The Joseph A. Caulder Collection
Past Rotary International Director 1928-29   -  Regina, Sask., Canada

"Eyewitness to Rotary International's First 50 Years"


JOSEPH A. CAULDER - An eyewitness to Rotary International's first 50 years.


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Page F. 1 (Pagination as in original)


As remembered by Fred Reinhardt

His Law Partner

It was on a day in April, 1919, that I first met Paul P. Harris, For 15 years I had been practicing law in Chicago, and on this spring day I had decided to find new office quarters for myself. Learning that a lawyer named Harris had some space to rent in his suite on the tenth floor of the First National Bank Building, I called upon him. We talked briefly and inspected the vacant office. In a matter of minutes I had signed a lease. Thus began a friendship, and soon a law partnership, which lasted until Paul’s death in 1947.

There are thousands of men and women around the earth who knew Paul Harris longer and perhaps better than I did, but it was my privilege to knew him in his professional, work-a-day role. It has often seemed to me that this aspect of his life has had little emphasis in all that has been written about him – surprisingly little when one considers that the entire basis of our movement which he founded is vocational.

Paul was a good lawyer, a thorough, painstaking, conscientious lawyer - a lawyer who held that "the practice of law is a trust relationship of the highest possible order." While freely acknowledged that "no professional has been more dishonored by its members, it is also true that no profession has been more honored."

Because thousands will read these pages who know little of Rotary and perhaps nothing

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of its Founder, I shall try to tell the Paul Harris story briefly – and then resume my narrative about Paul the lawyer.

Paul was born in Racine, Wisconsin, on April 19, 1868, but when he was still a small child his parents took him to Wallingford, Vermont. There his paternal grandparents took over his rearing. In the setting of the beautiful Green Mountains and the simple, prudent, religious life of New England he attended Grammar School, several academies, and the University of Vermont. After two years at the University and a year at Princeton, Paul enrolled in the law department at Iowa State University – and received the degree of LL.B. in 1891.

Then Paul did a daring and significant thing. Formally schooled, he now wanted to see the world and learn about people as they are. Thus he earmarked the next five years of his life for this pursuit. He had no money; he was on his own. He reported for a newspaper, taught school and packed raisins in California; he acted in a stock company and herded cattle in Colorado; he sold marble and worked as a hotel clerk in Florida; he made trips to Europe as a stock boy on a number of cattle boats and later travelled commercially in Continental Europe, Britain and Ireland. In due course the five allotted years ended and in March, 1896, Paul obtained a license to practice law in Illinois and

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hung up his shingle in Chicago. How, nine years later in 1905, he called three friends together to form the first Rotary Club is told elsewhere; how in 1910 he married a bonnie lassie names Jean Thompson, who is still living and is greatly beloved by many persons throughout the world, and how Paul won the honors of many nations, are chapters long since well told.

Paul the lawyer? There is no great drama in the story. Paul was a quiet, exacting, scrupulously honest lawyer who as head of our law firm conducted a serene and happy office. Never in the 28 years of our association was a word spoken in anger by anyone to anyone of our office family. Paul set this standard. Paul wanted no criminal cases, no domestic quarrels, no trial work. Rather he chose the fields of corporate, real estate, and probate law, and in them he led the firm of Harris, Reinhardt & Russell to a very fair reputation in Chicago. Incidentally, that was Paul’s Rotary classification: "Lawyer, Corporation, Real Estate and Probate," and as Paul’s associate or additional active member, I held the same classification. Originally it had been "General Law", but Paul felt this did not exactly represent the truth and in the early ‘20s suggested that our Club make the change.

Paul was, at all times, very patient with the young men who came to our firm directly from law school. His sincerity and kindliness would not permit him to be otherwise,

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but he did insist that no person had any right to practice law unless he was prepared to give every legal matter submitted to him the most conscientious preparation and attention; he would never countenance the slightest neglect.

Proud of his profession, Pau took a deep interest in upholding and improving it. He was a member of the American Bar Association. Joining the Chicago Bar Association in 1906, he served on its committees. Through craft assemblies of lawyers at Rotary from 1911 onward he worked for higher standards, and in an article in this Magazine in March 1912, he gave readers some wise and witty counsel on "How to Get Your Money’s Worth, Even Out of a Lawyer". In 1932 he represented the Chicago Bar Association at the International Congress of Comparative Law at The Hague.

Nothing, however, spells Paul the lawyer quite so clear as a scholarly and yet very human paper he wrote for the Chicago Bar Association "Record" in 1927 titled "The Evolution of Professional Ethics". The whole of it is worth any man’s reading. I have room to quote but this bit: ". . . It seems a far cry to the millennium and yet, there is no prospect more alluring than that held out by the exaltation of vocation as the most available and appropriate means of contributing to social needs . . . If . . the ideal which places service first and compensation second in the sequence of

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Events can become the order of the day . . . there will be no further need for prisons or alms houses. Is the ideal possible of attainment? Very likely not, within the day of those now living; but there are other generations yet to come . . . ."

NOTE - Also see

Book 1 - pages, 5, 6 and - 6a.

Pages P-58 and P-89

Book 2 - pages H-1 and H-8 and F-1 to F-5

Book 3 - pages A-1 to A-20. A-21 - A-22


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From: Rotary Whizz – Winnipeg - July 3, 1963

(copy of an editorial from the May "Ruritan"

Sooner or later a man if, he is wise, discovers that life is a mixture of good days and bad, victory and defeat, give and take.

He learns that it doesn't pay to be a sensitive soul; that he should let some things go over head like water off a duck's back.

He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses out.

(see over)

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He learns that all men have burnt toast for breakfast now and then, and that he shouldn’t take the other fellow’s grouch too seriously.

He learns that carrying a chip on his shoulder is the easiest way to get into a fight. He learns that the quickest way to become unpopular is to carry tales and gossip about others.

He learns that buck passing always turns out to be a boomerang, and that it never pays.

He comes to realize that the business could run along perfectly well without him.

He learns that it doesn't matter so much who gets the credit so long as the business shows a profit.

He learns that even the janitor is human and that it doesn't 'do any harm to smile and say "Good Morning," even if it is raining.

He learns that most of the other fellows are as ambitious as he is, that they have brains that are as good or better, and that hard work and not cleverness is the secret success.

He learns to sympathize with the youngster coming into the business, because he remembers how bewildered he was when he first started out.

He learns not to worry when he loses an order, because experience has shown that if he always gives his best, his average will break pretty well.

He learns that no man ever got to first base alone, and that it is only through co-operative effort that we move on to better things.

(cont’d, Page F. 7)

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He learns that bosses are no monsters trying to get the last ounce of work out of him for the least amount of pay, but that they are usually fine men who have succeeded through hard work and who want to do the right thing.

He learns that folks are not any harder to get along with in one place than an other and that the "getting along" depends about ninety-eight per cent on his own behaviour.

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From Winnipeg 'Whizz' - July 10, 1963

Rotary has never been able to survive in a country where truth, justice, sanctity of the pledged word, and freedom of the individual wan denied.

It has grown and prospered in all countries where these characteristics are inherent in the social structure.

Rotary Key, Pullman, Wash.



From Winnipeg 'Whizz' - July 10, 1963

We often pray for purity, unselfishness, for the highest qualities of character, and forget that these things cannot be given, but must be earned.

(Lyman Abbott)

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Winnipeg 'Whizz’ – July 10, 1963

To smooth the way for others

To make of life the most;

To make the phrase "Our brothers"

Mean more than idle boast;

To praise sincere endeavour,

When praise will spur it on,

Withholding kind words, never,

Until the friend is gone;

This is the Rotary spirit,

This is the Rotary Dream,

God grant that we may near it

Before we cross the stream.



From Winnipeg 'Whizz" - July 10, 1963

Let’s have a little more progress in our business ethics and lets teach our youngster that fair play and honesty are just as important in the business world as they are on the athletic field or in the classroom.

If all members of Rotary Clubs preached and practiced the common axioms which comprise The Four-Way Test, not only in their offices and factories, but also in their homes, this would be a little better world in which to live.

Rota-Reel, The Rotary Club of Valdosta, Georgia, U.S.A.

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By: Harry Ruggles.

As told by Harry L. Ruggles to Leland D. Case and published in The Rotarian - February 1952 - page 29. When the interview was held in 1952 Harry was living in Beverley Hills, California and had been asked to come to Chicago as the Guest of Honour at Chicago No. 1.

Harry relates how The Rotarian was born in January 1911. That issue carried a very fine article by Paul Harris. Neither Ches. Perry, the Secretary, or Paul Harris had any money to spend for publishing, but they took a chance. They sold a certain amount of advertising and then persuaded Harry Ruggles to print what was then called "The National Rotarian". It was a flimsy 1ittle thing with only 12 pages. Paul Harris had come into Harry Ruggles' little print shop one day to have some letterheads printed. Paul was just getting started as a struggling young lawyer in Chicago. He was making a specialty of collecting bad debts for Doctors. Perhaps we would not have the Rotary today if Paul Harris had not been asked by the coal merchant, Silvester Schiele to try and collect a bad debt of $20.00. In a few days Paul handed the $20.00 over to his new friend Silvester Schiele. Perhaps Rotary would hot have lived and prospered and grown without Paul having Silvester at his elbow during the tough years. When Paul got the idea of starting some kind of a fellowship club the first man he talked to was his friend Silvester Schiele. It was Paul's ides that instead of having a club of all Doctors or Lawyers, be would just ask one men from each business or profession. In that way the meetings would not be entirely about any particular business.

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Harry Ruggles never made any apologies for the greet job he did in bringing new members into the Club on the basis of getting them more business. He also agrees that the Club would not have lived through the first two or three years without the business angle. In 1910 when the Club was about five years old, there was a definite move to change the main objective from getting business to public service. Like his lifelong friend Charlie Newton, he agrees that they got just as such joy out of helping the other fellow as in having someone hand them some business.

Early in Rotary's history a banker, Rufus Chapin, joined the Club and he was known. as "roughhouse Rufus". This banker was very handy in this Club because times were tough and when one of the members got in trouble half a dozen or so of the other members would back his note at the bank where "roughhouse Rufus" held sway. Most of the borrowers paid their debts eventually, but the members got into a very bad mess in trying to bail one man out who had not lived up to the Rotary ideals.

Gradually this group of men began to realize that business on the whole was not a very honourable basis and they finally came to the conclusion that crooked practices had to be cleaned up. They then announced that every Rotarian must be an ambassador to his craft. This was not a case of selling Rotary to the members, but selling the members on the idea of taking back to their business or profession, the kind of ideals that Rotary believed in.

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Harry Ruggles was active in getting the first "Codes of Ethics in Business" written and adopted. He points out that whereas the first article in the Constitution written in 1905 was "the promotion of the business interests of its members", that the second item was "the promotion of good fellowship and other desiderata, ordinary incident to social clubs".

Paul Harris was raised in Vermont in a very small place where everyone called each other by their first name, and he liked the idea because it developed friendliness. Paul Harris started calling all his friends in Chicago by their first names and soon it was an adopted principle of Rotary but was never official. Rotary, very wisely, has refrained from setting out definite rules and regulations.

Harry Ruggles disagrees with the founding date of February 23rd, 1905. He distinctly remembers printing stationery for the Club in 1904. In fact, he states that he did four jobs for the Rotary Club of Chicago in 1904. It should be remembered that in those early days no one ever figured the Club would grow or expand. No minutes were kept. Later on when the organization did start to grow, there was much argument about what happened at these early meetings, and when the meetings were held. Harry admits that his friend Charlie Newton is very that he (Harry Ruggles) is wrong and that 1905 was the year. Harry closes this argument by saving that after all the American "Declaration of Independence" was not signed on July 4th, and that it is immaterial whether Rotary started in 1904 or 1905.

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LET’S SING – By Harry L. Ruggles (cont'd)

The official records tell us that the first meeting was on February 23rd, 1905 and in Paul Harris office, and that Paul and Silvester Schiele had dined at Madame Galli's restaurant and then went to Gus Loehr's office in the old Unity Building where Paul Harris had his law office across the hall from Loehr's mining office. There is also great argument about whether that first session was held in Paul's office or in Gus Loehr's office. Again, it does not matter. Harry is very sure that the third session was held at Silvester Schiele's coal office on State at near 13th and at this meeting, Bill Jenson, a real estate agent, attended.

Harry Ruggles believes that the idea of calling the organization Rotary was not because they were going to rotate their meetings between the members' offices, but because each member would be elected to the Club for a certain period - one year or two years, or three years, and then would be up for re-election. He was not so sure that the plan would not have been e good one!

Very early in the Club’s history every member who missed a meeting was fined fifty cent (.50$) and Harry points out that a half dollar in 1905 was a lot of money.

Roughhouse Chapin (was called roughhouse because he was so quiet) had been named

Treasurer succeeding Harry Ruggles, and on June 20th, 1908 the Club had 175 members according to Chapin's report. He also reported that during the preceding nine

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months fines and semi-monthly assessments totalled $533.00, and after all bills were paid he had $1.84 in the treasury.

Then came the meeting when Paul Harris suggested that fines should be done away with and that there should be a semimonthly charge of 50¢ in the form of dues. This plan was adopted. Harry Ruggles agrees that Charlie Newton, in protesting a fine, led to the establishment of the regular semi-weekly dinners; later to the weekly luncheons. The shift to weekly meals at noon started in 1907. Harry reports on the first kind act done by the Chicago Club as a Club. Doctor C. W. Hawley, the Club's eye Doctor, reported on a country Doctor in nearby La Grange whose horse had died. The hat was passed and $150.00 was collected to buy a new horse for the young country Doctor. The next big move, and the first big community service act, was when Chicago Rotarians raised the money to build a comfort station in Chicago's city hall. When this was accomplished community service was well on the way.

