The Joseph A. Caulder Collection
Past Rotary International Director 1928-29   -  Regina, Sask., Canada

"Eyewitness to Rotary International's First 50 Years"


JOSEPH A. CAULDER - An eyewitness to Rotary International's first 50 years.

Rotary Information, Book 1

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Page 152.(Pagination as in Original)


On Sunday, May 16th, 1954, the cornerstone for the new headquarters building was laid by Past International President Guy Gundaker of Philadelphia.

President of R. I., Joaquin Serratosa Cibils of Montevideo, Uruguay was there; also Nitish C. Laharry of Calcutta who was to become R.I. President for 1962-63. Past President Frank E. Spain of Birmingham, Alabama; President 1951-52 presided at this very important event. It was Frank Spain who finalized the long drawnout discussion (sometimes bitter) to proceed in with the new building to cost $1,350,000.00.

Kenneth G. Partridge of Port Credit, Ont. a. member of the R.I. Board in 1954-55 and 1955-56, and J. A. Caulder, member of the R.I. Board 1928-29 flew to Chicago in the morning and back in the evening. The flight back in 1 hour, 40 minutes was considered very fast in 1954.

R. I. had provided buses to take us to the cemetery where we paid our respects to our founder, Paul P. Harris, who died in 1947 and also to Silvester Schiele, who rests beside Paul Harris and on his tombstone is engraved ACo-founder with Paul Harris, of Rotary International@ .

A beautiful day and many Rotarians from all over North America and some from abroad were on hand.


NOTE-  Mount Hope Cemetery.

Page 153.


By: Stamp W Wortley, Chelmsford, Essex, England, Past Vice President R.I.

A Rotary Club is an organization of men engaged in their particular community in some business or profession, who accept the moral principle of service to humanity as an essential to human happiness and are determined, as fax as frailty of their human nature will permit, to practice that principle in their domestic, business and social lives and to endeavor, especially by example, to influence other persons throughout the world to accept and practice that same principle, in the belief that such acceptance and practice will lead to world peace and universal human happiness.


At the second Convention of the National Association of Rotary Clubs held at Portland in 1911, Arthur Frederick Sheldon (joined Jan. 1908) finished a fine speech by saying, "He Profits Most Who Serves Best". At that same convention Frank B. Collins, President of the Minneapolis Club said, "Service Not Self". Later changed to "Service Above Self". These slogans were in general use by Rotary from 1911 on but never officially adopted until at the Detroit Convention in 1950.

Page 154.


June 2, 1955-Hosts: Joe & Margaret Caulder


Frank W. Black, Pres. Toronto Club 1955-56; Hazel A. Black; Mrs. Jean T. Harris, widow of Founder of Rotary International; Joe Caulder, Past Director R. I. 1928-29 and Margaret Caulder; Harry Ruggles, the 5th man to join Rotary and Mrs. Josephine Ruggles; C. F. Basil Tippet and Doris Tippet; (Basil was Gov. of District 247 1954-55); Leonard W. Riddell of Leeds, England and Mrs. Eleanor Riddell;  (Leonard was District Chairman of District Number 4;) Mrs. Silvester Schiele "Jessie", widow of Silvester Schiele, one of the Original Four; Geo. W. Harris of Washington, D. C., Past Director of R.I., and the only man living who had attended every Rotary International Convention from 1913 to 1955; also Geo. acted as Sgt.-at Arms for the International Council and its successor, the International Assembly, for 25 consecutive years.

Photo of this group at luncheon and photo of menu with all signatures on page 84, large Rotary Album.

Another photo is show in same album, page 98 - Taken also on June 2nd, 1955.

Harry Ruggles, No.5 man in Rotary in 1905, also Charlie Newton the No.7 man to join Rotary Club No.1 in Chicago in 1905. Also Joe Caulder and Rotarian Frank Gordon of Kingman, Arizona with Lucille Gordon on left. Harry Ruggles is second from left with Joe Caulder in centre and Chas. Newton 4th from left.

Page 155.

As of date, June 20th, 1961, both Ruggles and Newton have left us. These were great men in Rotary.

Ruggles was President of the Chicago Club from Oct. 1908 until Jan 1910.

Newton was the 18th president in the year 1923-24.

NOTE - Basil Tippet also deceased.



New members may sometimes wonder why the classification system in Rotary, and older members sometimes forget the reasoning behind it.

1. It provides an inclusive rather than an exclusive membership, bracing all services to society. It broadens the member's mind and sympathy concerning the accomplishments and problems of other occupations.

2. It develops fellowship based on diversity instead of similarity of interest.

3. It obviates business and professional jealousies.

4. It encourages mutual helpfulness.

5. It stimulates pride in the dignity of one's occupation.

--Portland Spokes

Page 156.


At the second Convention of the National Association of Rotary Clubs, held in Port1and,Oregon, Elmer Rich, the Treasurer, reported as fol1ows:

Total receipts $2,661.76
Total Expenditures   2,617.38
Balance on Hand $44.38

Ches Perry, Secretary, reported he had to pay $25 .00 a month for office rent. He was to get $100.00 a month for salary for a part-time job. He reported debts of 514.00 unpaid. Secretary Perry actually only got $428.40 for his year's work. The President's office expenses were $111.79; Vice-Pres. $2.50; Ches. Perry had to pay $816.75 of his salary himself to settle debts and he was never reimbursed for this expenditure.

At Buffalo in 1913 business was up with receipts of $18,122.23 - Expenditures $16,949.24 with cash on hand $1,020.21 and other assets to make total worth at the end of three years $1,813.47. Some interesting items of expense were:

Convention $57.75; Directors and Vice Presidents,$88.02; Legal expense $2.15;  President's travelling expense $92.55; Telegrams and 'phone' calls $29.01, etc.

