable that the accomplishment of a great deal of business must result. All may not profit a like or immediately but the aggregate volume of business accomplished during one year Rotary Club is simply astonishing as has been demonstrated in every Rotary Club. - - - - - - - - (cont'd) C. 69. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO BY-LAWS 1. The Head Office of the Club shall be in the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario and at the place therein wherein the business of the Club may from time to time be carried on 2. The Seal, an impression whereof is stamped in the margin hereof, shall be the seal of the Club. 3. The Objects of the Club shall be those set out in the Letters Patent and Memorandum of Agreement. 4. The members of the Club shall consist of the Charter Members and such others as from time to time may be elected under the provisions of the By-Laws of the Club. 5. Any adult male, white person who is engaged as a proprietor, partner, agent, or manager in full charge in any legitimate profession, business, calling or undertaking, or an officer of company, in the City of Toronto, shall be eligible for membership, unless engaged in an occupation already represented by a member. Partners or members and officers of companies already represented or employees of members occupying positions involving the use of discretionary power, shall, on motion of such members, be eligible for associated membership, such associate membership to endure so long only as he retains his connection with his proposer (cont'd) C. 70. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO and his proposer shall retain his membership; provided that not more than two associate members shall be elected in connection with any one regular member. Public officers and civil servants are not eligible for membership. Membership shall be automatically forfeited by the abandonment by a member of the particular occupation under which he was elected. A member's classification as a member shall be that of his regular and recognized business. 6. Every candidate for membership shall be nominated by one member and seconded by another, neither of whom shall be a director. Such nomination, together with its date and a statement of the candidates name, residence and occupation, signed by the proposer and seconder on a form to be provided by , the Club, shall be forwarded to the Secretary and if approved by the Membership Committee by a vote of the majority of them present at the meeting where the application is considered, notification thereof shall be sent by mail by the Secretary to each member of the Club. Protests against the admission of a candidate on the ground of qualification shall be sent in writing to the Secretary within ten days after the posting of such notification and the Membership Committee shall consider such protest. If the Membership Committee give effect to the protest, the name of the applicant may be put on the waiting list. If no protest is entered within ten days, an election shall be held at such time as the Membership Committee may appoint, and the ballot shall remain open for one day. (cont'd) C .71. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO 7. The Club may, by the unanimous vote of all members present, at any meeting elect by ballot any person to honorary membership in the Club for life or for a limited period, provided thirty days' notice is given of such election to the members of the Club by the sSecretary. HOnrary members shall have the privilege of attending meetings and participating in the social functions of the Club, but shall not have the privlege of voting at any meetings of the Club. 8. Resignation of membership shall be by notification in writing addressed to the Secretary by whom it shall be submitted to the Directors at their next meeting held thereafter. No resignation shall be considered until all fees, dues and house accounts have been paid by the member tendering the same. If the resignation is not received before the First day of January, the annual fee for the ensuing year must be paid. 9. Any member willfully infringing the By-Laws or Rules of the Club, or being guilty of conduct in or out of the Club premises, detrimental to the character or interest of the Club, or unbecoming of a gentleman, may be suspended from all the privileges of the club by a vote of two thirds of the Directors present at a. meeting duly called for that purpose. There shall, at the request of the member suspended, be an appeal from such decision to a meeting of the members of the Club to be held within fifteen days of such suspension, of which meeting notice shall be given in accordance with Section 15. If suspension be sustained by a majority of the members present at such (cont d) C.72 EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO meeting, or if the member suspended fail to notify the Secretary within four days of of the notification of his suspension, to call such meeting, the member so suspended shall be deemed expelled from membership, and shall be forever after ineligible for membership or to be admitted as a visitor. 10. There shall be payable to the Club by every member an entrance fee of $15.00 and an annual fee of $10.00. The annual fee shall be payable in two installments of $5.00, each on the first day of day of January and the first day of July in each year. In the case of a person admitted to membership between the first day of April and the thirtieth day of June, or between the first day of October and the thirty-first day of December, the fee shall be $2;.50 for the then current half year. 11. No member shall be entitled to the exercise of any of his rights and privileges as such while in arrears in respect of any payment due by him to the Club, including house accounts. 