Harry had something to do with the starting of our weekly letters or bulletins, but records that Red Ramsay really made the first suggestion. The bulletin was called "Rotary Yell"

Until "Roughhouse Chapin" who was great at punning, proposed that Rotary should be spelled backwards, or should start off with the letter "g", and as Roughhouse Chapin usually had his way, "The Gyrator" came into existence and is still published by the Rotary Club of Chicago. This weekly

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letter is the granddaddy of thousands of little weekly letters and bulletins published by Rotary Clubs the world over.

The first classification talk was given by Silvester Schiele at the urging of Paul Harris and was on his business which was "coal retailing". This started vocational talks in Rotary. The Club also at this time decided to have three ladies meetings per year.

The 50¢ luncheons included liquid refreshment of wine or claret, Some of the boys would visit the brass rail before sessions and come into the meetings feeling rather jolly and would speak at the wrong time, so the Club decided there and then there would be no liquor served at meals. This has become the general rule throughout the United States. One day at the old Sherman Hotel the meeting was going along rather dull and Harry said, "Gosh fellows, let's sing", and he led the members in singing "Let Me Call You Sweetheart", and "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny", and "My Hero" from the Chocolate Soldier, and "Hail, Hail, The Gangs all Here". Paul Harris was a tenor. It is believed that this started singing at luncheon meeting. Harry said that he came from a singing Methodist family and after his father had led in prayer in the morning they would always sing a hymn. Very shortly after this Harry printed a song sheet and of course song sheets and song books are now in common use in service clubs everywhere.

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LET’S SING – By Harry L. Ruggles (cont'd)

At first Paul Harris had some doubts about singing in Rotary Clubs, but soon he changed his mind. One day a French Rotarian visited at Chicago and after hearing the Club singing, said that this was the first time he had ever heard sober men singing in public. At a meeting in 1906 an out of town speaker was called on to say a word and started by telling a shady story. Harry Ruggles knew the story and immediately jumped to his feet and yelled, "Let' s sing". That was the end of the speaker and his story. The would-be speaker was embarrassed and sore. Harry apologized but the Club backed him up. There and then it was decided that Rotary meetings should be conducted always so that a lady could attend without blushing. This has been the unwritten rule ever since.

In these early days Chicago #1 had no money for paying speakers and consequently each speaker was made an honorary member of Rotary. It was soon decided that this was a bad practice and the custom died. Early in Rotary's history it was decided that religion and politics must not be discussed at Club meetings. Again, of course, this is one of the unwritten rules.

Harry agrees that Rotary "growed up like Topsy." Many of the moves made in Rotary were just accidental and so Rotary grew.

NOTE: When the above article was written in 1952 Harry Ruggles had already been invited to attend the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of Rotary in Chicago to be held in 1955.

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LET’S SING – By Harry L. Ruggles

Fortunately Harry and his wife, Josephine, were able to attend the1955 Convention and at that Convention I put on a luncheon at which Margaret and I had Mrs. Paul Harris, Mrs. Silvester Schiele, Harry and Josephine Ruggles, Frank and Hazel Black of Toronto and Basil and Doris Tippet of Toronto, also George Harris of Washington, D.C., and Leonard and Eleanor Riddell of Harrogate, England. It was a very unique luncheon.


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Foreword - When attending Rotary International’s 50th Anniversary Convention in Chicago in June 1955, I had the pleasure of having long visits with Harry Ruggles, number 5, and Charlie Newton, number 7. Both these mere in their late 80’s and both living in California in 1955. They were the only two remaining alive of the men we refer to as the "originals". In all organizations that are 50 years old we find original members who disagree. Ruggles claims Rotary was organized February 25th, 1904 and in a very special folder I have letterheads used by the Chicago club up to 1911 reading, "Rotary Club of Chicago, founded February 25, 1904 by Paul P. Harris." These letterheads were used up to that date without ever being questioned. Charlie Newton says his pal Ruggles is wrong and it was

(cont'd. page, G-9)

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a printer’s error. Ruggles says it was Donald M. Carter who proposed the building of the comfort station in 1908 but Paul Harris in "My Road to Rotary" says that he proposed this first "Community Service" undertaking.

Newton says Rotary was not organized in Paul’s office, 711 Old Unity Building, but in Silvester Schiele’s office. The argument will never be settled as there were no records kept and all the then members have gone.

From the information I gathered from these two grand veterans, I at once wrote the following:-

Rotary's first Community Service job was started at a meeting of Chicago No. 1 - held at the Great Northern Hotel, Thurs. Oct. 24th, 1907. Rotary was then operating on the calendar year. The club gathered a great group of Chicago's leading men and 15 spoke in favor of a public comfort station to be built in the City Hall and to cost $20,000.00. The endorsement was so solid and vocal and had such political and business backing, that a few days later when a delegation met the Council the resolution was passed but Chicago taxpayers put up every cent and Rotary got the credit.

Charlie Newton was President Chicago Club in 1923-24 and ruled with an iron hand,

At one time dropped 125 for poor attendance but took 95 of them back when they promised to mend their ways. Later posted 71 on a

(see over)

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bulletin board in the dining room as not having paid their dues. They were given one week. The next week 21 names still on the board and President Newton announced that every man who did not pay before leaving the room was out. Only one name left at 2 P.M. and he was in Europe so a friend paid for him.

When Paul Harris resigned in the middle of his second year as Chicago President (Oct. 1908) he wanted Arthur Frederick Sheldon to succeed him. The club led by Charlie Newton rebelled and Harry Ruggles was elected President to fill out Paul's second year. It is obvious even then Rotarians were only human and as yet Paul Harris had not developed a halo as he did later. Paul resigned over a prank pulled on him at a meeting and in which Paul felt his so called friends had gone too far. No amount of coaxing would bring him back and when Ruggles was chosen over Sheldon, Paul remained away from the club for five or six months. Charlie says Paul was a great prankster who could hand it out but who could not take it.

The number 6 man was Wm. Jenson of Regelin, Jenson & Co., Real Estate, Renting and Insurance, 105 Washington St.

Hiram Shorey (the tailor) only stayed a member for a few weeks.

In the summer of l905 there were 19 members, and the first roster was issued.

(Cont’d. page G. 11)

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As for time founding date, there is much confusion. As late as 1911, stationery was used showing A.M. Ramsay, President (and he was President from Feb. 1910 to Jan. 1911) and also showing in clear type at, the top "Rotary Club founded Thursday, Feb. 25th, 1904 by Paul P. Harris." Even in spite of this and even though Harry Ruggles says he did printing work for the club in 1904, Charlie says it can't be so as he joined as partner in H. J. Ullman and Co., which Company only started business in Jan. 1905. To back up Charlie's statement the records show Silvester Schiele the first President and his term of office is shown as February 1905 to January 1906.

It is a fact that in 1910 or 1911 a committee met to determine the date because by then Rotary was "on the march" and the date Feb. 23, 1905 was agreed upon. It is a fact that the name was not chosen at the first half dozen meetings or the rules about single classification, etc. It just did not all happen on Feb. 23, 1905.

At first the club met on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays and a look at the 1905 calendar showed the 4th Thursday to be Feb. 23rd and the sure thing was that the meetings were held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays.

The first Constitution and By-Laws was drawn up and printed in Jan. 1906.

(see over)

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The Objects

1. The development of business between members.

2. The development of friendship.

In 1908 a state charter was obtained (July 27, 1908) and it was all in Paul Harris handwriting. At that time, a 3rd Object was added to read - "To advance the best interests of Chicago and spread the spirit of loyalty among its citizens". Charlie says this No. 3 was added to counteract criticism against this group of back scratchers called Rotarians.

Charlie backs up that Paul Harris told me in 1930 that Rotary would never have lived through the first 2 or 3 years only for the "business" plank in its platform.

Newton also says that when the Club had 120 members he had all the insurance of 90 of the 120 and Harry Ruggles had all the printing of 110 out of 120.

The business angle started to die in 1911 and was almost dead in the Chicago club in 1913, but was very much alive in the San Francisco Club in 1915 when Howard Feighner was secretary and when the meal started he had to go out and cheek every hat to make sure every member was loyal to the hat man in the club anyhow.

Newton feels that Sheldon has gotten far more praise than he deserved but is frank to say that Silvester Schiele, one of the

(Cont’d. page G. 13)

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original four and Harry Ruggles No. 5, are the men who put Rotary Club No, 1 over. No doubt modesty prevented Charlie from including his name and thus making it three, Paul Harris . Harris, however, was a quiet, shy man. Silvester and Harry Ruggles and certainly Charlie himself, were not shy. They were, however, all very ethical business men.

Charlie also says that the horse they bought for the Chicago Doctor was for a Doctor who was then a club member. This was in 1906. The Doctor was C. W. Hawley.

Charlie disagrees with all official records about the organization meeting being held in Gus Loehr’s office in the "Old Unity Building" and says it was in Silvester Schiele’s office.

One by-law read:- "It shall be the duty of the statistician to keep a record of and to report at each meeting, the business influenced by the membership of this organization",

At first members were elected for one year only. Harry Ruggles says this was proposed but never made a definite rule. No dues were collected until September 1908. Up to then fines had to provide all necessary funds. The club had no Board of Directors until 1906 and then only membership and Entertainment. The club had no office until 1910 when The National Association of Rotary Clubs was organized with Chesley R, Perry as part-time Secretary. The rent for the office plus steno and telephone, was $50.00 per month.

(see over)

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At the first meeting of the non-political and non-sectarian principles were adopted.

It was Donald J. Carter, a patent attorney, who joined in 1906 and who started the club interest in civic affairs, which in 1908 led to the civic comfort station being built.

Paul Harris was then President.

Silvester Schiele was the first President;

A. L. White the second;
Paul P. Harris the third and
Harry Ruggles the fourth.

Harris and Ruggles, between them, served three years.

The first emblem, the wagon wheel, was designed by M. L. Bear and adopted in 1906.

Singing was introduced by Harry Ruggles in the winter of 1905-06 and the noon luncheon was suggested by Charlie Newton and started in 1908.

Ches. Perry suggested the members’ identification badges and Silvester Schiele the idea of members’ picture in the Roster.

All the above given by Charlie Newton and all the early members are not in agreement. Ches. Perry did not join the club until January 1908. From that date on there is no doubt about what happened and when.


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By Harry Ruggles as told to Leland D. Case
and published in The Rotarian of March 1952

The following is Part 2. of the reminiscences of the early days of the Chicago Club by Harry Ruggles who was member number 5.

In this article published in the March 1952 issue of The Rotarian, Harry states that he never knew anyone like Paul Harris. That he could not conceive of anyone who could have done such a fine Job in founding Rotary.

He thinks that Paul Harris greatest asset was in his ability to take friends and his love of making fun of Just being human - he loved people.

He would be called a small man, and when he hung out his shingle in Chicago in 1896 as a lawyer, he was a handsome young man. He wore a mustache and had a heavy head of dark hair - not much like the pictures of Paul Harris that we are accustomed to seeing.

Wherever Paul Harris went he stopped and talked to the natives. Born in Racine, Wisconsin but raised by his grandparents in Wallingford, Vermont, he grew up like any ordinary boy. After completing high school he attended the University of Vermont for one year, then Princeton and finished up in Law at the University of Iowa.

Paul had already decided that he would spend five years seeing the world and seeing people before settling down to the practice of Law.

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He graduated in 1891. He worked at Yellowstone Park; then San Francisco where he worked on a newspaper and on a fruit farm. He taught in a Los Angeles business college. He punched coma near Platteville, Colorado; clerked in a hotel in Jacksonville, Florida; and became a sales roam there for Vermont Granite. Then to England on a cattle boat and he bicycled all over the Continent of Europe. He then settled down in Chicago to practice Law. He rented a small office in the old Unity Building, #711, now known as 127 North Dearborn at. Harry was always proud of the fact that he was the 5th member to join the Club. As the months went past from time to time someone would suggest that the Club be disbanded, but a few loyal members kept it alive. Will R. (Doc} Neff, a Dentist, and Pete Powers provided lively amusements for the meetings. Doc Neff slaved for 15 years for Rotary. He served as financial secretary and secretary and never was paid a nickel for his work.

Harry pays tributes to Charlie Newton, who was member #7 and to A. M. (Red) Ramsay. Harry's special job was getting new members. In 1909 when the membership was about 190, the Club decided to bring in a lot more men, and a list of open classifications was published. Anyone who did not bring in one new member had to wear a foolish looking paper hat and sit at an old board table end with tin spoons eat soup and hash from tin dishes. They were known as "The Yellow Dogs". The rest of the Club feasted like Kings at the other end of the room. This doubtful brilliant idea brought in a good many new members but it was not long

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until they decided a mistake had been made. From than on it was quality that counted and not quantity.

Harry is proud of the fact that he brought Chesley R. Perry into Rotary in 1908. He was a veteran of the Spanish-American War and had newspaper experience. He talked Spanish fluently. Paul Harris said, "If I can in truth be called the architect of Rotary, Ches Perry can, with equal truth, be called the builder". In the early days a Club election caused a lot of ill feeling and ever since Rotary has been trying to get away from elections. Paul and Harry would often meet for lunch or for dinner and talk about how to get new members; also about meeting programmes, etc.

When it came time to be some talking about organization, Paul was the logical man to be President but he refused, and Silvester Schiele became the first President, followed by A.L. White, and then by Paul Harris. Paul was elected for a second term but resigned in the middle of the year and for reasons told in another chapter of this book. He resigned from the Presidency but not the Club.

