The Joseph A. Caulder Collection
Past Rotary International Director 1928-29   -  Regina, Sask., Canada

"Eyewitness to Rotary International's First 50 Years"


JOSEPH A. CAULDER - An eyewitness to Rotary International's first 50 years.

Rotary Information, Book 1

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Page 50.(Pagination as in Original)


Just one of the unwritten rules of Rotary. No man can do justice to more than one service club.

NOTE - A resolution at Dallas in 1929 urges members not to divide their energies - also in in the 1960-6l manual the matter is dealt with.



Rotary International would prefer to have every member pay his own dues, etc. However, Rotary very wisely sets down few dogmatic rules but because a Company has been paying dues and perhaps for luncheons, it has no call or claim on who will be chosen to succeed any member who resigns, or is moved or is fired from the club, or who dies.


N.Y. 1959 - Total 15,462 for a few less than attended N. Y. in 1949 when Rotary membership was very much smaller. Why?

Canada had 961 - Toronto had 83 Brazil - Mexico 207 - Bolivia 40 - Paraguay 54 - U.S.A. 13,081 -

From 73 countries or geographical - areas.

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1910-11 10 Directors (including the ex-officio President elected by the Convention) 3 e1ected by the General Committee for 1 year, 3 for 2 years, 3 for 3 years. (The General Committee was composed of one representative from each Club.)

1911-12 10 Directors (including the ex-officio President) but the terms of office were 1912-13 gradually readjusted so that thereafter.

1913-14 10 Directors (including the ex-officio President) with 9 Directors all to serve for 1 year elected by the General Committee.

1914-15 The same situation.

1915-16 10 Directors composed of the President, First, Second and Third Vice-presidents elected by the Convention and the Immediate Past President, all to serve for 1 year. The General Committee was eliminated) .

1916-17 to


incl.            The same situation.

1922-25 9 Directors (including the President) elected by the Convention to serve for 1 year, 5 from the U.S.A., 1 from Canada, l from

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G. B. & I. The 9th Director was elected by the Board from some other geographic region. The Board elected from its membership the first, second and third Vice Presidents.

1923-24 The same situation.

1924-25 10 Directors (the immediate past President being replaced on the Board). 1925-26 Otherwise the same situation.

1926-27 12 Directors. The same situation except the Board elected 3 instead of 1 to Director from other regions.



1953-54 14 Directors. 5 instead from other regions.


Prepared by Ches. Perry.

May 1954.

The R.I. Board still (1962) is made up of 14 Directors but now the President-elect is a member and the President does not remain on the board the year following his term as President. In other words, there is no Immediate Past President on the Board now. The last was Pres. Harold T. Thomas 1960-61.

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continued from Page 52

No change up to Sept. 1. 1966.

At Atlanta, June 1-4, 1970 - Enactment 70-47 was carried to increase the Board of R.I. from 14 to 17. This is the first change since 1931 when it was increased from 12 to 14. The 17 takes effect on June 1, 1972 unless changed at the 1971 convention.

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NO. 55 - 1912.

Early in January 1912 Mr. James K. Pickett, General Manager of the Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada, made a trip west and was invited by a friend to attend the Rotary Club of Winnipeg, which was the first Rotary Club in the World outside the U.S., and had been organized in November 1910. The reserved Mr. Pickett was impressed with this club of young and top notch business men. Just one member from each business or profession was allowed to join. On this trip west Mr. Pickett had arranged for a bank manager in Brandon to give up banking and come to Toronto as Toronto Manager of his Insurance Company. This man was Wm. I. Peace. He had some insurance experience as he wrote life insurance as a side line. Bank Managers salaries were small in 1912.