Now let us turn to the 1957-58 report on finances. Total income $2,584,351.02, with expenses $2,419,441 38, for a net income of $164,909.64. In addition, The Rotarian had an income of $865,357.90 with expenses of $785,617.27 leaving a profit of $79,738.63. Revista Rotarian income

Page 157.


$115,767.60 - Expenses $109,889.69 with a net of $5,877.91. This gave R.I. a net on the year of $:250,526.18.

Now some .of the expenses for the year.

Directors meetings $38,471.19. Expenses of District Governors $444,1 4.44; International Assembly $255,075.90; Convention $205,026.63; Employees Pension Fund $105,975.10; Salaries $718,141.64; Zurich office $73,767.45; etc. In all, a total of $2,419,441.38. The above does not include Foundation expenses.


. . . that success may be as close as your next breath, if you will only draw it;

. . . that the easier it is to fill a man's head, the easier it is to fill his shoes;

. . .  that many people are so busy earning a living that they forget how to live;

. . . that you should take an interest in the future - - that's where you'll spend the rest of your life;

. . . that the truest of charity is to try to correct the cause for the need of charity.

Page 158.


 1954 - 1955;


31¢ for Dist. Governors Int. Assembly and Convention

14¢ for Secretariat Service to clubs and Dist. Governors.

10¢ For Program. material and supplies for clubs.

15¢ for Secretariat, administrative fiscal and public relations.

for Pres. Board of Directors,  committees and council of Past        Presidents.

for International Convention.

for Headquarters building expense, including moving.

for Representatives of President At District Conferences, intercity General Forums and visits to Clubs.

7¢ for Secretariat postage, printing, stationery, etc.

Page 159.


In1961-62 R.I. had 270 District Governors and in 1962-63 there are 272.

In 1921-22 there were 25 District Governors and all from Canada and the U.S. except one from Cuba. At that date Rotary in the British Isles had not adopted the District Governor plan and were not really a part of Rotary International. The name International Association Rotary Clubs was changed to Rotary International at the close of the Los Angeles convention June 1922.



January 22-27 Rotary Magazine Week
February 19-25 Rotary Anniversary Week
March 19-25 World Understanding Week
November 13-19 Rotary Foundation Week

Page 160.



No 100  Phoenix, Arizona 1914
No. 1000  Yorks, England 1921
No. 2000  Ketchikan, Alaska 1925
No 3000  Talca, Chile 1927
No 4000  Hanover, Pa. 1936
No 5000  Rockmart, Georgia 1939
No 6000  Aleppo, Syria 1945
No 7000  Udine, Italy 1949
No 8000    
No 9000    
No 10000  Mandvi, India Nov. 1958
No 11000  Mirboo, Australia 1961

Numbers dropped                         June 30, 1951

No 12000  Caversham, England June 1965
No 13000  Sao Fidelis, Brazil Oct. 30, 1967
No 14000  Kinderdigk, The Netherlands Dec. 4, 1969



In N. Europe the buffet style is common. You pick up what you want and pay for it. One girl handles the affair. Copenhagen, Denmark - you pick out your food at a counter and in front of your plate there is a manilla envelope with all food printed and priced. You simply put the money in the envelope and seal it. Everyone is trusted as the envelopes are not numbered or signed. A member could eat $1.00 worth of food and enclose the equivalent of 25 cents and no one would ever know who did it.

Page 161.


In the early days each Club had an official statistician who reported at each meeting the volume of business transacted between members.


The first was made by Silvester Schiele in 1907 on his business - Coal Retailing.


In the early days all speakers were made Honorary members in lieu of being paid a fee. An absolute error.


Rev. Crawford Scott (Anglican) of the Hamilton, Ont. Club, about 1953, arranged for two R.C. boys from Czechoslovakia to get very special tuition  fees at McMaster, Baptist University. Now 1959, both boys have graduated and hold top positions. Surely a sample of Rotary in action.

NOTE - Rev. Crawford Scott now a member of the R. C. of Port Credit and a frequent Toronto to Club visitor.

Page 162.


How do you tackle your work each day?

Are you scared of the job you find?

Do you grapple the task that comes your way

With a confident, easy mind?

Do you stand right up to the work ahead

Or fearfully pause to view it?

Do you start to toil with a sense of dread

Or feel that you're going to do it?

You can do as much as you think you can,

But you'll never accomplish more;

If you're afraid of yourself, young man,

There's little for you in store.

For Failure comes from the inside first,

It's there if we only knew it, .

And you can win, though you face the worst,

If you feel that you're going to do it.

Success! It' s found in the soul of you,

And not in the realm of luck!

The world will furnish the work to do,

But you must provide the pluck.

You can do whatever you think you can,

It's all in the way you view it,

It's all in the start that you make Young man;

You must feel that you're going to do it.

How do you tackle your work each day?

With confidence clear, or dread?

What to, yourself do you stop and say

When a new task lies ahead?

"That is the thought that is in your mind?

Is fear ever running through it?

If so, just tackle the next you find

By thinking you're going to do it.

-- Edgar A. Guest,

   Poet of Rotary.

Page 163.


Page 130 Manual of Procedure 1960 - The Rotarian (magazine) shall reflect the actions of the board and be measured by The Four Way Test.

1. Is It The Truth?

2. Is it fair to all concerned?

3. Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships?

4. Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

This was copyrighted by Rotary International in 1946.

Herbert J. Taylor was a highly successful business man long before he became President of Rotary International for the year 1954-55.

Several years prior to 1954 Herbert Taylor gave up a very high salary and a sure future with a very large U.S. concern to take over a bankrupt company. The business was Aluminium Ware. Herb. saw a great future in this business also and with a free hand to do as he liked he started out the rebuilding job by adopting as his guiding principle the old Golden Rule, but clothed in his own and modern language and to be know as The Four Way Test.