The second Club was started in San Francisco in 1908. Harry Ruggles had succeeded Paul Harris as president. Oakland was the next Club; then Seattle; then Lo Angeles then New York.

Paul Harris knew Fred Tweed of New York and was anxious that Fred should organize a Club

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in New York. He promised Fred that out-of-pocket expenses would be paid. By this time the dues at Chicago were $12.00 per year. Obviously the club had very little money. Harry Ruggles advised caution because the Club had no funds and if the policy was to continue to organize new Clubs around the country, money would be needed. Paul, of course, being a Lawyer, won out and Fred Tweed was reimbursed. There was a good deal of skepticism about organizing new Clubs. No one yet had got the idea of Rotary spreading all over the United States and perhaps to other countries in the world. It soon became obvious, however, that Rotary was going to grow. In 1910 the first convention was called. Rotary then had 16 Clubs and 14 sent representatives to the Convention held in Chicago. At this meeting the National Association of Rotary Clubs was formed. The same year ten members of the Chicago Club paid their own expenses to go to Minnesota and organize Clubs in Minneapolis and St. Paul. The year 1912-13 saw Glenn C. Mead of Philadelphia as President, and with the help of Ches. Perry, Clubs were organized in Peoria, Illinois and Indianapolis, Indiana.

In these days Paul Harris used to organize a dozen or so to go on week-end trips. They would hold picnics. They would go across Lake Michigan to Paw Paw Lake or to Dowagiac where Paul’s friend Tom Claybourn had an ideal well-stocked place for a letdown. They would fish or swim, paddle a canoe or play baseball. These week-end trips rarely cost over $10.00 each

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One week-end on a long hike led by Paul Harris they found themselves in the middle of the sand dunes along the south end of Lake Michigan. As would be expected, some of these men tired and. wanted to turn back but Paul, with a sober face, would keep on walking and assure them that everything would turn out all right. Finally, a farm house came into view. One of the crowd named Dipper Smith saw a well by the house and galloped like a horse and drank two quart dipperfuls of water. When the farmer appeared Smith' s first question was: "Have you got any beer?" The farmer simply replied by saying come in and see. When they entered the house they saw a table loaded with food. Of course Paul had arranged it all and had a good chuckle. They slept that night in the farmer's barn, The next morning they attended a Swedish church although not one of them knew a word of Swedish.

They arranged for a boxing match one night between Harry Crofts, who weighed 250 lbs., and Les Lawrence who barely tipped the scales at 95. It is obvious in those days they enjoyed fun.

Another prank was pulled on Barney Arntzen, the Undertaker. He got a hurry-up call to come to the Southern Hotel. Paul Harris and Silvester Schiele were living at that hotel. Barney was very professional in manner until he started to shift the corpse. It moved as he lifted the sheet and Pete Powers grinned as a whole bunch of yelling Rotarians burst into the room.

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Another night they had a fight between a badger and a bulldog. It was held in a roller rank. Harry Ruggles was the referee. With more than 300 people on hand the proper moment the referee tugged on a strap to bring out the badger. Instead he pulled out a large vessel that had no proper place in public. The buildup had been so perfect I was completely flabbergasted. Of course I paid for the treats.

It was such carrying on of this kind which led to Paul Harris resigning as President of the Club, and as I mentioned before, that is told in another story in this book.

The joke of course was on Paul. He took it seriously and the Club members could not induce him to return as President. This incident was responsible for the Club's growing up and dropping most of the childish pranks.

Many years later, long after Paul had married Jean, the bonny Scot lassie, he was attending a Bar Convention in Copenhagen, Denmark and appeared later dressed up as a Danish maid. He enjoyed this. In Australia where people got their ideas abrupt Chicago from gangster movies, when he visited there the Rotarians staged a fake holdup and told him they wanted to make him feel at home.

When came that sad day in 1947 when Paul left us. Many of the Rotarians wanted to make a sort of a saint of Paul, but his close friends knew that nothing could have been further from his serious desire.

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He had had more than his share of honours-degrees from Universities - medals from Governments, and he always remained the same loveable Paul. His philosophy can be understood by quoting a few words from a talk he made late in life, as follows:-

"If Rotary has encouraged us to take a more kindly look on life and men; if Rotary has taught us greater tolerance and the desire to see the best in others; if Rotary has brought us helpful and pleasant contacts with others, who are also trying to capture and radiate the joy and beauty of life, then Rotary has brought us all that we can expect".




Most of us who have been in Rotary from its early days heard about Paul Harris being expelled from the University of Vermont after two years of his law course. All Paul ever told any of us was that he was not guilty of any misdeed. No one ever doubted that statement if they had known Paul for even a week.

In the spring of 1962 I was in the State of Vermont on a Rotary mission and I drove to Wallingford to see the memorial dedicated to him. The club President was Walter Beer and I was shown the small Community Hall in nicely kept grounds and on the front lawn a huge stone suitably inscribed in honour of

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Paul. Originally this was a schoolhouse and built in 1818 by James Rustin who they told me was Paul' s great, great grandfather. It is now a small neat building only used on special occasions, Paul was raised from the age of three in this Vermont village by his Paternal grandparents. I then went to Burlington to see the Dean of Arts of the University, Dr. Geo. V. Kidder. He is a member of the Rotary Club of Burlington. He had just dug up the old records (about 1885-8) and the facts are as follows.

A student had committed a serious (serious for Vermont in 1885) breach of regulations.

Paul never was thought to be the culprit but he admitted he knew who was guilty. He absolutely refused to squeal on a pal and was expelled. He then went to Princeton for one year and then to Iowa State University where he graduated in Law in 1891. Almost 50 years later the University of Vermont cleared the records by granting him an Honorary Doctorate of Law (J.A.C.)

For further information on Pau1 Harris see Book 1 (pages 5-6a) also Book 2 (pages M1-M8.


Paul Harris Died on January 27, 1947.

Rests at Mt. Hope Cemetery,
115th and S. Fairfield,
Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

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Paul was born April 19th, 1868 at Racine, Wisconsin, U.S.A. His father was an unsuccessful druggist who had been set up in business by his father but he was a failure. Mrs. Harris was a capable school and music teacher but he could not look after Paul 3, Cecil 5 and a girl Nina May, an infant. It was decided to let Cecil and Paul go to Wallingford, Vermont to live with his grandparentst the parents of the boys’ father. Grandfather Harris met them at the evening train with a lantern in his hand. Soon the boys found comfort, security and love in their new home. Mr. Harris left in a few days to try to find a job. Paul’s mother was a Bryant and a proud family. The plan was for the family later to be reunited at this small but contented Vermont village. That hope was never to be fulfilled. Mr. Harris was a sort of an inventor but never did take the lucky strike. Grandfather Harris again set his son up in business but once more the business failed.

Grandfather's house of 14 rooms was a mystery to the boys. Reading this book shows how closely related were the habits and customs of Vermont and Eastern Ontario people of 1872 to l900. The filling of the straw ticks with new straw each fall; the pig killing day just before Christmas, and the wonderful doughnuts (fried cakes) the game evening from the new stock of lard; the making of maple syrup in early spring, etc. Both grandparents

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were religious and Sunday was a very special day. They were frugal and soon the two boys learned that every order must be obeyed, and at once. Paul soon realized that he was a lucky boy. No more financial crises in the home, plenty of wholesome food and after a start at a good old fashioned village school. The Bryans were Huguenots. Soon the boys were separated as Cecil went to live with Aunt Sue, but Nina May remained with her mother. Paul soon made friends with the village boys who were approved by his grandparents. The boys, during holidays, roamed the close by range of hills and rough lands, fished and picked berries as all small boys of his day did. Paul's mother came to visit him after a. few years but failed to recognize her little Paul when they met on the street enroute from the station.

When the second try at business was rode at Cambridge, N.Y. the family was reunited but soon another failure. Paul was alone all the time as his mother was teaching music. One concludes from the book that Paul was almost glad to once more rejoin his grandparents at Wallingford. The grandparents looked on Paul’s father as a very poor business man and his mother as being not frugal. At church (chapel) the men sat on one side and the women on the other. At times during the long season little Paul had to touch granddad with his toe in order to keep him awake. One great surprise when on Christmas morning Paul received a sled.

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from his father, then working in a toy factory in Springfield. Paul was a scamp and in those days in Vermont an active boy was called a Rapscallion. Cock fighting was quite a sport and grandfather had a fighting cock called Methuselah as he was so old. Paul and his pals sneaked the cock to fight with a young champion and for days after grandfather Harris wondered what happened to Methuselah. Summer holidays meant picking raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and huckleberries and trout fishing and swimming in the old waterhole. Grandfather rewarded Paul for work done well and good examination marks to the extent that as a boy he had $1,500.00 in the bank. Again grandfather brought a home for the family at Fair Haven about 25 miles from Wallingford. This plan also failed and later Paul's parents were living at Denver and Mrs. Harris was helpless blind invalid. During these last years her husband was extremely kind to her and a toned for his earlier failures. Mrs. Harris died in Colorado in 1920 and Mr. Harris in 1926.

Paul had returned to his grandparents for the third time following the failure at Fair Haven. One of the daily pleasures at Fair Haven was to meet the two passenger trains and watch the people get on and off. Paul mentions the contests in squirting tobacco juice and some were very proficient. The principal of the high school got $600.00 a year (big money in 1885 in Easter Ont.). The mention of the Kickapoo travelling medicine shows brings back to me the early days in Dundas. Also Tom Thumb the cele-

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brated dwarf of those days visited, Wallingford and Uncle Tom’s Cabin was, played in a local hall. Also Punch and Judy shows, jugglers, sleight of hand performers, etc. visited the village each year. And so Paul grew up through public and high school and for a time at the Vermont Military Academy and eventually grandfather Harris told him he could start at the University of Vermont at Burlington.

The story of Paul’s expulsion from the University of Vermont is told on pages H 7 and H 8, book 2. Then a year at Princeton. During that year grandfather Harris died. Paul did not get home in time to bear farewell from his greatest friend and benefactor. The funeral was from the Congregational Church where he had attended. That summer at home with grandmother when she told Paul how much his grandfather was banking on him making good. Paul then sold marble for a year before taking up his university studies at the University of Iowa from which he graduated in Law in 1891. Soon grandmother Harris had to give up her beloved home and end her life with her daughter Mrs. Nellie Fox. Soon Paul received a wire telling him of her passing. Paul did not get east for the funeral. And now this boy reared so carefully was his own.

The what Paul calls his "foolish five years" was to begin. Five years to see the world and get to know people. He loved them all. He had read history by English, French, German, Russian and Scandinavian writers and he wanted to see and talk to the people.

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First a newspaper job, picked fruit in California, in a California business college, played in a stock company, climbed Pike’s Peak and reported for the Rocky Mountain News. Then a cowboy in Missouri and back to a Denver paper. Next a night clerk in a Jacksonville, Florida hotel and once more a marble salesman. He reported on Grover Cleveland’s (1893) inauguration for The Washington Star and once more a marble salesman in Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and Virginia. Then across the Atlantic to England working on a cattle boat. Back on another boat to a job on a farm near Baltimore at $1.50 per day. The to England on another cattle ship. He saw London and Wales but back to U.S. on another ship. Then to the Chicago World’s Fair where he met old Vermont friends. Next to New Orleans where he packed oranges. Back once more to selling marble and his territory included Cuba. Back again to England, then Ireland, Belgium and Italy. Jobs in France, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Holland.

Back to Florida selling real estate. A friend advised him to settle in Chicago and he did so in 1896. The schoolhouse Paul attended in Wallingford had been built by one of Paul's ancestors in 1818. Now it is a memorial building in honour of Paul P. Harris..

From The Rotarian – March 1964.

In January we reported the death of Jean Harris, wife of Rotary's Founder Paul, and had no room to say that just last summer Jean wrote out check for $100, payable to the "Paul P. Harris Memorial Building" in Wallingford, Vermont and mailed it to the Rotary Club of that

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little city. With it she sent a note saying that she was also mailing some books for the Memorial Building.

If you don’t happen to know it, the Paul P. Harris Memorial building is a small red-brick building where Paul Harris first sat down at a school desk. It was built in.1818 by one of Paul’s great grandfathers, James Rustin. The Wallingford Rotary Club acquired the property in 1947, uses it as a meeting place, maintains it with funds the Club itself raises or receives from others. For example,. The Rotary Clubs of Fitchburg, Massachusetts, and Chicago, Illinois, have helped with contributions.

Wallingford Rotarians hold an annual auction and present several plays in Town Hall as ways to build the fund for the maintenance of the building and for the restoration of deteriorating parts,. They are hopeful of assuring "that the building where Paul P. Harris first learned his ABC's will shine out night and day as a friendly beacon for future generations as a reminder of how great an organization can become from such a simple and rural start."

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A tribute to the quiet man who in 1905 helped Paul P. Harris organize the first Rotary Club.

By: Philip Lovejoy – February 1946

Thousands upon thousands of individuals, both Rotarians and non-Rotarians, have lost one of their dearest friends in the passing of Silvester Schiele on December 17, 1945.

Hundreds of crippled children owe their rehabilitation to the pioneering educational work of Silvester. Hundreds upon hundreds of young men, sore pressed for adjustment in the depression days, give thanks for the privilege of having been befriended by Silvester. There are the thousands of folks in this world of challenges who are striving to emulate the sterling qualities always exhibited by Silvester.

Truly he was one of the great men of the 20th Century, for greatness must come as a result of personal contacts, of helpfulness, of square dealing of kindly sympathetic understanding.