On Mr. Pickett's return to Toronto he discussed this Rotary matter with R.W.E. (Ralph Waldo -Emerson) Burnaby and suggested they discuss the matter with a few friends. Mr. Burnaby was well known in Toronto and had fine business connections. Chesley R. Perry, Chicago was then the Secretary of the National Association of Rotary Clubs and on a full time basis. The Chicago office was then located at 911 First National Bank Building. Perry wrote Wm. H. Hall, 26 Wellington E., who was then Toronto Manager for The American Surety Co. and advised Mr. Hall that Mr. Herbert L. Hart of Buffalo had written him that a very progressive Toronto business man, Hall might be interested in organizing a club in Toronto. The Buffalo club had been

NOTE: Also see pages 252-271 Book 1 and pages C 1 to C 80 Book 3.

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organized in 1911. Ches. Perry covered the objects of Rotary very well in this letter. Then followed many letters passing between Hall and Perry and also letters to and from Paul P. Harris who had founded Rotary in 1905 and who was then serving his second year as the first president of The National Association of Rotary Clubs. The name was changed to The International Association of Rotary Clubs at the third convention held in Duluth later 1912.

All this correspondence is contained in the history of the organization of the Toronto Club done in 1958. In a letter dated February 5th, 1912, Paul Harris points out to

Mr. Hall that in approaching prospective members, he should "Aim to secure the leading men in each line of business." "Above all things, make no mistake in the banker, the insurance man the printer, the lawyer, the dentist, the physician and all those who will get the must direct benefit out of the club, and therefore are likely to be the most prominent in its activities." This is amazing especially as on February 26th, Ches. Perry, in writing Hall, makes it clear as follows: - "Do not let your members or the outside public gather the idea which unfairly represents Rotary to be an organization wherein the members are obligated or compelled to patronize each other or whereby any rupture of existing or satisfactory business relations is required". See that your charter members get the true and correct concession of the Rotary Spirit - that of service to others believing that, as we unselfishly enable others to succeed, we too make progress towards success, and

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"He Profits most who Serves Best".

It is noted here that Rotary had changed from its original concept. Perry advised Hall that Fred Kent, Ambrose Kent & Sons, Mr. J .Pickett, Imperial Life, Mr. Hunt, Imperial Life, Mr. Thomas Bradshaw, Ames & Co., Mr. E. W. Gifford, Northern Aluminium Co., and E. A. Gryne, United Motor Export Co., were all interested men. There is nothing in the existing records to show from whom Perry got this information, Perry became rather annoyed with Hall and his group and on March 28, 1912 wrote Hall that he had other work to do besides trying arouse interest in the Toronto group. Hall was obvious a poor correspondent. On April 3rd, Hall wrote that he was swamped with literature. Paul Harris then wrote Burton E. Pfeiffer of Buffalo that he was a special representative from headquarters to go to Toronto and get action. Mr. Pfieffer came to Toronto and wrote Hall that Geo. Brigdan, C. D. TenEyck, W. M. Gifford, J. L. Pickett and Wm. Stone were all ready to proceed. Rotarian Pfeiffer wrote Hall that he would be in Toronto on November 18th at 8 P.M. and they would meet at the King Edward and organize. The meeting was held and Pfeiffer wrote Perry on November 21st that the meeting on November 18th was successful and that 15 charter members were on hand and voted proceed. The organization meeting was held at the King Edward Hotel on November 28th and the club was organized. The charter members were as follows:

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George Brigden                             E. J. Young