The move was highly successful for Herbert Taylor and for the company employees.

Every move the company has made since that day in the terrible 30's has been governed by the principles of The Four Way Test.

(cont'd P. 163-A)

Page 163-A.


Herbert Taylor has addressed the City officials of 'Chicago and Bar Association conventions and conventions of judges, and always on The Four Way Test.

When visiting Egypt in 1965, I was told this Test, neatly framed, hangs in every government office and every school building in Cairo. In Rangoon, Burma. and in Bangkok, Thailand a. large framed copy (24 x 30) hangs behind the President's chair where all may see, read and ponder it.

Herbert Taylor has made a fine contribution to Rotary International and to the world.


Page 163B.


Rev. James Woodforde's diary. Jan. 13, 1777 "This day I visited the Rotarian Club".


First District Conference in Western Canada - Victoria, B. C., Feb. 20-21, 1916.


In Oakvi11e, Ont. in 1951 - Two Service Clubs provided scholarships for worthy students and provided the funds to pay one-half the cost of a fine Grand Piano for the High School.

After the delegations were thanked and had left, the Chairman of The Board - Mr. Thos. Blakelock, solemnly said - "Thank God for the Service Clubs".


Hong Kong - new member is always the speaker the day he is introduced.

Page 164.


Throughout his many years in Rotary, this editor has seen many changes, but two fundamental principles of Rotary have not changed, the ideal of service and fellowship.

He hopes that young Rotarians will not resent his assuming the role of adviser in formulating this list of "should do" things, as a guide to richer and more fruitful experiences as a Rotarian:

1. Get well enough acquainted with your fellow members so that calling them by their first names seems natural and really means something.

2. Engage in some definite form of community service, not necessarily as a representative of the Rotary Club, but as a citizen.

3. Carry the principles of Rotary to others in your vocation as well as practicing them yourself.

4. Make use of every opportunity to promote international goodwill and understanding.

5. Do what you are asked to do in Rotary without making excuses.

 - Rotary Spokes, Norman, Oklahoma.

Page 165.


If  I can throw a single ray of light across the darkened pathway of another; if I can aid some soul to clearer sight of life and duty, and thus bless my brother; if I can wipe from any human cheek a tear, I shall not then have lived in vain while here.

If I can guide some erring one to truth, inspire within his heart a sense of duty; if I can plant within the soul of rosy youth a sense of right, a love of truth and beauty; if I can teach one man that God and Heaven are near, I shall not then have lived in vain while here.

If from my mind I banish doubt and fear, and keep my life attuned to love and .kindness; if I can scatter light and hope and cheer, and help remove the curse of mental blindness; if I can make more joy, more hope, less pain, I shall not have lived and loved in vain.

If by life's roadside I can plant a tree, beneath whose shade some wearied head may rest; though I may never share its shade, or see its beauty, I shall yet be truly blest - though no one knows my name, nor mourns upon my bier, I shall not then have lived in vain while here.


Page 166.


By Rev. Murray Ford - New Members-June 22,1962

During the last few weeks or months YOU, as, New Members have been going your round visiting committees and getting to know what makes The Rotary Club of Toronto "tick". It too has roots. Roots that go back over 50 years to an idea born in the brain and personality of one Paul Harris. To him the ideas and idea1s that come to be known as Rotary were ideas that were missing from the contemporary business life of Chicago as he came to it at the turn of the century. Those to whom he spoke caught the contagion of a great idea and it has come down across the years to you. Not because it is easy or natural but because it is rooted in that which is of abiding worth.


We make a fetish of attendance. You can't catch the Spirit of Rotary if you're going to attend hit and miss, for the spirit of Paul Harris is something that has to be experienced, it cannot be sent; it has to be caught, it cannot be taught. You have here a contagion and unless a man is willing to expose himself to it, he's not going to get the disease. It vas the late Peter Marshall who used to speak or some folk having been vaccinated with Christianity. They had enough so they could no longer enjoy their sinning but not enough to enjoy their faith.


Sounds like another Truism, doesn't it? And yet how easily we forget to render "Service

Page 167.


Above Self". You perhaps may have the mistaken notion when you join that the Rotary Club is pretty fortunate to have chosen such a reputable citizen, as yourself. Never make the mistake again. It is the classification that is the honour and not the one to whom it is given. Some men will tell you (and we've all heard it a number of times) "You'll only get out of Rotary what you put into it." May I say to you, respectfully I hope, that this is just not so. You'll get a lot of dividends for every bit of capital you invest, but the more you do put in the greater will be the returns. A man engaged in service cannot be a selfish, person, a man more concerned for the needs of others is lifted  above himself and in so doing he is the better man. It is this plank in the Rotary platform that has kept it from being in grown and which gives it the potential for unlimited future growth. No Rotarian is ever full grown. He must go on maturing to the end of his .Rotary days. If he stops growing he loses his full potential in his Club.


One of the most needed commodities of our day is men who will refuse to accept the status quo. Men who will question every idea and institution and seek to improve it if possible. The old Negro philosophy:

'Come weal; come woe

 My status is quo. '

Not good enough! Lister was not willing to accept the inevitability of common infection; Pasteur would not accept disease as incurable. Banting took the disease of diabetes

Page 168.


so seriously he beat it - Salk refused to accept Polio with all its terror.  Schweitzer refuses to allow the Negro of darkest French Equatorial Africa to die unattended. And any day now some one of thousands of dedicated  medical scientists is going to break the cancer barrier.