It was my extreme pleasure to become a personal friend of Silvester years ago. To me he was the kind of a person I would like to be. I saw the wonderfully fine work he did in the depression days of the early '30s when his office was a clearinghouse for charity before community provisions were made. I

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knew him in the great trials of his own personal illness, especially in connection with the difficulties he had with his eyes, And yet all through his own trials he was always cheery, and a Beacon light to guide men of all walks of life to the higher and better, things in this world..

Silvester was an idealist, but at the same time a man of practical affairs. He was first of all a success in his home life, for in 1909 he was married to Jessie L. MacDonald, of Michigan, who was his constant partner in good works in the great city of Chicago. The two were a great team of personal service.

Silvester was a success in business. He was a Christian businessman, having been resident of the Schiele Coal Company from 1902 to 1939, when he retired. His employees held him in high regard.

Silvester Schiele was a success in the things of life that really count. Mundane accomplishments are essential in this world of competitive enterprise, but the competitor can have great respect, and this was true of all those in Silvester's field of activity. There are things of the spirit, however, in this world that seem too frequently to be overlooked, and here rested the real greatness of Silvester, for everywhere men had a good word for Silvester, perhaps because he had a good word and a great heart for them.

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Silvester was what many like to think of as a typical American. He was, born of German parentage in a log cabin in Clay City, Indiana, in 1870. He slept in the attic while the snow crept in the chinks between the logs. He broke ice out of the pitcher to get water for the morning wash. He had all the difficulties of a young pioneer. There was the family fireplace of those early years which was an important training ground. Then there was school at Terre Haute, a period of service in Cuba in the Spanish-American War, and then activity in Chicago in the retail coal business.

About 1896 he had loaned some money to a friend from whom he had been unable to collect it. Passing by his office frequently was a your lawyer and one day Silvester asked this young lawyer for advice as to the collection of the money. Thus began the friendship of Paul Harris and Silvester that was to result in the founding of the Rotary Club in Chicago as the forerunner of the more than 5,600 Clubs throughout the world today and, indeed, of the thousands of other service clubs of the 20th Century.

In the early days of the century Paul and Silvester shared a room in the New Southern Hotel at 13th and Michigan in Chicago, On Sundays, in top hats and Prince Albert coats, they would stroll down the boulevard to church and in the afternoon they would walk in the park.

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This Damon and Pythias friendship was to weather all storms of disagreement and constantly ripen. In his latter years Silvester was a constant companion of Paul as was his wife, Jessie, to Paul’s wife, Jean - an inseparable foursome. Paul said that Silvester's life became increasingly useful in advancing years.

As the co-founder of Rotary, Silvester became the first President of the first Rotary Club. After some five months of existence, Silvester suggested to Paul that the members give talks about their businesses and Paul asked Silvester to make the first talk. Thus was presented the first Vocational service talk in Rotary, a practice that has now become universal.

Silvester's contribution to Rotary was not, however, limited to the development of Vocational Service plane, then called business methods.

He was a very community-minded man, who became intensely interested in boys work. Having struggled himself to achieve a modicum of success, he knew the problems which confront young men and hence became a natural counsellor for them. And hundreds upon hundreds of them came to his place of business or his home for advice. It was always given to them freely, but in humility, for Silvester was forever conscious of the great ideal for which he strove.

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Because Silvester himself was an idealist, it was perfectly natural that the altruistic service program of Rotary would appeal deeply to him. Any movement which is to great must have that altruistic idealism in the hearts and minds of the founders. The idealism of Paul and Silvester was the very practical cornerstone on which the great structure of Rotary International wan ultimately to be built.

Paul Harris has lost his great friend, Rotary has lost a great Rotarian, the first President of the first Rotary Club, and its international Treasurer, for Silvester was so honored last July. It was my privilege to telephone the request of the Board to Silvester, at Onekama, Michigan, where he was staying with Paul for the Summer, and Silvester’s characteristic reply was that if he could of service, he would gladly accept. Silvester has left this life in active service the organization for which he did so much.

His was an indelible impression. As the minister said at the funeral services, Silvester didn’t have a Sunday profession and a Monday practice. He vas a man of honor and righteousness, which is no mean achievement in these hectic days. His whole life was quiet, humble, unobtrusive, and persuasive goodness. A great Rotarian has gone to his eternal reward, but his good deeds, his noble thoughts, will live forever in the hearts and minds of those of us who were privileged to know Silvester Schiele.

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Footnote - Although Silvester Schiele was one of Original Four and a tower of strength to Paul Harris in the early days of Chicago one, and although Paul Harris told me that Rotary would have folded in it early days only for encouragement and help by Schiele, I find very little in type about this quiet, but grand, man. He was the first President of Chicago number one. He is the only one of the prominent Rotarians of the early days who I did not get to know. He lies beside Paul in that Beautiful Chicago cemetery and an inscription on the stone reads "Silvester Schiele, co-founder with Paul Harris of Rotary International."

His widow, Jessie, is still (1963) living in Chicago and it was a pleasure for Margaret and me be able to have her at a luncheon during Rotary’s 50th Anniversary Convention in Chicago in 1955.


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BY: Chas. A. Newton No. 7

Harry Ruggles was the first men invited to join Chicago No. I after the organization meeting and therefore was member No. 5. He was engaged in the printing business. Chas. A. Newton, who was the 7th member, to join the Club, wrote about his lifelong friend Harry Ruggles in the February !955 issue of The Rotarian in the following manner:-

Harry was a good looking 33 year old printer. He was a real live wire and was at once made Treasurer of the club. Harry and Charlie Newton had often been termed the "Damon and Pythias" of Rotary. Harry was a great song leader and in his 83rd year he came back from California, where he had retired, to lead the singing at Rotary International's 50th Anniversary.

Back in 1907 at an evening meeting of Chicago #1, a guest of the evening started to tell a story. Harry had heard that story and he jumped up and yelled "Let's Sing", and then he led his Club in singing "Let Me Call You Sweetheart", and now we believe this was the first time that a group of businessmen ever sang at a dinner meeting. That night Harry registered, in a very striking manner, the idea that shady stories were not welcomed at Rotary gatherings. After joining the Club he organized a quartet to sing at Club meetings and when they went out to visit other Clubs. He then printed a song book and gave thousands of copies to other Clubs.

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He printed the Rotary Club of Chicago's first letterheads and he printed the first issue of The Rotarian in January 1911.

Harry was also the champion at getting new members because he had a very wide acquaintance and was very popular. It is said that of the first 200 members, Harry Ruggles brought in two-thirds of them. He helped to organize the Clubs of Indianapolis, Ind; Peoria, Illinois; Minneapolis and St. Paul of Minnesota. When the National Association was formed in formed 1910, Harry was elected a Director.

The Founder, Paul Harris, always acknowledged Harry Ruggles’ self-sacrificing efforts as amongst the greatest in Rotary’s early history. He came to Chicago as a boy from rural Michigan. He worked his way through Northwestern University by selling printing for a Chicago concern. Later he bought that firm and made it H. L. Ruggles and Company. In 1955 Harry and his wife Josephine were living in Los Angeles and he was an honorary member of l0 Rotary Clubs in California. He is also what is known as "a pioneer veteran member of the Chicago Club". This is a classification never recognized in any other Club in Rotary’s history.

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The following is a condensation of an article by Paul P. Harris, the Founder of Rotary, in 1945. "The Rotarian" - Feb. 1955 - Page 19.

Speaking of Chesley R. Perry, Paul Harris has said, "that if I can in truth be called the architect, Ches., with equal truth, can be called the builder of Rotary International.

In an earlier speech, before the Rotary Club of Montreal, Paul says: "People give me credit for building Rotary. This is entirely undeserved. Perhaps it is correct to say that I had the original idea, but Chesley R. Perry is the man who built Rotary and deserves 90% of the credit and perhaps I deserve the other 10%".

Ches. Perry was a native of Chicago. He was a great reader and in his high school days was President of the Literary Society, and Associate Editor of his school paper. He was the manager of the baseball team and also the football team. He was captain of a military company and President of Cook County Football and Baseball Leagues.

His love of literature led him to a connection with the Chicago Public Library and to teaching in night school. He enlisted in the Spanish-American and returned as a 1st Lieutenant, and was afterwards promoted to a Captaincy. During his military service

he also acted as correspondent for several important publications. His various experiences splendidly qualified him for that which eventually became his life work - Service to Rotary.

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Ches. Perry had a vision wide enough to comprehend the possibilities and his devotion over the years made Rotary what it is. He was faithful unto the last little detail - he vas faithful to his trust.

Paul concluded as follows:-

If there are Rotarians who still think Ches. cold and unemotional, I, after more than a quarter century of intimate contact with him, am prepared to testify to the contrary. Some of the deepest and most enduring friendships give little outward manifestation of their presence. Still waters run deep


From: The Rotarian- April 1960.

Death has come to the Chicagoan who was Secretary of Rotary International from 1910 to 1942 and who thus greatly helped to shape the organization.

Snow lay ankle deep on the streets of Chicago last Sunday evening (Feb, 21, 1960) and small flakes swirled in the air. Thus, as the man the first floor apartment at 3648 North Lake Shore Drive left his door to mail some letters which he had written during the quiet afternoon, his wife cautioned: "Now, don't you fall." A few minutes later he returned home. "Well, Peggy," he said, "you see I

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didn't fall." And having said it, he slumped to the floor and was dead.

So ended the life of Chesley Reynolds Perry – Chicagoan, U.S. American, internationalist, and individualist, whose impress on Rotary was deeper than that of any other man excepting its Founder, who termed Ches "the builder of Rotary International".

Tonight, four days later, a group of men and women will meet in a chapel on North Dearborn Street to thank Heaven for having put among them this dear friend, this strong personality, this altogether unique human being. A few will know of his earliest days in his native Chicago, of his newspaper route and his janitor job in his father's stationery stores. More will have heard of his work in the Public Library, of his front-line service as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army in Cuba in 1898 and of his entrance into the business world first as an insurance salesman, then as a seller of cement-brick machinery, But all will know the happy story of how he joined the Rotary Club of Chicago in 1908, presided in 1910 over the first Convention of the 16 Rotary Clubs which had sprung up by that time, agreed to serve part time as the Secretary of the association they formed, and remained to serve for 32 years as Secretary of what became Rotary International. The Paul Harris dream? Ches. Perry devised the means of holding it out in open hand to all men everywhere who wanted it and were able to receive it. Just one part of his device, was the

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Magazine you are reading which brought into being in 1911 and edited until 1929.

Many there tonight will remember the diplomacy and sagacity with which he dealt with Presidents, Boards, Committees, and Conventions, and some will smile at the recollection of how, year after year, Ches. would step aboard the "Convention Special" only seconds ahead of the all-aboard.. Be on time. Don't waste it. Many whom he hired to the "R.I. Staff" will remember how, working right through week-ends and vacations, Ches. would nevertheless sometimes claim an hour or two of office time for himself. "When I'm at my desk and have my hat on, I'm not here."

In 1954 Rotarians of the world, in Convention gathered, wanted to name Ches. Secretary Emeritus. He declined. He wanted, he said, to be just what he was, "a run-of-the-mill Rotarian". This he strove hard to be . . . . But well aware that his experience was greater than any other man’s, he shared his Rotary views with thousands through letters and talks and challenges all to re-examine, revise and rally afresh.

The telegrams are pouring in and they speak, as do two of Ches.' friends on following pages, of the sadness and yet the gladness that is in the hearts of men and women around the world. . . Now to the chapel.

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From: The Rotarian - April 1960.
Rotary’s President recalls a helpful man . . . and a debt.

In April 1944, I boarded a U.S. troopship in my New Zealand homeland and sailed to the U.S.A. to attend, as an incoming District Governor, the small wartime Convention of Rotary International held in May of that year in Chicago, Illinois.

Arriving as a complete stranger in that vast city where Rotary had its beginnings, I prepared to spend a quiet evening in my room. Soon, however, the telephone rang, "I'm Ches. Perry," said the caller. My spirits, frayed by long and difficult travel, went up at the sound of the name which was well known in my own home city of Auckland as it was in the 5,180 other cities of. the world that had Rotary Clubs. Could it be that the man Paul Harris had described as the builder of Rotary was calling me?

"Some of us Chicago Rotarians are having a fireside meeting out in Highland Park tonight, Harold," Ches. went on. "I thought you might like to join us. I'll pick you up." I accepted and spent a delightful evening taking part in a penetrating discussion of human rights and property rights in the recreation room of tat lovely American home that night.

That was the first of a great many meetings and informal talks and walks I was to have with Chesley Perry, the man gener-

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A MEMORY OF CHES. (cont’d)

Ally recognized as the organizing genius of our world-wide fellowship. I certainly came to regard him and appreciate him as such.

My last meeting with Ches. Was an unforgettable experience for which I shall be forever grateful. Hearing that Ches. had been ordered complete rest, George Means and I sought permission to call and see him. With a humorous gleam in his eye and in a voice as resonant as ever, Ches. soon brushed aside any talk about his health and instead brought his amazingly resilient mind to bear on some of the current problems we face in long-range planning for the future of Rotary.

Believing with Paul Harris that "the best is yet to be," Ches. had suggestions for rephrasing the Object of Rotary so that greater emphasis may be: given to the obligation of the individual Rotarian to be "thoughtful of and helpful to others." Is it to be wondered that my mind turned back to that night in 11914 when Ches. had put his own philosophy of Rotary to work on being so thoughtful of and helpful to an obscure New Zealand Rotarian so far from his home and loved ones? The following day I received a lengthy letter from Ches. was covering some points he felt had been overlooked during our discussion.