12. In the case of a person admitted to membership, if his entrance and annual fees not be paid within two weeks after he is notified of his election, he shall forthwith cease to be a member and in the case of any other member, if his annual fee be not paid before the Thirty-first day of January or within such time thereafter as the Directors may determine, he shall forthwith cease to be a member. (cont'd) C. 73. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO 13. The Annual General Meeting of the members shall be held at the Clubhouse, or at such other place in the City of Toronto as the Directors may appoint on the Fourth Wednesday in January in each year or on such other day in the months of February, March or April as the Directors may appoint. 14. Special General Meetings of the members may be called at any time by the Directors; and the Directors shall on the written requisition of twenty- five members, stating the object of the proposed meeting, cal a general meeting. l5. Notice of the time and place of holding the annual, or any special general meeting shall be given at least ten days previously thereto by mailing a copy of such notice to each member at his last known Post Office address. No public notice or advertisement shall be required. 16. A quorum of at least eleven members shall be necessary to constitute the annual or a special general meeting. 17. Notice in writing of any change in the By-laws of the Club, to be moved at the annual or any special general meeting, must be left with the Secretary at least five days before such meeting. 18. No change shall be made in the By-laws of the Club except by vote of two-thirds of the members present at the annual or a special general meeting. (cont'd) C 74. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO 19. The Directors of the Club shall be seven in number, five of whom shall constitute a quorum, and shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Club. The Director so elected shall hold office for a period of one year or until their successors shall be elected. 20. Any vacancy, however caused, may be filled by the remaining Directors whether constituting a quorum or not, at a meeting of the Directors, called for the purpose, of which three clear days' notice shall be given. If the number of Directors is increased between terms, a vacancy, or vacancies, to the number of the authorized increase, shall thereby be deemed to have occurred, which may be filled in the manner above provided. 21. The directors may meet at any time, without notice if all the Directors be present, if those absent have signified their consent to such meeting. Directors meeting may also be held upon the call of the President or of any two Directors, at any time; and notice thereof shall be sufficient if delivered or mailed by the Secretary to each Director at least three days before the meeting is to take place. 22. The Directors shall have general charge of the affairs of the Club; and they shall make a report to the members at the annual general meeting as to the matters within their charge and in particular as to the finances of the Club, and they shall, with the notice calling each annual (cont'd) C. 75. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO general meeting, cause to be sent to each member a report containing an audited statement of the accounts for the past year, and of the assets and liabilities of the Club. 23. Contracts and engagements on behalf of the Club shall be signed by the President or the Vice-President and the Secretary, or such other person as the Directors may from time to time appoint, and the Secretary shall affix the Seal of the Club to such instruments as require the same. 24. The Directors may, by a two-thirds vote, at any meeting specially called for the purpose repeal or annul the By-Laws of the Club, or any part thereof, or enact new By-Laws, but such change, unless in the meantime confirmed by two-thirds vote of the members present at a special general meeting, shall have force only until the next annual general meeting and if not then confirmed by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, shall from that time cease to be in force. 25. The Directors shall forthwith after the annual meeting, and thereafter on occasion of vacancy arising, elect from or amongst their number a President and a Vice-President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Club, and shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the members and of. the Directors. During the absence or disability of the President his duties and powers shall be exercised by the Vice-President. In the event of both .the President and Vice-President, being absent or under disability, such duties (cont'd) C. 76. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO and powers shall be exercised by one of the Directors as the Directors shall appoint. 26. The Directors shall. also forthwith after the annual meeting, and thereafter on occasion of vacancy arising, appoint a Secretary. The Secretary shall keep currant minutes of the proceedings of the Club. 27. The Directors shall also forthwith after the annual meeting, and thereafter on occasion of vacancy arising, appoint a Treasurer. He shall keep all necessary - books of account and deposit all moneys and cheques to the credit of the Club in a Bank approved by the Director, and shall have authority to endorse all cheques payable to the Club for the purpose only of depositing them in the said Bank to the credit of the Club. 28. The Directors also shall appoint forthwith after the annual meeting a Sergeant-at-Arms and a Registrar. 29. The Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms and Registrar shall discharge all duties assigned to them by the Directors, and shall hold office during their pleasure. 