Today you are being reminded that you are expected to have a healthy dissatisfaction with everything that is capable of improvement through. our united efforts in Rotary. What one man cannot do with his own unaided strength, a club can do What one club can't do a district can, what a district can't do, a11 of us can do it together. ALL 520,000 of us as of now.

We have roots that go deep and true to the sources of nourishment. As you attend, as you serve, as you exercise your healthy dissatisfaction with the shoddy and the imperfect, those roots will become yours. May they nourish you well for many years to come. This is a goodly land into which you have come. Possess it, and it shall be for you a land flawing with milk and honey.

NOTE [by J.A.C.] ( paragraph missed in typing.)

After you've been in the club long enough to know some of the members well, sit, down with your roster and an attendance record. You'll find that the really busy men with big responsibilities, these are the men with 90% attendance. Why? because to them attendance is a vital building block in their Rotary experience.

(also see pages 169,170 & 171)

Page 169.


Every week, Rotary clubs are host to thousands or visiting Rotarians from other clubs, far and near. Our own club usually has 25 to 30 visiting Rotarians each week.  What impressions of our members do they carry away - that we are warm and friendly or cold and aloof?

These impressions are the result of their brief contacts with us during the meeting and the welcome they receive when they enter our meeting room. How do we rate as a host club? Do our visitors go away saying "That is my kind of a friendly club," or do they say, "They didn't even know I was there"?

IF .   .   .   .

If you come to a place that you can't get through .. Or over, or under: the thing to do . . . Is to find a way 'round the impassable wall . . . Not say you'll get your way, or not at 'all . . .  You can always get to the place you're going. . . If you set your sails as the wind is blowing . . .  If the mountains are high, go 'round the valley. . If the parlor car's filled, don't scorn a freight. . . If the front door's closed, go in the side gate . . To reach your goal, this advice is sound... If you can't go over or under, go 'round.

-- Author Unknown

    Rotary Spokes of Hickory

Page 170.


It is a compliment to your ability and to your character to became a member of Rotary. No man is eligible to become a Rotarian unless either in his business or professional life he endeavors to practice the principles of service. You are invited to membership because the Rotary membership of this Toronto club earnestly feel that you are already actuated by such motives. In electing you to membership you join with Rotarians already practicing Rotary ideals. Knowing you to be a Rotarian, your community will henceforward judge Rotary by your conduct, for while we hold no monopoly of service ideals, yet as Rotarians, meeting as such and being so recognized by the world, there remains upon us all an unquestionable responsibility. Membership of Rotary is an honor and a privilege. There is no privilege but it has its corresponding duty. One of the obligations that we lay upon you is regularity of attendance and only circumstances which cannot reasonably be controlled are accepted as justification for absence. Being busy is no excuse, for all Rotarians are busy men.

Rotary being based on equality, we expect every member diligently to perform his equal share of club service, offering to the club each in his own particularly his abilities and talents. As the sole representative of each of your businesses or professions, we now look upon you as a medium through which the objects and efforts of Rotary can be conveyed to other members of your calling.

Page 171.


Last but by no means least - our ideal of friendliness - as you expect to receive, so give. New members sometimes ask "What shall I get out of Rotary?" There is in Sweden. high an the side of mountain, an inn and on the door there is a notice posted with these words: "In this inn you will find joy and good company, provided you bring them with you." So with Rotary. Let us ask what we can bring to it rather than what we can take from it.

This is your Rotary button and should be worn at all meetings. We also present you with the "Objects of Rotary", which all Rotarians should seek to practice daily throughout their lives. Now as we welcome you into our Club, gone is that formal greeting of Mr. or Doctor. We now greet you as ____ and _____.  May you be stimulated by the friendship that you will find here - and may we in turn find you an added source of strength to our Club. And it is in this spirit that we bid. you welcome, fellow Rotarians."


Page 172.


Harry Ruggles wrote in 1955 as follows:

"In the early days wine or beer was served with the suppers which cost fifty cents, all inclusive. Then some of the boys had a drink or two before the meal and these men would often speak out of turn. The President would rap the gavel on the table and shout "Order! order!" It soon became evident that the serving of liquor at Rotary lunches had to be stopped and it was. This has always been the rule written or unwritten ever since in North America.

Then at the Houston convention in 1914 a group of 85 Club presidents had a breakfast and the question of serving liquor at Rotary luncheons came up. It was the unanimous opinion and so expressed by resolution that "Rotary would be better off if no intoxicating liquor was served". This was reported to the convention but not "discussed or acted upon as even then Rotary felt it was better to avoid set rules and regulations. When the Milwaukee club was organized in 1913 it was the custom to serve beer at the luncheon. After the Houston statement the Milwaukee club ceased to serve beer and has never done so since. Later a questionnaire went out to all clubs and the majority replied that in their opinion it we better to not serve alcoholic beverages at Rotary luncheons or dinners. In the 1958 manual, page 30, the policy is clearly stated and from all sources over Rotary's 55 years, in North America, the opinion is against liquor at Rotary affairs.

Page 173.


In Holland no Rotary club may serve alcoholic drinks at a Rotary lunch. This is a local rule in Holland.

In many countries no1uncheor or dinner could be held without drinks before and during the lunch or dinner. Rotary sets down few fixed rules.

In District No. 19 in 1921 the Lethbridge club proposed a Brewery manager for membership. The  writer was District Governor. Had the proposal not been withdrawn not only would the Lethbridge club have been split, but the entire district. This was the feeling in Western Canada Rotary in 1921.

In 1920 at the Ft. Wil1iam District Conference a member was asked to give a big boost for the Rotary convention to be  held in Edinburgh in 1921. Dr. Crawford C. McCullough of Ft. Wi1l:iam was presumed to be the most likely man for President of R.I. (then International Association of Rotary Clubs). In this man's appeal he mentioned that visitors could visit a lot of the world's finest distilleries. He was soundly criticized in public for the mention of a whiskey factory.