Fred Brigden                                A. E. Brownlee

Chas. P. Pearce                            Ven. Archdeacon Cody

C .Sidney Furness                         W. K. Pearce

Peter Bellinger                               Capt. E. A. Williams

Herbert A. Irving                           E. A. Greene

Hugh Dunfield H.                           J. S. Dennison

Gordon B. Dunfield                       A. D. Armour

James K. Pickett                           Thos. Bradshaw

Wm A. Peace                               W. G. Bailey

George D . Wark                          J. A. McClelland

Howard C. Blachford                    C. T. McDairmid

Chas. D. TenEyck                         H. C. Acton Bond

R. T. Denison                                R. R. Corson

Robert C. Smith                            C. O. Lucas

R. W. E. Burnaby                          Chas. Canon

W. H. Hall                                     J. G. Williams

W. H. Burgess                               E. J. Marsh

F. G. Henderson                            W. J. Bellingham

J. S. M. Ridley                               Wm.Stone

R. W. E. Burnaby and Wm. A. Peace were nominated for President. Burnaby withdrew in favor of Bill Peace and Bill became the first President. R. W. E. Burnaby was chosen Vice-President. Geo. D. Wark was elected Secretary; Geo. Brigden, Treasurer; H. C. Blachford Registrar and J. A. McClelland Sergeant-at-Arms. The Board was chosen one month later. Weekly luncheons were to be held at the King Edward Hotel each Tuesday from 1 to 2 P.M. The dues proposed were $l0.00 per year, but Peter Bellinger suggested $5.00 and this was adopted. At this first meeting two men from Hamilton appeared and they claimed they owned the name "Rotary" for all Ontario. The new group had to pay these fellows $100.00 to get the name. The club was organized by

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incorporation under "The Ontario Companies Act - March 27, 1913". It became affiliated with the International Associations of Rotary Clubs in April, 1913.

The first board consisted of Wm. A. Peace, Geo. Brigden, R. W. E, Burnaby, J. S. M. Ridley, and Geo. D. Wark.

Any student of this club's first year will be interested in studying this history of 1912-1913.

Much digging was necessary to decide on the 40 charter members’ names as the records were few in the early days. Also, there were no charter nights back in 1912.

This history was written early in 1958. The author conferred with R. I. Headquarters, Burton Pfeiffer, (now 1959 living in California) , also Wm. A. Peace , Rolph Corson and Mr. Burnaby. Mr. Burnaby passed away in the Fall of 1959. He had lost his classification shortly after the club was formed so had to resign, but never lost interest in Rotary Club number 55.



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Is it not a miracle that Rotary has brought together good and influential men of all civilized countries? And is it not gratifying to know that there is a platform broad enough for all men to stand on? And is it not heart-warming to know that men of diverse faiths and allegiances can find so much in each other which is wholesome and good? Rotary is an integrating force in a world where disintegrating forces are far more numerous.

--Written in 1944.



"Heavenly Father, we invoke Thy blessings upon us, gathered here in the bonds of Rotary. Aid us by Thy Spirit always to pursue the lofty ideals of our club. Unite us in the closest ties of fellowship and inspire us to greatest achievements of service through understanding and goodwill. Amen."

Page 59.


A Rotarian may be many things to his neighbors. His family life, his citizenship, his occupation, his hobbies, and much else may contribute to their image of him. His civic participation, his loyalty to his community and country are basic qualities and characterize most civic-minded citizens, but what stamps him as a Rotarian might becompressed in two simple statements.




Every Rotary Club should be concerned to impress this public image on the people of its community. The international part of it develops through interest in hosting or sponsoring international students in discussion of international problems, visiting Rotarians and clubs in other lands and in contacts with Rotarians of other countries that can make clubs a window to the world for their communities.

The ethical part of the public image, although fundamental, is less apparent. "High ethical standards in business and professions" near the heart of the object of Rotary are more than pleasing words - they must be lived and exemplified in the daily deeds of business or profession.

Page 60


For the Rotary year 1959-60 the Convention elected a "President Elect" in the person of J. Edd. McLaughlin of Ralls, Texas. This made a Board of 15 and so continued for the year 1960-61. During, this year Past President Harold T. Thamas served on the Board as Immediate Past President. This office was discontinued as of June 30th, 1961 and for the Rotary year 1961-62 the Board reverted to 14 in number.

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From: The Clipsheet - June 1963.

For many people, life is a desert because no one seems to care about them. They may appear to have all that anyone could desire, but they are sad and dissatisfied because they seldom receive a word of praise.