30. The Directors shall appoint a Membership Committee and such other committees as they shall deem advisable. All committees shall be subject to the Directors, who shall decide all questions as to their duties, powers and jurisdiction, and who may at any time control their actions. Their decisions, however, shall be binding upon the members (cont'd) C.77. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO of the Club. Vacancies arising in any committee shall be filled by the Directors forthwith. 3l. Accounts payable by the Club shall be paid only by cheque and cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer, or in his absence, by some other person authorized by the Directors and countersigned by such person as the Directors may appoint, upon vouchers signed by any two officers or Directors. 32. Each member shall sign a yearly subscription for the official magazine publication of the International Association, of Rotary Clubs. The subscription shall be collected by the Club from its members as part of the regular dues. The Secretary shall enter such subscription on his books in a special subscription account, and shall forward the same to the business office of said publication as a club subscription. 33. If any member shall absent himself from four consecutive meetings of the Club without good cause, and if in the judgment of the Board of Directors said member is not active and interested in the objects and work of the Club, the Board of Directors, may without or without notice, terminate his membership. 34. Any member whose connection with this Club shall be severed by resignation, death, expulsion or otherwise, shall forfeit all interest in any property belonging to the Club. (cont'd) C.78. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO 35. At any meeting of the Club no debate shall take place, nor shall any member address the meeting except on motion properly before the meeting, or by special leave of the Chairman.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - TEN REASONS FOR BEING A ROTARIAN -by-- A. H. Geuting, Director Rotary Club of Philadelphia.
First - The Key - Membership in the Rotary Club opens the door to real Brotherhood in the exchange of frank, open discussions of the world's work. Second - Security- One of the Rotary members properly described Rotary as a free-masonry of trade. We are constantly receiving reports how, through the medium of the Rotary Club, every one is received with a courtesy and fellowship that were formerly impossible; that instead of evasiveness. business information is frankly exchanged to the betterment of all concerned. Third - Protection - No matter how strong you may feel yourself individually, your real strength comes from a banding together of kindred spirits for the good of the whole. Every Rotary member cannot help but feel stronger in his position by the fact that he is backed by a membership that is zealous for his good, the value of which cannot be estimated in dollars and cents. (cont'd) C. 79. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO Fourth - Co-operation - Heretofore, there has been a strong inclination for every business man to be intensely individual. The spirit of the times calls for affiliation and co-operation in order to attain to the greatest good. Rotary stands for the ideal blending of individualism with co-operation without the baleful influence of monopoly. Fifth - Education - No Rotary member can help being educated if he religiously attends the Rotary meetings and gets the innumerable sidelights on business as a whole. He learns, for instance, that. the box maker has solved the same problems that he believed heretofore were peculiar to his own business; by giving heed to this member's experience he broadens his own vision and increases the knowledge necessary in his own affairs. Sixth - Economy - Keep in each mans nature is a craving for intimate association with his fellowmen, but often lack of time prevents his breaking through the conventional wall that opposes him. Rotary breaks this wall for him and draws him easily and naturally within the circle of friendship. His association gives him a status that a life-time would hardly bring about, and thus multiplies his advantages a hundred fold.. Seventh - Civic Advantage - The more you become interested in Rotary the more interest you will take in civic affairs. Civic interest is as necessary to a well rounded career as your application is necessary to your own business success. Interesting in ( cont'd) C. 80. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO Rotary produces a citizen with broadened spirit, pride and ambition for his city and his country. Eighth - International Advantage - As a member of the Rotary Organization you have the opportunity to make the friendly acquaintance of every Rotary member through the World. This acquaintance may be f the greatest assistance to you when in a strange city. Ninth: - Higher Business Standards - A Rotarian is not narrow or self-confining; he is not. greedy, voracious or mercenary; he is not monopolistic, for he knows that to grasp is to lose; he has learned that to give means to receive; he knows that "Cast your bread upon the waters and it shall return to you before many days." A true Rotarian aims to attain a high level of business virtue; to conduct his affairs so perfectly that his fellow members will gladly sing his praises. Ten - Rotary Ideals - All Rotarians aim to set the stamp of approval on representative men, who, by virtue of their moral, intellectual and progressive, standards are leaders in their particular field of endeavour, and by co-operation and helpfulness, to show the world that such men succeed. Thus they set the example of proper enterprise for the young and thriving business men throughout the country . Verily, it is a great privilege and a great responsibility to be a Rotarian. |
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