It may be that you and I would not have known Rotary had Ches. not come to it in 1908.

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A MEMORY OF CHES. (cont’d)

Surely without him Rotary would not have had the clear sense of direction and purpose nor the splendid machinery or the achievement of that purpose of which we are all so proud today. For all of this we owe Ches, a debt we can never pay.

As President of Rotary International, I send to Ches' wife, Peggy, so long a cheery note in his life and ours, the love and sympathy and gratitude of Rotarians around the world. The coming years can only make us see even more clearly the great good fortune that was ours in having Ches. with us.

Signed: Harold T. Thomas,

President of Rotary Intern'l.



From: The Rotarian-April 1960.

By: George R. Means, General Secretary, Rotary International.

An appreciation ... by an heir of this man of unshakable principle.

In some measure Rotarians the world around are aware of the singular role which Ches. Perry played in the building and developing of Rotary International. Countless numbers recall the tribute paid to Ches. by Paul Harris when Paul wrote these now oft-quoted words: "If I can in truth be called the architect, Ches. can with equal

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truth be called the builder of Rotary International.

But comparatively few Rotarians have been in position to appreciate the scope of Ches' contribution as General Secretary of the organization as have been members of his staff who were privileged to assist him through the long years of his untiring and dedicated leadership. It is from that privileged position that I write these words which of necessity must be inadequate to give full expression to the greatness of the man and his work, but which stem from profound admiration and firsthand knowledge of his life of service.

Early and late he toiled in Rotary's behalf, without regard to hours, or holidays, or vacation periods. Meticulously, thoroughly, objectively, but at the same time lovingly, Ches. dealt with the myriad matters which daily crossed his desk. Uncompromising as to principle, and painstakingly methodical, he was at the same time a man of vision. Commenting on this Paul Harris wrote: "Ches’ vision has always been wide enough to comprehend the possibilities. 'Faithful unto the last little detail' is what is said of him."

It was a vision which saw in the 32 years of his Secretaryship an organization grow from 16 Rotary Clubs to more than 5,000; a vision that saw during his lifetime that number increase to some 10,000 clubs in 115 countries. It was a capacity for organ-

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ization which developed extension methods, which devised procedures to serve District Governors and Clubs, which made the Secretariat a storehouse of well-catalogued helpful information. It was an administrative entity which systemized the organization's legislative processes, a creative ability which originated and edited for many years the organization' s Magazine.

But underlying all, motivating every task, was a deeply ingrained desire to be of service. His works were but a competent manifestation of what he believed to be the essence of Rotary, captured in the phrase he originated and loved so well -"thoughtfulness of and helpfulness to others".

Ches. was primarily concerned with Rotary' s idealism; its machinery, for which he is largely responsible, was to his enlightened view a necessary device for the orderly propagation of its ideals. And in his position as General Secretary, dealing daily with those mechanics and encumbered though he was with numberless details of administration, he did not once lose sight of the real aim and purpose of Rotary as he saw it. Impelling him constantly was the desire to serve.

Ches. the builder, knew discouragement. He experienced as do all leaders of stature the pain of being misunderstood. But in his heart he also experienced the joy and satisfaction of working toward a goal in which he believed, and which he was con-

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vinced would bring happiness to others.

In perhaps what is the last published article written by Ches. appearing in the February 19 issue of the bulletin of the Rotary Club of Chicago, the Gyrator he concludes his item entitled "How Rotary Began" with this paragraph:

Since then (19l0) the ideal of service to others has gone around the world, until today there are over l0,000 Rotary Clubs and millions of people have accepted this ideal as their way of life or have been benefited by the activating principles of the Golden Rule in human relations.

In Ches.' passing the organization has suffered an irreparable loss; personally I have lost a cherished friend and trusted counsellor. But from him we have received a rich inheritance, a building not made with hands, but of the spirit, noble and enduring.

No more will appreciated communications reach my desk bearing the familiar signature

"C.R.P." I shall miss them. No more will he pay welcome visits to the Central Office, where frequently he stopped by to share with us information and ideas, or to review the files in order to refresh his amazing memory on a score of Rotary subjects currently engaging his interest. We shall miss those visits. But as we go about our tasks there will scarcely be a day when we shall not find evidences of his handwork. And for this we shall be grateful, just as in a

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larger sense we shall be grateful always for the man who, working among us, quietly demonstrated the Rotary ideal of Service.





Chesley R. Perry of Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. was secretary of Rotary International from 1910 until his retirement in 1942. A native Chicagoan, he had previously been a school teacher, librarian, newspaper reporter and an officer in the United States Army in Cuba during the Spanish-American War.

Mr. Perry became a member of the Rotary Club of Chicago in 1908, when it was still the only Rotary club in the world and he was active in that club until his death on 21st February, 1960. He was President of the Rotary Club of Chicago in 1944-45, and was a member of the committee which served in 1953-54 in arranging plans for the cornerstone ceremonies for the world headquarters of Rotary International in Evanston, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago.

In 19l0, he and Paul P. Harris, Rotary's founder, formulated a plan for a national association of the 16 Rotary clubs then in existence, add arranged for the first

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Rotary convention, which was held in Chicago that year. Mr. Perry was the presiding officer of that convention and, after its close, was elected secretary of the then National Association of Rotary Clubs, which later became Rotary International, and he served in that position until his retirement in 1942. He created "The Rotarian", the monthly magazine published by Rotary International, and was its editor and manager for 17 years.

During the 32 years Mr. Perry served as secretary of Rotary International, he travelled extensively in North and South America and in Europe. He held decorations from Austria, Belgium, Cuba and France.

Mr. Perry served as board chairman of the American Youth Hostels Metropolitan Chicago Council and as U.S. Commissioner of the Battle of Lake Erie Monument at Put-In-Bay, Ohio, and he was active in the Lake View Citizens Council in Chicago.

February, 1960,

NOTE – It was my good fortune to know Ches. Perry intimately from 1919 until his passing in 1960. He gave Rotary a magnificent 42 years of service. Paul Harris correctly called him "The Builder". It was great to have know Ches. and to have worked with him
for so many years.


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Page 46 - The Rotarian – February 1955

Historians tell us that the Wheel, as a device for carrying civilizations’ burdens is older than history. No one knows where or when it was invented but perhaps in prehistoric times and probably in Asia Minor or Europe.

The Wheel as a device for identifying an organization with 8,400 Clubs and in 89 countries in the year 1955, began working for Rotary one day in 1905.

A member of Chicago No. 1, Mr. Montague M. Bear, an engraver, brought in a drawing of a plain, honest wagon wheel and suggested this be used as an emblem for this new Chicago Club. The founder, Paul Harris, had asked Monty to try his hand at some design, and Paul and some other members liked the one presented.

The Wheel was familiar - for theirs was and is a civilization of the wheel. Therefore it was basic. Also a Wheel rotates and it appeared as though Monty had hit upon a proper symbol.

It was accepted immediately and became the "granddaddy’ of hundreds of thousands and millions of Wheels that today adorn lapels, road signs, dinner gongs, cuff links, rings, neckties, luncheon badges, banners, wall plaques, paper weights, menus, platforms, letterheads, books, periodicals, etc.

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However, the Wheel designed by Monty was short lived, but even though the Club had enough stationery printed for five years bearing the emblem which had been adopted, it was not long before Monty brought in a new design. One of the members known as "Long Tom" Phillips who was a lantern-slide maker, was not satisfied with the emblem and as a consequence, step by step, the designer kept on changing it. A ribbon was superimposed reading "Rotary Club". In the meantime Clubs had been organized at San Francisco, Oakland, Seattle, etc. and each one adopted a Wheel as its emblem but gotten up in a different manner. By 1910 sixteen Clubs had sprung into existence and the National Association was formed. The new group took no notice of insignia but did adopt for its use the one used by the Chicago Club. Just before the 1912 convention in Duluth, the National Headquarters invited all clubs to submit designs for an emblem on which all could standardize. The Wheel was to be the basic element.

At this Duluth Convention where Rotary became International, the Assembly acquired a gear Wheel in Royal Blue and Gold as its official emblem. Even this only survived eight years. Engineers complained that the wheel as gotten up was mechanically unsound and could do no work. A new two man committee of Engineers was assigned the task of designing a technically accurate working Wheel. One of the men was Oscar B. Bjorge of Duluth and the other was Charles Henry Mackintosh of Chicago. Their design was adopted and announced in 1920

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and it has remained the official Wheel over since, with one exception. The designers had missed the keyway. As all engineers know the keyway is a necessary part of the wheel if it is going to function and transmit power, the keyway was added. How we know that the official Rotary Emblem is a wheel with six spokes; 24 cogs and a keyway. Anything else such as the addition of a diamond in the centre is not the official Rotary Emblem. When the new headquarters building was opened in Evanston, Illinois a 34" Rotary wheel was placed over the doorway at the main entrance and it is felt that this large emblem seems to speak of solidity, quality, and perpetuity.

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July 1st, 1955

Rotary's 50th Anniversary Year

Is a member of the Rotary Club of Chicago. Now lives in Los Angeles, where he is still active in the insurance business.

Was one of the original group of 11 attending the first meeting when the name "Rotary" was chosen, and organization of the Chicago Club completed.

Is now the 2nd living member of Rotary. Harry L. Ruggles precedes him and they are the only survivors of the original group.

(see over)

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Is originator of the "Luncheon Club'' idea, As Rotary first met at members’ offices.

Was 18th President of the Chicago Club in 1923-1924.

Held Classification "Fire and Casualty Insurance" in the Chicago Club from its inception until his removal to Los Angeles.

Now holds classification "Pioneer Veteran" with three other Chicago members; Harry L. Ruggles, Robert C. Fletcher and Max Goldenberg, the only members still living - who joined the Chicago Club in 1905. The Chicago Club is the only Club in the world with this classification - it is not "Honorary", It is "Perpetual", with full privileges, and exempts the holder from payment of dues and attendance at meetings.

Was member of Rotary International Classification Committee of five which prepared the first classification, outline now in use all over the world.

Was member of Rotary International Education Committee now called the Aims and Objects Committee.

FOOTNOTE - Charlie Newton was one of the greats of the early day of the Chicago Club. He was a stickler for obeying Rotary’s laws, written or unwritten. He repeatedly refused the Presidency from 1908 until 1923-34 when he accepted. He at once went energetically about cleaning up Chicago No. l. He was the 7th man to join the club in 1905.


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As Told to Leland D. Case by Chas. A. Newton

Forward by J.A.C.

The name of Charles A. Newton will always live in Rotary History. He was the 7th man to join Rotary. This was in 1905 but he did not become President of the Rotary club of Chicago until 1923. He was offered the job many times but always refused. He made a tremendous contribution to the growth of the Rotary organization. He was a stickler for obeying the Constitution and for living one’s personal life and conducting one’s business along Rotary lines.

When his wife was asked if she ever had contemplated divorce in their 50 years of married life, she said: "never divorce but murder many times". The information contained in this article will be very interesting to all Rotarians who want top know about the early days of Rotary."

THE ROTARIAN – June 1955 – Page 28

In those early days meetings were held twice a month in the evenings and they met after they had had their evening meal.

Charlie Newton was an insurance man. One night he was quite late getting to the Club because he had difficulty in getting the man to sign on the dotted line. He entered the meeting when it was half over and someone suggested he be fined a half dollar. In those days no dues were paid and the Club operated entirely from fines. Charlie, as usual, objected to paying the fine and put up a lively argument. It looked as though he was going to lose out, and then

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a bright idea pooped into his head. He said, "Look fellows, this eating around everywhere is all wrong. Most of us live too far to go home for supper so we eat downtown. Why don't all of us have supper together then come in a body to the office where we are to meet?" The idea met with immediate favor by everyone present and the suggestion was adopted. This is how Charlie Newton goes down in Rotary history as the man who started semi-weekly and later weekly Rotary dinners or luncheons.

Paul Harris delighted to try out foreign foods and as a consequence he would arrange for the Club to meet at far away restaurants. This led to a motion one night that they meet at the same place in order to save time.

They started out at the Brevoort Hotel and the hotel gave them a room where they could park their hats and coats and also a large room where they could meet to hold their meeting after the meal had been finished.

The Club grew so rapidly that a new deal had to be made and the decision was taken one night at E. W. Todd's grain store when they were sitting around one evening on the bales of hay and discussing Rotary. The next move ended forever Paul Harris' plan of meeting in rotation at the members' places of business, this was an important step because the name Rotary was chosen on account of this rotating plan.

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Soon the meeting rooms in the Brevoort Hotel were too small. Men were piled two deep on the bed and sat on window sills. Consequently it was decided to move over to the old Sherman House where a larger bedroom fitted with folding chairs could be used. Very soon this led to the next move which was to have the meal served in the room where they could stay and carry out their programme.

The next step was to change from fortnightly meetings to weekly meetings, and from night to noon sessions. Chicago No. 1 had then arrived at where we are now insofar as meeting regulations ere concerned.

Paul Harris was President in 1907 and met with his executive committee every Wednesday at Vogelsang's Restaurant at Madison near LaSalle. Paul invited anyone who wanted to come to do so and soon most of the members would drop in the Executive Meeting which counted as a regular attendance at the Rotary luncheon. This is how the change was made to a noon luncheon from the evening dinner.

Charlie Newton frankly states that one of the basic purposed of Paul Harris in organizing the Club was for business reasons. In the early days of the Club this extended to the exchange of business amongst members. Late in 1905 it was suggested that a Boosters Club should be organized. Charlie Newton suggested this should be called a Business Exchange Club, but the decision was to carry on with the official name Rotary.