One of society's real tragedies is the withholding of deserved appreciation, for the "right moment", while criticism is given promptly, for which most of us always have many ready excuses.

This is a mistake, morally and practically. Everyone has something that merits appreciation, so let us look for that thing and give it appraisal.

A little appreciation is like a drop of oil in life’s mechanism, making it run smoother, faster, and more pleasantly. Why not apply that oil as often as we are able?

–Spokes, the Rotary Club of Pennant Hills, N.S.W., Australia

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Organized at Liverpool in October 1913. R. W. (Bill) Pentland, Founder-President. Tom Stephenson of Edinburgh, Scotland Hon. Secretary. Only 8 clubs in the U.K. then. Chicago knew nothing of this organization. It took 15 years of negotiating to bring Rotary in U.K. into the family of R.I. under the name of Rotary International British Isles.


The U.K. only had a few clubs in August 1914. B. A. R. C. had only been formed eight months but these few clubs did a tremendous job of war work 1914-18.

Note - A pamphlet issued by R.I.B.I. District 12, February-March.1955 records the following:

Between 1911-1914 the following clubs were formed - Dublin - London- Belfast - Manchester - Glasgow- Edinburgh - Liverpool -and Birmingham.

The British Association of Rotary Clubs was formed on May 4th, 1914. In 1916 agreed to be affiliated with International Association of Rotary Clubs. 1922 changed its name to Rotary International Association of Great Britain and Ireland. Name became Rotary International in G.B. and Ireland in 1939 on July 1st.

Note - Organization not completed until May 1914.

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The British Association of Rotary Clubs was formed at Liverpool in October 1913. Only eight clubs then in the U.K.

First Secretary.

Thos. Stephenson of Edinburgh, Scotland was appointed Honorary Secretary and carried on until 1921. The eight clubs were Dublin, London, Belfast, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool and Birmingham. It appears that the actual date of finalizing the Association was May 14th, 1914. In 1916 affiliated with the International Association of Rotary Clubs and in 1922 changed its name to Rotary International Association of Great Britain and Ireland. Then in 1939 on July 1st the name became Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland.

Vivian Carter served as secretary for R.I.B.I. from 1921 to 1928. W. V. Blair-Fish was Secretary, from 1928 to 1937. H. S. Banner, B .A .-F.R.Y.S. was General Secretary from 1937 to 1941. Fred C. Hickson was Secretary from 1941 to 1954.

Ronald W. Wordley became Secretary in 1953 when Fred Hickson became an invalid and is still carrying on strong in 1959.

Following the passing of Ron Wordley on Feb.26/67 Victor Dover F.C.C.S. and M.C. was appointed Secretary of R.I.B.I.

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In the June 1961 issue of Rotary which is the British Rotary publication, there is the following article by Chas. White of Belfast, a Past President of R.I.B.I. and a Past Director of R.I.

He said - Stuart Morrow of Boston had been a member of the San Francisco club and came to Dublin in 1910 to visit his sister who had married Bill McConnell when Bill was an insurance executive in the U.S. Stuart told Bill about Rotary and they proceeded to organize the Dublin club which came into existence early in 1911 as club number 65. Morrow got one British pound (then $4.85) for each member brought in. He then organized Belfast and it became number 132. These fellows, all Irishmen, said Rotary must be British and not American and later on proved this by having District Chairmen instead of District Governors and a British Rotary Council instead of a Board of Directors.

NOTE - Rotary first had District Governors in the year 1915-16 and the British Assn. of Rotary Clubs was organized at Liverpool in August 1913. They could not have been deciding these matters when Morrow was in Dublin in 1910. (JAC)

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The records are worth checking carefully. In 1920 the Moose Jaw club, out of 90 members, had 65 (including wives) attend the District Conference at Fort William, Ontario. This was a 1600 mile rail trip (return). This is worthy of some thought.