At the same conference Bob Beun of Richmond, Indiana. represented the Board. He made this statement, "I like a drink of whiskey as much as anyone but never have and never will take a drink at any Rotary Conference or Convention".

Page 174.


Guy Gundaker is one of the grand old men of Rotary (now in 1959) and has been very active in Rotary for over almost 50 years as he was a charter member of the Philadelphia club organized in 1910. In 1915 at the San Francisco convention he was the logical man for President of Rotary. However Guy's wife's father owned Kuglers Restaurant (a famous cafe then and now) and liquor was served in that cafe. At once there was a cry of "A saloonkeeper for President". Allen D. Albert was put up against him and Allen won. In 1917 at Atlanta, Georgia, Guy again was the man with a long lead but the same cry was raised and Rev. Leslie Pidgeon of Winnipeg, who had served two years on the Board as 3rd Vice President, was nominated and again Guy lost. In 1923 at the Louis. Guy was nominated and no one opposed him so he was elected President of R.I. and made a fine President, presiding at the Toronto convention in 1924. But in the meantime U.S. had gone dry and Kuglers Restaurant could not sell. beer so Guy was elected on his own merits.

The items related here show quite clearly that Rotary in North America is against liquor at any of its functions.

NOTE: The International Assembly and International Institute have been held at Lake Placid, N.Y. every year beginning with 1951. Held at the beautiful Lake Placid Club. NOTE: - Rotary International's contract with the club calls for the bar or cocktail lounge to be kept locked for the 9 days Assembly.

Page 175.



The 1962-63 Board, at its first meeting, amended the Standard Club Constitution dealing with club charters, as follows:--

A new club must have 25 Charier Members instead of 20,and in the case of a club organized in a city or town of over 100,000, the Charter may have 50 members.


At the Board Meeting May 1965 the regulations were changed back to 20 members for a new club.


At the International Assembly at Lake Placid, New York, May 1962, three Rotarians were chatting and discovered that their combined membership years in Rotary totaled 149 years. They were Past International President of Rotary, Bru Brunnier, a Charter member of the San Francisco club 1908; Charles N. Cadwallader of Lincoln, Nebraska, 50 years; and Joe Caulder of Toronto who joined Rotary in Moose Jaw, Sask. in 1917 with 45 years. Bru however reminded us that almost any Tuesday at the Rotary Club he and Homer Wood and two other Charter members of the San Francisco Club can get together and they represent 216 years of Rotary membership.


Page 176


St. Louis Convention of R.I. - 1923. Page 35-36 Manual of Procedure No. 35, October 1958.  Amended at Denver Convention, Res. 26-6 and at Atlantic City Convention, Res. 36-15, and at Atlantic City Convention, Res. 51-7.

All Manuals of Procedure will have the above original and amendments made at the 1926-1936 and 1951 Conventions.

This resolution and its amendments should be studied by every student or Rotary.

One of its main features was to settled for all time the right of a Rotary Club to engage in the activities most urgently needing help in the local community, and that Rotary International would not have one main objective in Community Service.

Also see pages W-l to W-6, Book IV

Page 177.


Is anybody happier because you passed his way?.

Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?

This day is almost over, it's toiling time is through;

Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?

Can you say tonight, in parting with day that's slipping fast,

That you helped a single fellow of the many that you passed?

Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said?

Does a man whose hopes are fading, now with courage look ahead?

Did you waste a day or lose it, was it well or poorly spent?

Did you leave a trail of kindness or a scar of discontent?

As you close your eyes in slumber, do you think that God would say

You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today?


Frank J. LoSasso - Past Governor Rotary

District 785,

Barre, Vermont.

Page 178.


In 1923, a very important  meeting was held at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago.. Attending this meeting were nine of the world's most successful financiers. Those present were:

The President of the largest independent, steel company;

The President of' the largest utility company;

The President of the largest gas company;

The greatest wheat speculator;

The President of the New York Stock Exchange;

A member of the President's cabinet;

The greatest "bear" in Wall Street;

Head of the world's greatest monopoly;

President of the Bank of International Settlements.

Certainly we must admit that here were gathered a. group of the world's most successful men. At least, men who had found the Secret of "making money". Twenty-five years later let's see where these men are:

The President of the largest independent steel company - Charles Schwab - died a bankrupt and lived on borrowed money for five years before his death.


The President of the greatest utility company - Samuel Insull - died a fugitive from justice and penniless .in a foreign land.

Page 179.

The President of the largest gas company -  Howard Hopson - is now insane.


The greatest wheat speculator -  Arthur Cutten - died abroad and insolvent.


The President of the New York Stock Exchange - Richard Whitney - was recently released from Sing Sing Penitentiary.


The member of the President's cabinet Albert Fall- was pardoned from prison so  he could died at home.


The greatest "bear" in Wall Street - Jesse Livermore - died a suicide.


The head of the greatest monopoly - Ivar Krueger - died of suicide.


The President of the Bank of International Settlement - Leon Fraser - died a suicide.


Page 180.


From 1910 to June 30, 1942 - Chesley R. Perry

From July 1- 42 to Dec. 31-52 - Philip C. Lovejoy

From Jan. 1-53 to -    - George R. Means


1910 to 1961

Elmer A. Rich, Chicago 1910-11

Mac Martin, Minneapolis 1911-12

Rufus Chapin, Chicago 1912-June 1945

Silvester Schiele carried on from the time of Rufus Chapin' s death until l946.

Richard E. Vernor, Chicago 1946 - June 3, 1958

Lloyd Hollister, Wilmette, Ill. 1958-

Page 181.