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This little Club adopted a Constitution in January 1906, and one of the clauses very clearly stated "the promotion of the business interest of its members".

Rotary now was attracting some attention. Business men not allowed in because only one man was chosen from each business or profession, charged Rotary with being a secret organization.

This was part true because article 10 of the Constitution stated as follows: "all principles, rules, by-laws, and business transacted at meetings shall be kept strictly secret except that in soliciting applications to membership it may be explained to the person whose application is being solicited, that mutual benefit is the chief desideratum and except that such person may be advised as to the time of holding meetings".

That 1906 Constitution also created a Club statistician who was to keep tab on business exchanged. In 1955 Charlie Newton still had an 8½ x 11" blank that members filled out each week. The second column showed in dollars and cents the amount of business received but the first column was a listing on "members I gave business to". This proves that this new club was stressing the helping of pothers but of course especially helping their fellow Rotarians.

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As an example; it might be recorded that one day Charlie Newton was passing Barnay Arntzen’s undertaking parlors and saw a strange shiny white horseless carriage at the curb. Barney proudly explained it was a newfangled hearse and also an ambulance. Charlie states that he immediately hurried over to Doctor George Baxter’s office, and told him about Barney's new motorized ambulance. Charlie Newton had done a kind act for Barney Arntzon, his Rotary friend.

Charlie relates another story to the effect that Doc. Will Neff, Dentist, announced that Henry Paul was going into business for himself. The next day 25 members of the Rotary Club assembled near the new store and one at a time strolled in to buy a new hat. This, of course, was a fine advertising business for the new hat merchant. Those men took a lot of fun out of helping each other.

As Rotary grew the secrecy in the Club was dropped and the policy of "you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours" was watered down to "acquaintance begets business". Charlie admits that he was one of those who opposed this change and for the very good reason that he wanted to sell insurance to Rotarians. Soon Charlie got a new vision. He could see that Rotary might become. Then one of the new members started to sell stock in a phony gold mine and that brought about a great change.

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Paul Harris was a great jokester but subsequently it was proved that he liked to hand it out but was not so good at taking it. He had been elected President for the Rotary year 1907 and 1908, and was re-elected for the next year. One night a close friend of Paul, an ex-Congressman, by the name of George I. Foster, got up at a meeting and charged Paul with being dictatorial. Other speakers, as had been arranged, backed him up. It got to the point where President Paul's face got red and then he got up and left the room. He too gave up the Presidency. No amount of coaxing could bring him back. This taught the members a great lesson and they realized that fun could be carried too far. Paul, of course, did not resign from the Club. He merely resigned as President.

Charlie Newton was a close friend of Paul Harris’ for over 50 years and he states that Paul had the vision of a prophet. Always his excellent thinking apparatus was balanced by gentle humor and genuine modesty.

The first four Rotarian have been widely advertised. Silvester Schiele of course was the first President Shorey and Loehr dropped out very early in the life of the Club. Harry Ruggles was the fifth member to join and he became a most valued member. It is recorded that Harry, personally, brought in two-thirds of the first 200 members. Harry Ruggles of course also was the man who started singing in Rotary. This is told, in another story. In the opinion of Charlie

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Newton, the work of Harry Ruggles overshadowed all others during those first few years, and he has always felt that the thousands of photographs showing the first four Rotarians should have included Ruggles and should have been "the first five."

At this 50th Anniversary of Rotary International the year 1955, the first four had all left this world but Harry Ruggles attended Convention and led 15,000 persons in singing "Let Me Call You Sweetheart." At that time Charlie Newton was the next of the originals left.

And now, after 50 years, Charlie Newton looks back and says that one conviction dominates all others, and it is "that every principle, every policy and every practice of Rotary today evolved by trial and error from something very simple". "Sometimes I think of Rotary as a churn, such as we used to see on the farms near the village of Massachusetts where I lived as a boy. We put in the milk, started the churn, and kept only the cream."

That’s the way Rotary developed and I profoundly believe that’s the only was it can only go on and on."

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The following lines found in the pocket of an unknown soldier who died on the battlefield during the Civil War, are a telling example of the divine paradox of winning by losing.

"I asked God for strength, that I might achieve.

I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey.

I asked for health, that I might do greater things:

I was given infirmity that I might do better things,

I asked for riches, that I might be happy;

I was given poverty, that I might be wise.

I asked for power, that I might have the praise of man,

I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God.

I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life.

I was given Life, that I might, enjoy all things.

I got nothing I asked for – but everything I had hoped for.

Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.

I am among men, most richly Blessed."

From: The Winnipeg Whizz- April 6, 1963.

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When the "original Four" sat down on the evening of February 23rd, 1905 to organize a club, not one of them had any idea that they were starting something that in 51 years would extend over 100 countries around the globe and that there would be over 11,000 Clubs in operation in February 1932. Consequently, no records were kept of these early meetings, and as might be expected, some violent arguments have arisen in the last few years amongst the oldtimers as to just what did happen, and when.

In later years when it was obvious this little group which was called "Rotary" was going to be a worldwide organization, some arbitrary decisions had to be made for history, and of course there would be differences of opinion, particularly amongst the "Original Seven". Many of those who attended the l955 Chicago Convention visited Mount Hope Cemetery, Chicago and stood with bared heeds in reverence before the monument carrying the inscription "Paul Harris, Founder of Rotary International", and before another monument bearing the inscription "Silvester Schiele, co-founder with Paul P. Harris, of Rotary International."

Paul Harris always gave Silvester Schiele unstinted praise for his help during, those early years. The writer of this article, however, heard Paul Harris say that had it not been for the support given him by Silvester Schiele, Chicago No. 1 would not have lived through the first three years. At the same time, Paul Harris also said

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that had it not been for the business incentive he is satisfied Chicago Club No. 1 would not have lived through the first two years.

We know the "Original Four" were Paul P. Harris; Sllvester Schiele; Gus Loehr and Hiram Shorey. As already stated the #5 member was Harry Ruggles; #6 man was William Jenson, a real estate operator; and #7 was Charlie Newton.

Charlie Newton played a great part in the building up of Chicago No. 1. He became the 18th President of the Chicago Club but this was not until the year 1923-24. His classification was Fire and Casualty Insurance.

The Chicago Club established a special classification known as "Pioneer Veterans" and in 1955 only three were left. They were Harry L. Ruggles; Robert C. Fletcher and

Max Goldenberg. A "Pioneer Veteran" was not Honorary but was Perpetual with full privileges and exempt from the payment of dues and the attendance of meetings. The last member of the original 1905 group, Max Goldenberg, died in 1961.

It will be seen from this that there are now (in 1962) none of the "Original Seven" left to carry on the arguments shout how Rotary really got started.

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The first president of the Rotary Club of Chicago was not Paul Harris but Silvester Schiele and he held office from February 1905 until January 1906. The Second President was A. L. White - February 1906 to January 1907; then Paul Harris February 1907 to Oct. 1908. The broken period was caused by Paul resigning in October 1908 owing to a difference of opinion with some of the members. He was succeeded by Harry Ruggles who was President from October 1908 to January 1909, and then for a second year- February 1909 to January 1910. A. M. Ramsay was President from February 19l0-January 1911; W. S. Miller from February 1911 to June 1912. Charlie Newton always maintained that most of the original organization meetings were held at Silvester Schiele's coal office. The first Roster published in 1905 contained 19 names and Charlie Newton is shown as a partner in the firm of H. J. Ullman & Company. Charlie claims that the Ullman & Co. was not even founded in February 1904 and was formed in December 1904 and began business in January 1905. He further claims that Paul Harris discussed the Rotary idea with him on a hot day in 1904 and asked the question; "How could the club have been organized in February 1904 as some people claim, if he and Paul discussed it on a hot day in 1904? There is no one left now to carry on the argument.

The first Constitution and By-Laws of the Rotary Club of Chicago were prepared by Paul Harris, Judge Max Wolff and Charlie Newton and were adopted in January 1906. The qualifications for membership were as follows:-

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"Class 1. Persons who are engaged either as proprietors, partner or corporate officer in any legitimate business undertaking in the city of Chicago.

Class 2. Person who is the capacity of agents or solicitors represent life insurance companies.

Class 3. Persons who in the capacity of general agents or solicitors represent transportation companies."

There is, or was, a very considerable difference of opinion between some of the originals as to the part Arthur Frederick Sheldon played in the developing of Chicago Club #1. There is no doubt that Sheldon was a very capable man; after he and Perry joined the Chicago Club in January 1908 things began to move, Sheldon and Perry both backed up Paul Harris and Silvester Schiele in their desire to change this new club from a "back scratching organization" to an ethical organization of which everyone could be proud.

Sheldon did contribute one of our Rotary mottos "He Profits Most Who Serves Best"

And as already recorded, he used this first at the Portland Rotary Convention in 1911. Frank Collins, President of the Minneapolis Club, at the same convention, used the words "Service Above Self". These phrases were not adopted as official mottos of Rotary International until the Detroit Convention in 1950.

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Reference has already been made to the first Constitution adopted by the Chicago Club in January, 1906, and now particular attention in called to article 10 of the By-Laws which reads an follows:-

"All principles, rules, by-laws and business transacted at meetings shall be kept strictly secret except that in soliciting applications to membership, it may be explained to the person whose an application is being solicited, that mutual benefit is a chief desideratum and except that such person may be advised as to the time of holding, meetings".

Also another By-Law as follows:

"It shall be the duty or the statistician to keep a record of and to resort at each meeting the business influenced by the membership of this organization".

It is obvious from the secrecy set out in article 10 that in 1906 friendship and fellowship were secondary.

The Chicago Club took out an Illinois Charter July 27th, 1908 and in that same year Paul Harris issued a brochure which was sent to all members, and which read as follows:-

''Here is a club differing from any you have ever joined or heard of. A club so unique, so unusual, that those on the outside want to get in, and those on the inside, once within the mortals, are anxious to remain".

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Other clubs frowned on any efforts on the part of members to use the club as a means of securing, business, but the rule they make is that "respect is more often lived up to in the breach than in the observation".

Rotary Club members say, frankly and plainly - cultivate your Fellow members and those you get business from. They intend to do the same with you. It goes even further and says, "influence all the business of your friends and acquaintances that you can for the benefit of your fellow members. The spirit of reciprocity is strong in Rotary".

Also -

"A member is not obligated to give business nor to wield his influence in favor of his fellow members. He is expected to do so whenever possible, but if the nature of his business is such that he cannot, he may often prove to be of great value to the club in other directions".

During Charlie Newton's year as President of the Chicago Club, which was 1923-24, he ruled with an iron hand. He was always a stickler for obeying the law. One time he dropped 125 members for poor attendance, non-payment of dues, and unbecoming Rotary ethics. Charlie himself guarded the door at the following week's meeting to make sure that not one of the 125 were allowed in. Later 95 of the 125 were taken back into membership.

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It was not until 1910 or 1911 that a committee was appointed to determine the actual date of Rotary’s organization. This of course is understandable as even now we are not sure of the actual Christmas date or Good Friday.

In 1908 the third Object was added to the Objects of the Rotary Club of Chicago and it read as follows:-

"To advance the best interests of Chicago and spread the spirit of loyalty among its citizens."

Charlie Newton states that this was done in order to counteract criticism against a group that had some to be known as "backscratchers" as well as Rotarians.

The first kind act on record was when a young Doctor by the name of C. W. Hawley had the misfortune to have his horse drop dead on him. The Club took up a collection and gave the Doctor $150.00 to buy a new horse. This act showed a change in the attitude of the members of Chicago No. 1 at that date.

There was a suggestion that the membership should be for one year only and that all memberships would be considered for renewable each year. This never was put into effect and perhaps it was unfortunate!

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The fist Board of Directors of the Chicago Club was chosen in 1907. There were no committees until 1906 and then only Membership and Entertainment. No dues were collected until 1908. Up until then all monies were provided through fines. Paul Harris changed this during his second year of office.

The Club had no office until 1910 when the National Association was formed.

It was Donald N. Carter, a Patent Attorney, who joined the Club in 1906 and who first created the Club’s interest in civic affairs. This led to the building of a comfort station in 1908.

The first emblem "The Rotary Wheel" was designed by M. Bear and adopted in 1906.

The noon luncheon was suggested by Charlie Newton and started in 1908. Silvester Schiele composed the first Roster with members' names.


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A. M. RAMSAY was not on the first charter list but he served Rotary well. He was President in 1910-11 and took a very active part in Rotary’s first convention – August 1910.

DR. WILL R. NEFF. His name in original roster. Took a very active pert in 1910 when the National Association was formed and was a member of the first General Committee of the National Association in 1910.

A. L. WHITE was on the first roster list in 1905 and was the second President of the Chicago Club and took a very active part in the 1910 organizing convention.

F. L. ROSSBACH was not on that first roster but played an important part in the 1910 Convention.

JUDGE MAX WOLFF was not on the 1905 roster but took a very important part in helping draw up the first Constitution and By-laws for Chicago No. 1 in 1906.

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DR. C. W. HAWLEY whose name is on the first roster must be remembered because he is the man who suggested passing the hat to help a young suburban doctor buy a new horse when his died. The collection was $150.00 and this was Rotary’s very first charitable act.


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Bulletin, the Rotary Club of Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.


Winnipeg Rotary Whizz – June 26, 1963

When the day is dark and gloomy,

and the fog obscures your view,

And you feel there is no challenge

Waiting anywhere for you;

When it’s routine you must follow

Through a dreary weather chart

And you feel the hand of duty

Like a milestone on your heart;

Face the skies however darkened,

When you ache to turn away

Do the job that lies before you,

Keep your courage one more day.