In 1919 for the Salt Lake City Convention the Prairie Provinces clubs had three sleeping cars from Calgary to Great Falls, Montana, and at that point changed over to the Montana to Salt Lake City.

In 1922 for the Los Angeles convention the four Western Provinces had a special, train from Calgary to Vancouver; then ship to Seattle and a special train from Seattle to Los Angeles. This carried all delegates and visitors from the four Canadian Western Provinces; plus Oregon and Washington.

What has caused the change?

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1912-13 - Walter J. Clubb was elected as an Area Vice-President for Western Canada at the Duluth convention in 1912. The Winnipeg delegation of 2 (Mr. Fletcher was the other) appeared and Walter Clubb moved that the name National. Association of Rotary Clubs be changed to International Association of Rotary Clubs - carried.

1913-14 - F. J. C. Manlove appointed Area Vice-President for Western Canada. 1913-14 at the Buffalo convention 1913, Wm. A. Peace of Toronto was appointed Area Vice President for Eastern Canada..

1914 - at the Houston, Texas convention June 1914,Wm. A. Peace of Toronto was again appointed Vice-President for Eastern Canada.

June 1914 - Frank Higgins of Victoria, B.C. was appointed Area Vice-President for Western Canada for 1914-15.

1914 - At the Houston convention 1914 W. S. Archibald of Winnipeg and Chas. N. Butcher of Halifax were both elected to the Board of the International Association of Rotary Clubs. These were the first ever from Canada.

This gave Canada, in the year 1914-15, two Area Vice Presidents and two Board members. These two were the first to ever serve on the Board from Canada.

Rev. E. Leslie Pidgeon of Vancouver was elected to the Board of the International Association at the San Francisco convention in 1915 and was chosen as 3rd Vice President for 1915-16. . This was the first year when

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District Governors were brought into being and Area Vice President were dropped.

At the Cincinnati Convention in 1916 Rev. E. Leslie Pidgeon was elected to the Board and again was 3rd Vice President. Then at Atlantic City in June 1917, Rev. E. Leslie Pidgeon (now of Winnipeg) was elected President of the International Association of Rotary Clubs. In1918-19 he was on the Board as Immediate Past President so served four consecutive years on the Board. He is the only Minister to ever be President and it is unlikely there will ever be another Minister chosen as President. He was one of the best but it is felt a Protestant minister would not do for President ot R. I. now. Rotary had little money in those days so the Presidents paid their own expenses. The Winnipeg Club and Dr. Pidgeon's congregation raised $10,000.00 for him.

James Ryan of Calgary, the first Western Governor: Chas. Burchell of Halifax, the second District Governor from the east; Dr. Crawford C. McCullough of Ft. William one of Rotary's great Presidents: Jeff Lydiatt of Calgary who spread Rotary over Western Canada and James W. Davidson of Calgary he will never have en equal, but this story on another page. Also Alex R. McFarlane of Vancouver who was on the Board in 1924-25 and who also is going strong in 1959, deserves Honourable Mention.

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Suggested at Buffalo convention 1913, written on train enroute to Houston Convention from Chicago. At Soo City, Iowa Rev. Jacob Perkins, a Congregational Minister, together with Ches. Perry and two or three others, locked themselves ina drawing room, temperature about 105" and stayed on the job almost all night.

A day or so later the Code was presented to Houston Convention and accepted without a change -- really officially adopted in19l5 at San Francisco convention.



The 1915 convention adopted the following Rotary code of ethics for businessmen of all lines:

"My business standards shall have to them note of sympathy for our common humanity.

My business dealings, ambitions and relations shall always cause me to take into consideration my highest duties as a member of society. In every position in business life, in every responsibility that comes before me, my chief thought shall be to fill that responsibility and discharge that duty so when I have ended each of them, I shall have lifted the level of human ideals and achievements a little higher than I found it. In view of this it is my duty as a Rotarian------

First - To consider my vocation worthy and as affording me distinct opportunity to serve society. (cont’d)

(Also see Book 3-Page R-29)

Page 68.

