The Joseph A. Caulder Collection
Past Rotary International Director 1928-29   -  Regina, Sask., Canada

"Eyewitness to Rotary International's First 50 Years"


JOSEPH A. CAULDER - An eyewitness to Rotary International's first 50 years.

Album 2 - Page 90: Golden Anniversary Convention

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Golden Anniversary Convention, Chicago, May 29 - June 2, 1955

Joseph A. Caulder's Commentary

Accompanying Photograph

The great convention held in Chicago on Rotary's 50th Anniversary in 1955.

This gathering can never be forgotten by anyone privileged to attend.

All living Past Presidents of Rotary were there, also all widows of Past Presidents who had passed on.

Margaret and I are in that crowd, also our son J. A. Caulder, who, as a boy of 7, attended the 25th anniversary convention of Rotary International also held in Chicago, in June 1925.



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