---South Edmonton Rotariana --


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By: John O. Knutson.- The Rotarian March 1955

John Knutson, late in life, was able to say that he was a lucky man because he had known for many years Paul Harris, who founded the Rotary Club of Chicago in 1905; Chesley R. Perry, Rotary’s long time Secretary; and Arthur Frederick Sheldon.

Perry and Sheldon joined Chicago No. 1 January 1908 and Knutson says of these two men, both left an indelible mark on The Rotary movement.

Sheldon was a large, robust man. He created friendliness and so did Mrs. Sheldon and his family. They all played musical instruments. When Sheldon spoke men listened and pondered his words as they were filled with common sense, scholarship and idealism.

He had been raised in New England. His ancestors had fought in the early French Indian wars. He was born in Vernon, Michigan in 1868 and graduated from the University of Michigan, earning his own way by selling educational books. The book which he sold most, and which he liked best, was entitled, "Happy Homes and Hearts That Make Them". His "happy hunting ground" was the state of Wyoming which he covered by

bicycle. He spent much time with lonely cowboys and loved to swap yarns with the cowboys.

He was working for the Werner Company and in 1893 they put him in a new territory and gave him Encyclopedias to sell. Just six years later he had his own publishing firm in Chicago.

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These were the days when business principles were extremely low and it was a ease of "let the buyer beware". Sheldon believed that the business motive must be molded with purposes lying in human mature even deeper than selfishness. He was convinced that business needed a new emphasis, and especially the desire to serve the public's best interests. These were the ideas on which the Sheldon School of Scientific Salesmanship was founded by him in Chicago in 1902.

It will be remembered that Paul Harris had started a Law practice in Chicago in 1896 and somewhere through the years Paul and Arthur had become friends. It is very likely, however, that this was not until after 1905. Paul Harris has always admitted that business was one of the motives that kept Rotary going during its first few years, but fun making and fellowship had always been first in Paul's mind in starting this small Club.

It was a great event when in January 1908, Chesley R. Perry, who was working for the Chicago Public Library, at the time, and Arthur Frederick Sheldon both joined the Rotary Club of Chicago, They soon became fast friends. Both were college trained men and both were hustlers. It was not long before Paul Harris and Sheldon were fast friends and Paul’s own book entitled "My Road to Rotary" states that Sheldon was a 'natural’; he had founded a school of, salesmanship based on the idea that successful business depended upon rendering a

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service, and that no transaction was justified unless all parties concerned were to benefit. Dr. Sheldon imparted to the members of the Rotary Club the necessity for businessmen to stress service in their work. Sheldon told Perry that the words "He Profits Most Who Serves Best" had occurred to him when he was under a steam-in-towel in a barbershop in St. Paul, Minnesota, but it is obvious that the idea had been in his mind a long time. Sheldon had been using this phrase in his advertising, connected with his school of salesmanship. In this article by Knutson, he states that at a dinner in the Bismarck beer garden, where Daniel L. Cady of New York predicted that within eighty years Rotary would encircle the earth and have a thousand Clubs (this objective was reached in 11 years), Sheldon made a short speech in which he advised the members to contemplate their business with conscience and to mix a little heart with their brain. The next night at the closing banquet of the 1910 Convention at the Congress Hotel, Sheldon used the words, "He Profits Most Who Serves His Fellows Best". It was a hot sultry night and there had been 16 speakers. Consequently these words passed without much serious thought. Knutson then states that a year later, at the Portland Convention, Jim Pinkham, a Seattle lumberman, listened to Secretary Ches. Perry read a report from the new committee on business methods chairman, and that chairman was Arthur Frederick Sheldon, and in that report Sheldon had written the words, "He Profits Most Who Serves Best". Jim Pinkham jumped

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up and stated that the sentiments expressed in these words were just what many of them had been thinking and they should be included in Rotary's printed platform. Everyone agreed. At that same Convention, Frank Collins, President of the Rotary Club of Minneapolis, reported that the motto of his Club was "Service Above Self". These two phrases were used a great deal in Rotary literature and for many years, and both were made official at the Detroit Convention in l950.

In another part of this book there is a report on the forming of the Code of Ethics. Knutson's memory differs a little from what we have heard and it is an follows:-

In 1913 President Russell F. Greiner appointed a committee to write a Code of Ethics for Rotary. He asked Robert W. Hunt of Sioux City, Iowa to head the committee. Bob Hunt and the Rev. Jake Perkins of the Sioux City Club spent a good many days and nights in research on this matter. These men had not arrived at a definite conclusion and suddenly it was June 1914 and the Houston Convention would open in a few days and the committee had to report. Hunt was not able to attend the Houston Convention, Consequently late at night in a very hot and very dusty railroad drawing room, enroute, a group got together and spent the night trying to perfect the Code of Ethics. The Rev. Jake Perkins was in that group, also Tom Hutton, Jim Whittemore, Dr. Frank Murphy, August Williges and Knutson. As the train arrived at Houston the following morning the job was done. The

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scribbled notes were transcribed by the hotel stenographer and presented the next day. This document was not dealt with at the Houston convention but President Frank L. Mulholland appointed a committee to report on this at the 1915 convention be held to San Francisco. The 1915 convention approved the Rotary Code of Ethics without changing a word.

At this Convention Guy Gundaker of Philadelphia, who later became President of Rotary International for the year 1923-24, became very enthusiastic over Arthur Frederick Sheldon' s service concept. He came out strongly for the writing of codes of business practice. Guy Gundaker became a leader. He was in the restaurant business and first of all he wrote a code for the business that he was in, and it is now recorded that between the year 1921 and 1930 more than three hundred trade and professional associations in the United States wrote Codes of Ethics. This was all started by Arthur Frederick Sheldon and carried out by Guy Gundaker. Rotary now had in its basic foundation the idea that "no sale is profitable unless it is profitable to buyer as well as seller". The Sheldon School of Salesmanship, in later years, enrolled a quarter of million men and women in United States and in the British Empire. Knutson himself enrolled as student #684 and in the year 1906 by paying cash $10.00 down and $5.00 a month for six months. Sheldon had purchased a

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5 acre tract of land within 20 miles of Rotary's new headquarters in Evanston. His dream was never carried out because of failing health. Sheldon died in Mission, Texas in 1935, and was buried at Kingston, New York. Knutson gives Sheldon credit for forming, the Rotary Club of London, England; also Manchester.

Sheldon’s concept of business was "A man's business and professional life is the truest expression of the man he really is", and he firmly believed that a man can only become rich in the real values, of life as his material gain is proportioned to the service he renders to his fellow man.

NOTE - It is only to be exacted that in an organization such as Rotary there should be conflicting opinions as to where and how certain things happened. In most Rotary literature it is recorded that the phrase "He Profits Most Who Serves Best" was first used by Sheldon at a Rotary function at the Portland Convention in 1911, and not at the first Chicago Convention in 1910. Also in connection with the writing of the Code of Ethics, it is obvious that Knutson left out one very important man in that all night session on the train enroute to Houston because Chesley R. Ferry took the leading part in putting the Code into words and was very ably assisted by the Rev. Jake Perkins. (JAC)

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By: Geo. P. Harris, Photographer, Washington, DC

The writer of this article gives his impressions of the great Conventions of Rotary International that have been held. He points out that often times hotel accommodations were not too good. The food sometimes was not good. At one Convention luncheon was served outside right in the sun and one longwinded announcer took too much time- the seafood cocktail spoiled and most of those present were ill from food poisoning.

George Harris attended every convention of Rotary International from the Buffalo Convention in 1913 up until the Chicago Convention in 1955, and perhaps every one up 1961.

George was asked to name the finest of all the Rotary Conventions which he had attended. He admits this vas a very difficult assignment but he had to name Edinburgh, Scotland – 1921; then Toronto 1924 – then Denver in 1926. Few people will disagree will disagree with his choices. -

When it comes to the most dazzling entertainment, George says there is no doubt it would be Vienna in 1931.

For the Convention providing the most fun he dominates Boston 1933.

For the friendliest Convention he names Buffalo 1913. This was the first one he had attended. He and his wife and six year old daughter Martha were with the group. He

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drove from Washington to Buffalo in a Hudson car and he had plenty of trouble, but the fun he enjoyed at Buffalo made up for all the trouble.

George gives special mention to the Kansas City Convention in 1918 (our own Rev. E. Leslie Pidgeon presided as President at that great Convention), and at that Convention to hit song was "I'm a Little Prairie Flower", and it was popular at Rotary Conventions for years. The highlight of the Convention was the presentation of a beautiful Stars and Stripes flag by Ashby Jones of North Carolina to the British Delegation of Andrew Home-Morton and Tom Stephenson of Edinburgh. These were tough times in 1918. The Allies had their backs to the wall along the English Channel. Andrew Home-Morton responded with a magnificent speech and presented the Convention with a Union Jack.

He then kissed the United States flag and the entire convention rose in a storm of emotional applause.

The Parade of Flags, now a part of every Convention was started at the Edinburgh Convention in 1921. At that, Convention it only took 25 young people to carry the national standards of Rotary (1921 only the Untied States, Canada, Cuba, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales had Rotary Clubs, but there were 25 districts). The first Convention held outside the U.S. and

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The British Isles was at Ostand, Belgium in 1927. At the Convention King Albert of Belgium was present and delivered a very fine address.

The third European Convention was in Vienna in 1931 and at that Convention composer Franz Lehar personally conducted the 25th Anniversary Performance of "The Merry Widow". Castles and museums were opened to all those attending the Rotary Convention and the great dinner and ball lasted all night. The highlight of that Convention was when a French Rotarian, Maurice Duperray grasped the hand of a German, Gehelmrat Otto Fischer, to pledge friendship in Rotary. The ovation following was tremendous. World War I had only ended thirteen years prior to this happening.

There was a lot of fun with the language problem and in Nice in 1937 an American ordered two eggs for breakfast and the waiter brought him two coat hangers!!

George gives some bouquets to French Rotarians for the job they did at the Paris Convention in 1953.

He speaks very kindly of the two Conventions held in Toronto, namely 1924 and 1942. He states that never was a Rotary city more magnificently decorated than Toronto in 1924. Also on the opening night, 20,000 people saw the pageant which told the story of 100 years of peace between Canada and the United States.

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Four times Rotary has gone to Latin America. Mexico City had the Convention in 1935 and again in 1962. The other two were Havana in 1940 and Rio de Janeiro in 1948. Rio, of course, was the first Convention held in the southern hemisphere.

The writer remembers just in time to throw some bouquets at Conventions held in the United States. He picks his favorite as Denver in 1926. The great wild west show put on there made a real hit. That was the year also when Walter Jenkins of Texas began his Rotary Convention career of song leading.

George also has some kind words for the two Detroit Conventions and the New York City Convention in 1949. At the Convention the entertainment included the largest array of entertainment celebrities ever assembled for any Convention.

Of course the Silver Anniversary Convention held in Chicago in 1930 calls for special mention. At that Convention 14 of the very early Rotary members marched across the stage. These were the men who started Rotary and the entire Assembly them a standing ovation long to be remembered.

He then concludes with a word about the 1954 Convention at Seattle, when 2,500 men and women attending the Convention were entertained by 265 Seattle Rotarians in their town

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Homes. This also was done in Mexico City in 1935 and in 1952.

When George Harris wrote this article he was 83 years old and he was looking back with joy and pride on the 41 Conventions he had attended. (J.A.C.)

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From The Rotarian – July 1963

By: W. W. Ardell – Rotarian

Funeral Director

Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

"It came to my notice the other day

While scanning a list who has passed away,

To name a blessing and a great relief

To others as shocking and beyond belief.

And so it goes and will ever thus

Our friends and dear ones will be leaving us.

So leave not undone some kindness, goodwill

Until its too late and your heart is still.

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Honolulu, Hawaii

May 1926

Tokyo, Japan

Oct, 1928

Sydney, Australia

Mar. 1930

Honolulu, Hawaii

June 1932

Manila, The Philippines

Feb. 1935

Wellington, New Zealand

Mar. 1937

Sydney, Australia

Nov. 1956



The Hague, The Netherlands

Sept. 1930

Lausanne, Switzerland

Aug. 1933

Venice, Italy

Sept. 1935

Stockholm, Sweden

Sept. 1938

Ostend, Belgium

Sept. 1954

Cannes, France

Sept. 1959


Valparaiso, Chile

Mar. 1936

Santiago, Chile

Nov. 1960


Havana, Cuba

Mar. 1937


Penang, Straits Settlements

Apr. 1938


Delhi, India

Nov. 1958

COMMENT – As noted these Conferences were started in 1926 and for the purpose of allowing thousands of Rotarians in far away parts of the world to attend something like a Rotary Int. Convention. They have served a very useful purpose. The writer attended the Ostend Conference in 1954 and it was a fine experience.


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Also see Book 1, Pages 240 to 247.


At the 1917 Convention of The International Association of Rotary Clubs, held at Atlanta, Georgia, the Rotary Foundation had its birth.

In 1948 a letter arrived at Rotary Headquarters from the East Zone of German. The man who was a former member of Rotary had lost 60 pounds. He had endured untold hardships. He and his family had nearly abandoned hope. The East Germans refused to allow him to work. In this letter the man writes as follows:-

"The rich package from you made it possible for me, secretly, to cross the zone border and make arrangements for work here in the West. I have to recognize Rotary as the saver of my life".

This letter was addressed to the Rotary Foundation and it represents today one small and nearly forgotten part of the Foundation' s history.

When Past President Harry H. Rogers wrote the article for the February Rotarian of 1955, he could report that up to that date 601 select college students from 57 countries had been privileged to carry on advanced studies in a country other than their own through the Rotary Foundation.


