The Joseph A. Caulder Collection
Past Rotary International Director 1928-29   -  Regina, Sask., Canada

"Eyewitness to Rotary International's First 50 Years"


JOSEPH A. CAULDER - An eyewitness to Rotary International's first 50 years.

Album 2 - Page 71, The British Empire Dinner, 1930

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Rotary was 25 years old and this was a great convention. The weather was 90 degrees. The large British delegation stood the heat well. Paul Harris, our founder, took part in the convention but he was a very sick man. His address was tragic as his voice failed entirely and Ches. had to help him from the platform.

I had Margaret and Joe with me. Joe was just 7 but gave us no trouble at all and really sat through the B. E. banquet and many speeches. We had our dear friend Robert Cochran and Mrs. Cochran of Maysville, Ky. at our table; also my old Chicago friends, Mr. and Mrs. Evan A. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Evans rarely came into Chicago in the evening but this was a very special and a very well worthwhile affair. There is a white line drawn around our table. Bob Cochran is on Joe's right, then Mrs. Cochran, Margaret Caulder, Evan Evans, Joe Caulder, Sr. and Mrs. Evans.

We are planning on attending the 50th anniversary which will once again be held in Chicago in 1955. Perhaps Mr. and Mrs. Evans may again be with us and also perhaps Joe, Jr. and Helen.

J. A. C.



Opposite [Above] -A group photo of Rotary's 25th Anniversary Convention held in Chicago in 1930. Almost a record of about 250 attended from Great Britain. On another page the 1955 - 50th Anniversary Convention picture is shown. J.A. Caulder, Jr. was at both Conventions.

In 1930 he was a boy of 12. The Caulder family is shown in a crude circle made by an amateur in the handling of photographs.

I am hoping he will also attend Rotary's 75th which no doubt will be held in Chicago in 1980. The 1955 Convention was a very notable gathering and especially because so many of the great men of Rotary's first 50 years were still active and attended the Convention. In 1980 there will be more oldtimers than attended in 1955, but not many - in fact, not any of the original oldtimers.

It has been a great privilege to attend the 25th and the 50th.

I have known every President of Rotary from Paul Harris 1910-12 to Cliff Randall 1958-59. A wonderful lot of men to know.



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