Tom J. Davis was President of R.I. for the year 1941-42 and served with distinction at the Toronto convention of 1942. We had been close friends since we were Governors together in 1921-22. Tom was president in a very eventful year. Down in South America the countries of Peru and Ecuador had quarreled over boundary lines for 150 years. Tom Davis secured the consent of the Presidents of both countries for him to organize a committee of men of goodwill to try to work out a settlement. Tom and Ches. Perry went to Washington to see Cordell Hull, Secretary of State. Mr. Hull promised the full support of the U.S. Tom then named Joaquin Serratosa Cibils of Montevideo, Uruguay (Pres. of R.I. 1953-54), Cesar Andrede, former Minister of Finance of Ecuador and Senator Andre Dasso of Peru. They spent 4 1/2 days at Cibils' house in Montevideo and these five men worked out a sound plan of settlement.

A little later President F. D. Roosevelt called a conference at Rio and the last item on the agenda was this boundary dispute. The proposal was adopted with only a few words changed and the quarrel was ended. A monument on the border tells the story. One more fine bit of International Service for Rotary. (J.A.C.)

Page 182.


There were 117 clubs with 4,744 members on above date which were not in any District In a general way these clubs are either remote or they are in countries where for language difficulties or for other reasons it was deemed by the Board advisable to have them looked after by special representatives appointed by the R. I. Board. Likely a temporary situation. They are located as follows: -

Angola 1 -Belgian Congo 8-Free China 12-Hong Kong 4-Macao 1 - British Guiana 1 - Eritrea 1 - Ethiopia 1 - French Cameroon 2-French Equatorial Africa 4 - French Guiana 1 -French Polynesia 1 - French W. Africa 2 -Federal Republic of Germany (only clubs in former Saar territory) 3 - Ghana 1 - Greece 22 - Guadeloupe 2 - Iran 2 - Israel 26 - Jordan 1 -Korea 9 - Marianas Islands 1 -Martinique 1 -Netherlands, New Guinea 1 - Papua 1 - Ruanda-Urundi 1 -Turkey 2 -Uganda 1 -Virgin Islands 2 - West Indies Federation 2.

NOTE: General Secretary's news letter No. 8, Feb. reports: Clubs in Greece, Israel, China (Formosa), Hong Kong and Macao will be July 1st, 1960 become pasts of districts 197-199 and 345. The Greek clubs are part of 197. The Israel clubs part of 199 and the Taiwan (Nationalist China or Formosa), Hong Kong and Macao clubs become District 345.

Page 183.


In Congress -     53 Rotary members
In Senate -        32 Rotary members


U.S. only had 96 Senators in 1954.


No creed or colour.

Single classification principle.

No secret vows.

Classification only loaned.



Dallas, Texas - 1929. At the close of the convention the curtain went up and on the stage with hands clasped in friendship, were the delegates from Chile and Peru, China and Japan, Germany and France. Bitter enemies in June 1929.


In 1931 when Rotary was young and small following the Dayton, Ohio flood the clubs raised $25,000.00 for relief.

Page 184.


President Harding - St. Louis Conv. 1923.

"If I could establish a Rotary Club in every community in the world, I would do so and then guarantee the tranquility and forward march of the World".

The Scandal Sheet- Graham, Texas.

"We build character by the bricks of habits that we pile up day by day. Each seems but a little thing but before we are aware of it, we have shaped the house we live in."

Sir Harry Lauder.

"Rotary is a golden strand in the cable of friendship."

Sir Anthony Eden.

"Rotary can do more for the world than all our Ambassadors can do".

Pat Montford, Dublin, Ireland.

"If we had had a Rotary Club in every city in Ireland there would never have been a revolution"

Author Unknown.

"A good man like ripening corn - in the wind - humbly bends his head".

Phil Lovejoy - Secy, 1942 to 1952.

"The Rotary Club of Toronto has the finest committee organization in the Rotary world."

Page 185.

Pres. Cliff Randall at N.Y. Con.l959.

"Let us not lose the earth in our headlong rush to conquer the stars."

From an elderly lady at Chatham, Ont. to Phil Lovejoy at the R. R. station

"Rotary has never failed to make a city or town a better place in which to live".

Crawford C. McCullough of Ft. William, Ont. Rotary 11th President, 1921-22.

"If we ever reach the point where 25% of our members are real Rotarians, we will have the most powerful organization in the world, except for the Christian Church. A remarkable statement -Think it over.

Phil Lovejoy at Toronto.

"Small clubs can't always be doing great things but can always be doing small things in a great way."

Mexico Rotario, Mexico City, Mexico

"In Rotary a man is not esteemed simply because of his intellect, for the brilliance of his oratory, or for any titles which he may have. Rather, he is esteemed for his conduct as a citizen and for his devotion to serving with honor and a dedicated spirit the objectives outlined in the Rotary Club's constitution."

Page 186.



Kenneth S. Partridge, Port Credit, Ont.

"In much less than fifty years from now (1955), perhaps within ten years, the legislative procedure of Rotary International will undergo a major change. The Council on Legislation, will become the final legislative body of R.I., subject to a referendum in some form to the clubs.

R.I. Conventions, as they are known today, will be discontinued because of the size of our organization. Either every convention will be limited strictly to delegates or there will be no Annual Convention but a number of Regional Conferences or Conventions.

Annual District Conferences will increase in importance.


N. C. Laharry, Calcutta.

"The members of clubs are likely to increase by geometrical progression because of the economic and social progress being effected in the underdeveloped countries of the world. I feel that Rotary will. meet the challenge of the atom and hydrogen bombs".


Robert A. Manchester, Ohio.

