The Joseph A. Caulder Collection
Past Rotary International Director 1928-29   -  Regina, Sask., Canada

"Eyewitness to Rotary International's First 50 Years"


JOSEPH A. CAULDER - An eyewitness to Rotary International's first 50 years.

Album 2 - Page 89: 50th Anniversary Dinner, Chicago, February 23, 1955

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Rotary's 50thAnniversary Dinner, February 23, 1955


Joseph A. Caulder Commentary

Accompanying Photograph

The dinner held in Chicago on February 23rd, 1955 to commemorate Rotary's 50th anniversary. It was held in the Hotel Sherman ballroom. Herbert J. Taylor of Chicago, President of R.I., presided. This banquet was held just a block away from where four men organized the first Rotary Club 50 years earlier.

Excellent articles had been written in the February issue of The Rotarian by Chesley R. Perry [Click to see article], Herbert J. Taylor, George R. Means and others. A fine article by Mr. Reinhardt who for years was a law partner with Paul Harris. A short article by Jean Harris, widow of Paul Harris, entitled "A Memory of Paul". An article by Will Durant and one by Kenneth G. Partridge of Port Credit, Ontario and Ned C. Laharry of Calcutta, India and Bob Manchester of Youngstown, Ohio and many others, on "What of the next fifty". There is a fine article by Past President Harry H. Rogers on The Rotary Fellowship Foundation.

In the March 1955 issue there is a resume of "Rotary down the decades" by Past President Crawford McCullough [Click to see article] of Ft. William, Ontario. That should be read by every Rotarian. This story covers the years 1916 to 1925. Another article in this issue by John O. Knutson on Arthur Frederick Sheldon, who contributed so much to Rotary.

In the April issue another fine story by Past President Al Roth of San Francisco covering the period 1926 to 1935. Another by George W. Harris of Washington, D. C.

In the May issue Past President Walter D. Head covers the period 1936 to 1945 and this is filled with thrilling stories of Rotary's progress. In this issue also Past President Allen D. Albert (President 1915-16 and. number 5) writes on "Some thoughts of 1913 Rethought in 1955".

In the June issue Tom Warren of Boumemouth, England, President of R.I. in 1945-46 covers the last decade, 1946 to 1955, and does it in a wonderful way. Charlie Newton recalls the days of 1905. He was the 7th man to join Rotary. George Harris of Washington, D.C. writes on "The Drama and Fun at Rotary Conventions".

Referring again to the Anniversary banquet; about 900 were there from all over the world. That wonderful pair of 1905 members, Harry L. Ruggles and Charlie Newton came from California to relate the tales of 1905 and Harry led the group in singing "Let Me Call You Sweetheart", which was the song he first had Chicago No.1 sing away back: in those early days.

U.S. Postmaster General, Arthur E. Summerfield was the main speaker. Arthur H. Compton, Nobel prize winning Physicist, was there.

These four issues of The Rotarian relate a great volume of Rotary history written by men who shaped the form of Rotary for years to come. All Rotarians should read these four issues carefully.



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