At that Convention Arch C. Klumph of Cleveland, Ohio was President of the International Association of Rotary Clubs and was presiding. From the rostrum he made the following:

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"It seems eminently proper that we should accept endowments for the purpose of doing good in the world in charitable, educational, or other avenues of community service".

At first Rotary’s response was as modest as the suggestion. Not until the following year was the first contribution received. In that year a cheque was received from the Rotary Club of Kansas City, Missouri in the amount of $26.50 and The Foundation was on its way.

In the next 14 years the fund had grown to $5,739.07. This was at the rate of just about $1.00 per day. In 1928 the idea took solid form when Past President Arch Klumph presented a proposal to the Rotary Convention in Minneapolis and advised that The Rotary Foundation be established. From then on the fund began to grow. The first Foundation Committee appointed in 1932 brought contributions to $56,000.00. Bequests and insurance policies raised the amount by another $43,000.00. At the Nice, France convention in 1937 that great body decided that Rotary International should be bold in furthering this fine piece of work. The following year at San Francisco an objective of $2,000,000 for the fund was agreed upon. How the money would be used was still a matter of serious discussion.

World War II then broke upon the world and nothing more was done for a time but in the meantime the Board of Directors of Rotary International transferred $375,000.00 from

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its surplus funds to The Foundation. In 1944 real work began when Rotary engaged in the energetic programme of war relief among the families of Rotarians. Funds were transferred from The Foundation to this special project of The Foundation. Such good work brought the letter from East Germany in 1948 that was quoted at the opening of this article. In the next eight or ten years Rotary funds assisted thousands of Rotarians and Rotarians' families. Families in dire distress were helped in China; and in The Philippines; and all over Europe. One letter was received from the daughter of a Past District Governor. She had received a Rotary package including bedding and in the letter she said she would no longer have to sleep on a heap of straw. Medicines were sent by air for the needy sick all over the world. The time arrived when Rotary decided this should not be carried on in such a broad way by Rotary International, but Rotarians the world over were asked to continue the good work.

The year 1947 was a memorable one for The Foundation. Just two days after the Board adjourned its January meeting, the great heart of the Founder of Rotary, Paul Harris, stopped. Immediately from all over the world letters arrived saying, "How may we honour Paul?"

Harry Rogers was Chairman of The Foundation Committee at that time. He discussed the flood of letters with the then President, Richard O. Hedke. These men knew that Paul Harris had always shown great interest

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in The Foundation and it seemed very appropriate to them that the Clubs all over the world should be urged to contribute to The Foundation in memory of Founder, Paul P. Harris. A great response came from the hearts of our world fellowship.

In that same year The Foundation began the important word of awarding Fellowships for young scholars. There was a modest start with 18 Fellows named during that year. A record has been kept of what the Rotary Fellows accomplished in the years that followed their year of advanced study, and it has been very gratifying to note that these young men and women are now holding positions of influence the world over.

When Harry H. Rogers was writing this article in 1955 - 108 young persons from 23 lands were studying as Rotary Fellows in lands other than their own. Herbert J. Taylor, President of R.I. in 1954-55 expressed the hope that sufficient funds would come in so that twice 105 per year could be given Fellowships. In 1955 at the 50th Anniversary Convention it was announced that the fund had reached $3,500,000.00. Donations from individuals and organizations as high as $20,000.00 land been received, and in one case $50,000.00.

The balance of this story covers, in a sketchy way, the period from 1955 to 1962. In the year 1961-62 we have The Rotary Foundation Development Committee headed by Roy D. Hickman of Birmingham, Alabama. This Committee studies what the Foundation has done to-date and lays plans for the future.

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We also have the Rotary Foundation Fellowships Committee headed by Dr. Ben M. Saltzman, a member of the Board.

There is also now The Rotary Foundation Trustees headed by Past President Edd J. McLaughlin, and a Board of Trustees to administer the fund.

One of the first 18 Fellowship students in the year 1947 was our own Ev. Biggs of Toronto and the first Fellowship student from Canada.

When referring to this Fellowship plan now the proper wording is The Rotary Foundation Fellowships for International Understanding.

There are some rules to be followed. As of now each District has a student every other year. These students must be University graduates with high standing. They must be between the ages of 20 and 29 years and unmarried. It is presumed that they will be able to read and write and speak fluently the language of the country in which they are going to study.

Including the Fellowships awarded for the year 1961-62, the total has reached 1,453. These students come from 70 countries and they have studied and are studying in 50 countries.

It is interesting to note the leading studies and as of now International Relations and Political Science has claimed 210 students. Next Engineering in all fields 121; then

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Literature 116; Medicine 101 – down to Industrial Relations with only 14.

In February 1960 The Rotary Foundation began a publication known as "The Alumni Link" in order to keep in touch with the students and to see what their contribution is in the years to come.

Between 1944 and 1950 The Foundation had provided $160,000.00 for relief purposes. Over 12,000 food and clothing packages have been sent to former Rotarians, their widow's or their children. Families have been reunited - prisoners of war aided - displaced persons located. Each year since 1950 an amount has been set aside for special relief.

As of August 1961 a total of $7,900,000.00 has been raised by The Foundation.

An individual who contributes $1,000.00 is awarded a certificate of recognition and he is a Paul Harris Fellow. If an individual gives $500.00 he is given a certificate showing that he is a Honourary Fellow. If an individual gives from $1 to $500 in any one year he I is given a certificate showing that he is a Memorial Contributor, and if he gives $100.00 in any one year his certificate shows him to be a Sustaining Contributor.

When a Club has contributed $10.00 per member it is a 100% Club. When it has contributed $20.00 per member it is a 200% Club, etc. Our Toronto Club collects $10. from each new member as part of his joining fee and then the Club remits in June of each

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year a cheque for $1.00 per member.

No monies may be spent without Convention action. As of this date the Trustees have been given authority to spend $350,000.00 per year which takes care of approximately 130 Fellowship students.

There in also a special fund set aside each year for advanced studies of a certain type not coming within the regulations governing Fellowship students. It is hoped that soon there will be sufficient funds on hand and coming in each year to provide a student from each District each year.


(Note) - For full Foundation story also see pages 240 to 247B in book 1.


From: Rotary Foundation Bulletin No. 31, June 1963

Grand total contributions to The Rotary Foundation - $9,508,434.

Grand total awarded in Rotary Foundation Fellowships - $4,449,236 (this includes

Awards made for the 1963-64 academic year).

Total number of Fellowships awarded since 1947-48 – 1,729 (includes awards made for the 1963-64 academic year),

Number of Fellowships awarded for the 1962-63 academic year - 137 (of which 94 to men and 40 to women). *

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Total amount of awards for 1962-63 Fellowships - $367,105.

Number of Fellowships awarded for 1963-64 academic year -- 140 (of which 107 to men and 33 to women). **

Total amount of awards for 1963-64 Fellowships – estimated at over $390,000.

Statistics as of 8 May, 1963.

* Number of Fellowships for 1962-63 and 1963-64 included awards made under the additional Fellowship program.

** 1963-64 is the last year women will be eligible to receive regular Rotary Foundation Fellowships; they remain eligible for the additional Fellowships.

This year, 1963-64, for the first time Fellowship students will study in Ethiopia, Malagasy, Morocco and Tanganyika. Now Fellows from 71 countries have or will have studied in 58 countries.

District 745, Pennsylvania, is the first Rotary District to reach 300%. There are now three where 200% has been reached.

NOTE - See pages P 9 to P 18 which follow in this book and also pages 240 to 247 F. B. 2

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This celebrated name is almost unknown by our 1963 Rotary members.

When we arrived at Salt Lake City, Utah for the Rotary convention in 1919 we heard much talk about an item on the programme entitled "A Father's Responsibility to his Son". The temperature was from 100 to 105° every day. Hotel accommodation not too good but the convention was excellent. From Toronto I remember Bill Fulton, Harry Stanton, Sid McMichael and Bill Cairns.

Dr. Barker was an expert in physical education and fitness. He spent four years with President Taft and directed his diet and his daily exercises. The President came through the four years without missing a day's work from illness of any kind.

This fine man realized there was increasing worry about trends in youth habits and he felt he could deliver a worthwhile message. He had discussed the matter with R.I. officials and it was decided to give him a spot on the Salt Lake City convention programme. In those days (1919) sex was not on every newspaper and magazine name and necking and spooning were bad words. As a consequence at 2 P.M. every woman was in the gallaries of that great Mormon Tabernacle, and all the men on the main floor. A moment after Dr. Barker started his talk one could hear a pin drop. He had the 8,000 people present in the hollow of his hand. The response was so obvious that the R.I. Board engaged Dr. Barker on a full time basis. The club paid $125.00 for a day of the Doctor's

(see over)

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time. In my city of Moose Jaw he addressed a great body of boy and girl high school students. As at Salt Lake City the reception was far above expectations. At noon he addressed a large group of men. In the afternoon he talked to 1,500 women in one of the large churches. Dr. Barker insisted on the President of the Rotary club, a high school Principal and a Minister to be on hand. Only three men. All over Canada and U.S., without fail, the high school principals reported a marked improvement in behavior and also in examination marks. Anti-necking groups were organized by the school girls. In the evening he had personal interviews with boys, girls and parents. This continued for 14 years when the Doctor advised R.I. he felt he had to give up the strenuous life. He had talked to over 1600 Rotary clubs and to millions of teenagers and parents. Perhaps R.I. never undertook a more worthwhile project. When his resignation was received Paul Harris and Ches. Perry each wrote letters of praise and regret. These were published in the May 1933 issue off The Rotarian. Paul Harris wrote, "There has never been a man like him. His influence on people was amazing. As I listened to him deliver four addresses in one day at a Chicago Heights high school, I had to agree that he had an amazing control over his teenage audience and also their parents". Then he added, "Charlie will be missed".

Chesley R. Perry, General Secretary of R.I. wrote, "The Board of Directors of R.I. recognize the great value of your work over these years. They agree that no one can measure the great good you have done. These men feel sure your words will bear fruit

(cont'd. Page Q-3.)

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even ten, twenty or thirty years from now."

Under Rotary auspices Dr. Barker delivered 6,133 lectures to over 2,200,000 students and to 1,140,000 fathers and 1,370,000 mothers. It is estimated that over 8,000,000 parents read his two booklets, "A Father’s Responsibility to His Son", and "A Mother’s Relation to Her Daughter".

The Barkers lived at Grand Rapids, Michigan. We knew Dr. and Mrs. Barker through all these years. Dr. Barker died on March 27th, 1948 after a great life.


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From – R.I. News – July 1963

A recent addition to the number of active intercountry committees is Le Comite Franco-Suisse organized by Rotarians in France and Switzerland to promote exchanges between clubs located along the border of the two nations, promote youth exchanges, and invite at least once a year, speakers from contact clubs to present programs on their country.

Paper 747, "Border Line Contacts," available gratis from the secretariat, describes the organization and function of intercountry committees.

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From R.I. News – July 1963

The Rotary Club of Guadalajara, Mexico, has provided 80,000 breakfasts thus far in 1963 to underprivileged primary school children. The number of breakfasts for pupils has risen sharply during the three years the project has been in operation: 1,500 in 1960; 7,500 in 1961; and 30,000 of 1962. The club’s goal is to provide free breakfasts to all indigent school children in the community.

In the Republic of South Africa, the Rotary Club of Eshowe also provides meals for school children. The club buys surplus foodstuffs and high protein food concentrates , and members personally serve the meals to the students.




The Rotary club of Bulandshahr, U.P., India, has begun a project that provides the services of a mobile dispensary for residents of a smaller nearby community.

A doctor is on duty at the dispensary for two hours, one evening each week, to examine patients and distribute free medicine. Response to the project has been good, with approximately 70 persons receiving medical services each week.

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There is a remarkable man who lives at 15 South 9th St., Diliman, Quezon City, The Philippines. This is a suburb of Manila. His name in Marianito P. Lichauco and his main business up until recent years was rice growing. It is obvious he was very successful. He served Rotary as President of the Dagupan Club for the year 1939-41 and 1946-47. He is, and has been, a member of the Manila Club for some years. Governor of District 81 in 1947-48. Chairman Group Assembly on "Youth Service" at the San Francisco Convention in 1947. Represented the President cf. R.I. at many District Conferences. Regional Chairman of The Rotary Foundation, The Philippines 1949-50; Extension Committee ANZSAO 1950-51; Program Planning 1952-1954 and Official Observer to the United Nations Manila Session in 1952. Along with all the above he has for years been very active in every phase of the local work of the Manila Club.

To do his part in honouring Rotary on its 50th birthday he wrote and published a book entitled "l001 Questions and Answers on Rotary". Then, not satisfied with this great work, five years later he published another book entitled "Know Your Rotary" and again just under 1,600 questions and answers. It would be wonderful if every Rotary member could and would study these books. Today, 1963, one would question a few of the answers and perhaps even some of the questions because Rotary is growing and changing. Also, students of Rotary at time disagree with one another on some aspects of Rotary. Also, the region we live in causes us to see some things in a different light from what someone else (see over)

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would see 5,000 or 10,000 miles away where living conditions are so different and ideas and ideals vary so much.

This wonderful Rotarian has also published a book in Spanish and sent a copy to every Spanish speaking club in the world. Marianito has never sold a copy of any of these books but has given away thousands of copies. The time consumed would be years and the money spent would, to many of us, seem a fortune.

There are few phases of Rotary not covered in his two books in English and it is obvious he has made a life study of Rotary’s principles, rules and regulations, written and unwritten.

I spent some days with this man in his city Manila and I profited by this visit.


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