"I predict no difficulty in passing the million mark in membership. The most rapid growth will occur in the Far East and Europe, and South America will continue their steady expansion. This will necessitate an enlarged Board of Directors to provide a broader base of representative opinion."

Page 187.

Gian Paola Lang - Leghorn (R.I.Pres. 1956-57)

"I predict for Rotary a splendid and important role in the future but, while we want more men in Rotary, we must not overlook the fact that we also need more Rotary in men".


S. W. Wortley - Chelmsford.

"I am confident that if the leaders in the Clubs and Districts and in Rotary International itself are obsessed with the moral principle of service to humanity as a means of advancing international understanding, and show by their leadership that they are sincerely trying to follow it, then with the exercise of greater care in the selection of our members, another fifty years will see Rotary able truthfully to claim that it has been successful in bringing international peace and universal happiness nearer fruition."


Joseph A. Abey - Readying, Pa. (R.I.Pres. 1961-2)

"It was to fill the need for fellowship and friendship that Rotary was founded. We cannot predict the future with it's atom's and hydrogen's but we do know there will always be men who will crave understanding, who will, love and want to be loved. Rotary will only continue to grow and become strong if the individual Rotarian works to develop better human relationship, whether it is with men 'of other counties, races, and cultures or right in our own communities."

Page 188.



O. D, A. Oberg- Sydney

"Rotary's contribution over the next fifty years will depend on the enthusiasm and efforts of every individual Rotarian. I see it as an even greater force for good throughout the world, it's influence and leadership in the forefront of renewed dedication to basic ideals."



From The Clipsheet - June 1963

The Tangible and effective projects sponsored by Rotary clubs are legion. They range from outings for senior citizens to building swimming pools and laying out parks for their communities. They include entertaining overseas students and supplying some of the needs of people in other lands.

Some of these projects require the outlay of only a little time and effort, others demand a great deal of money and hard work. Regardless of size, these projects are inspired by the Rotarian's urge to be of service to his his own community, and in those unknown to him, many thousands of miles away. This urge to serve exemplifies the Rotarian's understanding of his obligations in the avenues of community and international service.

-The Activator, the Rotary Club of

  Wentworthville, N.S.W., Australia.

Page 189.


Is it the TRUTH, the things I said,

and FAIR, the thing I did?

Or did I try to get ahead --

By keeping something hid.

Will it make me better FRIENDS,

And help to do real GOOD?

Perhaps the answer now depends --

Did I do the best I could!

Will it be a help to all concerned --

To my friends, and others too?

IT WILL --- if I live the best I've learned

In all the things I do.

-The Rotary Viewer



Thought of Rotary and its great potential as an organization of more than a half million business and professional men in 128 countries and geographical regions?

Studied the object of Rotary, the 106 word statement that is behind everything a Rotary club or a Rotarian does?

Tried to write your own definition of Rotary just for the sake of examining all its phases more closely?

Asked yourself why men in more than 11,000 communities on six continents leave their places of business once a week to come together for an hour or so of Rotary Fellowship?

Wondered about the miraculous growth of Rotary from one man with an idea to a half million men in a little more than half a century?

Page 190.


Rotary - Feb. 23rd, 1905 -- Chicago.

Exchange Club - Mar. 27th, 1911 - Detroit.

Sertoma Club - 1912 - Kansas City.

Gyro Club about 1912 - Cleveland.

Optimist - 1919 - Louisville, Ky.

Kiwanis Int.- 1915 - Detroit.

Lions Int. - 1917 - Dallas - now (l957) 11,022 clubs - 501,525 members in 58 countries - 6 continents.

Loyal Knights of Round Table - Oakland - 1922.

Cosmopolitan Int. - Oklahoma City.

Ruritan - Holland, Virginia - 1928

Twenty-Thirty Int. -- Sacramento - 1932.

Note - Only Rotary has encircled the Globe up to 1950. Now (1963) Lions International has almost encircled the globe.

Page 191.


Hats off to the man who gave so liberally of their time and talents to spread Rotary around the world.

Herbert Coates - S. America 1919-39.

Fred Warren Teele, W. Newton, Mass. - S. America 1922-27

Jim Roth, California - S. America 1925-33.

Dr. Edmardo Moore, Santiago, Chile - S. America 1928-32

T. C. Thomsen, Denmark - Europe 1923-32

Sir Frederick Ernest James, England All Far East 1928-33

B. M. Gerbel, Vienna - Europe 1930-38.

Paul T. Thonmll, Helsinki, Finland - N. Europe 1930-35

Special Commissioner - J. L. Ralston of Halifax and James W. Davidson, Calgary to Australia and New Zealand - 1921

James W. Davidson, Calgary - special General Commissioner to all the world. 1928-30

Page 192.


In 1906 Dr. C. W. Hawley, an eye specialist told the club one evening that a young Doctor in a Chicago suburb of Lagrange had lost his horse. He was a young and struggling Doctor (Doctors did not have Cadillacs in 1906) and the loss to him was great. The hat was trussed and $150.00 raised to buy the Doctor a horse.

Then in 1907 the Club was trying to find something worthwhile it could do. Someone suggested a Public Comfort Station for downtown Chicago. At once the idea was accepted and with the approval of Chicago City Council, the sum of $20,000.00 was raised and it was built in the City Hall, and in 1959 is still in use.

And so Community Service was established as a part of Rotary's job.


From The Clipsheet - June 1963.

Are you making Rotary a part of your life, or do you leave it all behind you at the close of our club meeting each week?

The Rotary Spoke, Rotary Club of East Liverpool, Ohio, U.S.A.

Page 193.


Over the years, many men have given careful thought to the question, "What is Rotary?." In their efforts to define it, they have ranged widely in terminology, but not in concept. Here are some examples:

"Rotary is an ideal in action"

"Rotary is thoughtfulness of and helpfulness to others."

"Rotary is a maker of friendships and a builder of men."

"Rotary is a state of mind and its strength is the attitude of the individual Rotarian".

"Rotary is the experience of men of different faiths, different opinions, and different nationalities growing in fellowship, wherever they may be."

What' s your definition?



From the Clipsheet - June 1963.

Attendance is not for building records but for building Rotarians.

-The "Rote" publication of the

Rotary Club of Miami, Florida U.S.A.


Page 194.


Formerly Viipuri

Finland District 69.

This Rotary flag and this club of Toolo-Tolo, Finland is unique in Rotary history. Back in pre-war (World War II) days the town of Viipuri in Eastern Fire, and had a fine Rotary Club. Then Russia overpowered little Finland after the Fins had put up a very bitter fight and made the victory (so called) very expensive for her big brutal neighbor. However, Finland had to accept defeat and make the best settlement possible.

Russia demanded a large chunk out of S. E. Finland. This area lay close to Leningrad and Russia wanted some protection for this important city which once was St. Petersburg. There were 500,000 Finnish people in this area and it included Viipuri.

These 500,000 were all moved to Helsinki, or close by Helsinki. Every house where there was a spare room had to be given to a refugee family. It was an amazing job of mass migration.

The Viipuri Rotarians asked for and were granted the right to move to a suburb of Helsinki and they did so and moved the Rotary Club, lock, stock and barrel and the new club became the Rotary Club of Toolo and has flourished since it was transplanted. This explains the flag shown on page 86 of the large Rotary Album.

Not even war could make these courageous people give up Rotary.

Page 195


A few friends who understand me, and yet remain my friends.

Work to do which has real value, and without which the world would feel poorer.

An understanding heart.

Moments of leisure.

A mind unafraid to travel, even though the trail be not blazed.

A sight of the eternal hills and the unresting sea, and of something beautiful the hand of man has made.

The power to laugh.

Nothing at the expense of others.

The sense of the presence of God.

And the patience to wait for the coming of these things with the wisdom to know when they come.

--Dr. Walter Reid Hunt.

Page 196.


You are a Rotarian because some other Rotarian thought you a proper person to occupy a particular Rotary classification. He considered that you would fit into the fellowship of the club and participate in the club's activities, accepting assignments willingly and taking an active part in the programs. He considered that you believe in fairness, honesty and integrity, and that you put these ideals into practice in all your dealings with your customers, employees and with all people with whom you come into contact in your business.

He considered that you would be a credit to the Rotary club by taking an active part in community affairs. He considered you to be tolerant and understanding in international affairs to further Rotary's program of international peace and good will. So, this Rotarian nominated you and you were elected to membership. It is up to each one of us to insure that our nominator's judgment and confidence will alway be justified.

The Bulletin

Geelong West, Australia.

Page 197.


1. Blessed is the Rotarian who changes his eating place at each meeting, for he shall make more friends.

2. Blessed is the Rotarian who creates wholesome conversation at the table, for people will desire to sit with him.

3. Blessed is the Rotarian who does not blow smoke in his neighbor's face, for his seatmate may not smoke.

4. Blessed is the Rotarian who knows how to stop when he makes a speech, for he is an unusual man.

5. Blessed is the Rotarian who can take a little kidding, for he is a good sport.

6. Blessed is the Rotarian who carried his enthusiasm and friendship away from the dinner table to use it in the ways of life, for he will not be called a hypocrite.

7. Blessed is the Rotarian who pays his dues on time, for he will not be dropped.

8. Blessed is the Rotarian who has more than just business or professional interest in the Club, for he will last longer.

From-The Venice-Nokomis,


Club Bulletin.

Page 198.


By:      Rotarian Frank J. Losasso of the Rotary

Club of Barre, Vermont. Governor District 785, 1959-1960.

Not - "How did he die?"

But - "How did he live?"

Not - "What did he gain?"

But - "What did he give?.

These are units.

To measure the worth

Of a man, as a man

Regardless of Birth.

Not - "What was his station?"

But - "Had he a heart?"

And - "How did he play

His God-given part?

Was he ever ready

With a word of good cheer

To bring back a smile

To banish a tear?"

Not - "What was his church?"

Not - "What was his creed?"

But - "Had he befriended

Those really in need?"

Not - "What did the sketch in the newspaper say?"

But - "How many were sorry when he passed away?"


Page 199.


BY: Frank J. Loasse of Barre, Vermont,

Past Governor Rotary District 785,


Make me an instrument of peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

Where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light;

And where there is sadness, Joy.

Grant that I may not so much seek to

be consoled as to console;

To be understood as to understand;

To be loved as to love;

For it is in living that we receive;

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

Also grant that I will always fulfill the

objects of Rotary.

Page 200.


Do you consider yourself a Rotarian, or are you just a member of a Rotary club? Don't answer until you check up a little.

1. Do you arrive early enough to enjoy a little gab and fellowship before lunch? Or are you one of the "60 per cent" boys who barely make it by 12:15?

2. Are you one of those who duck out early?. Next time, look back and see the Rotarians with more business than you have.

3. Do you infer that you are a "very busy boy" by leaving when the speaker is introduced? Any speaker finds it harder to talk to vacant chairs than to vacant minds.

4. Do you jump and run when the speaker finishes, or do you wait for the bell, as a Rotarian should? Those who leave early cause a commotion that makes it difficult for the president to thank the speaker and close the meeting courteously and properly.

Sure, you are a busy man! If you were not, it is doubtful if you would be a Rotarian. But, do you act like a Rotarian? Read them again, and if you are an offender - just don't do it again.

-The Gear Shift,

Tacoma, Washington, U.S.A.



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