Second - To improve myself, increase my efficiency and enlarge my service, and by so doing attest my faith in the fundamental principle of Rotary, that he profits most who serves best.

Third - To realize that I am a business man and ambitious to succeed; but that I am first an ethical man, and wish no success that is not founded on the highest justice and morality.

Fourth - To hold that the exchange of my goods, my service and my ideas for profit is legitimate and ethical, provided that all parties in the exchange are benefited thereby.

Fifth - To use my best endeavors to elevate the standards of the vocation in which I am engaged, and so to conduct my affairs that others in my vocation may find it wise, profitable and conducive to happiness to emulate my example.

Sixth - To conduct my business in such a manner that I may give a perfect service equal to or even better than my competitor, and when in doubt to give added service beyond the strict measure of debt or obligation.

Seventh- To understand that one of the greatest assets of a professional or of a business man is his friends, and that any advantage gained by reason of friendship is eminently, ethical and proper.

Eighth - To hold that true friends demand nothing of one another, and that any abuse of the confidence of friendship for profit is foreign to the spirit of Rotary, and in violation of its code of ethics.

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Ninth- To consider no personal success legitimate or ethical which is secured by taking unfair advantage of certain opportunities in the social order that are absolutely denied others, nor will I take advantage of opportunities to achieve material success that others will not take because of the questionable morality involved.

Tenth - To be not more obligated to a brother Rotarian than I am to every other man in human society; because the genius of Rotary is not in its competition but in its cooperation; for provincialism can never have a place in an institution like Rotary, and Rotarians assert that human rights are not confined to Rotary clubs but are as deep and as broad as the race itself; and for these high purposes does Rotary exist to educate all men and all institutions.

Eleventh - Finally believing in the universality of the golden rule - All things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them -- we contend that society best holds together when equal opportunity is accorded all men in the natural resources of this planet. (1915 San Francisco Conv.)

Some years ago, owing to various criticisms of the text of the code and lack of unanimity of opinion as to its usefulness throughout the world as a Rotary document, R. I. discontinued its distribution of the code. The board (27-28) agreed with the aims and objects committee that the wording of the code of ethics could be improved and appointed a committee on revision. The following year the board agreed that it

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would be best to give emphasis to the four objects of Rotary rather than to the code of ethics.

The Board (31-32) agreed to continue the policy of publishing the code of ethics in the manual of procedure but to give the code no special circulation or general publicity.

(Taken from Page 206 - 1960 Manual).


The Rotary code of ethics heretofore adopted shall not be changed or amended except in the manner provided herein for the amendment of these by-laws. (NOTE) The 1950-51 Board of R.I. agreed to discontinue publication of code.


Up to 1938 R. I. Presidents Were elected by open or secret vote at Conventions. This caused much unhappiness.

Beginning with 1939-40 the present nominating system became effective and on July 1st, 1940 Arrmmdo de Arruda Pereira of SaoPaulo, Brazil took office as the first President by a Nominating Committee.

Only once has a Rotarian been nominated by a club in opposition to the Nominating Committee's choice. This was in 1953 at the Paris Convention and the Nominating Committee's choice was elected.

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Paul P. Harris              1910-11 & 1911-12

Glenn C. Mead            1912-13.

Russell F. Greiner         1913-14.

Frank L. Mulholland     1914-15.

Allen D. Albert             1915-l6

Arch C. Klumph           1916-17.

From Chicago, Philadelphia, Kansas City, Mo., Toledo, Chicago and Cleveland.

All from large clubs. There were no small clubs then. Harris, lawyer, also Glenn Mead and Frank Hulholland. Grenier a Lithographer; Albert a Professor of Economics and Klumph a lumber dealer.

Paul Harris deceased 1947; Glenn Mead 1954; Frank Mulholland 1949 -(when attending the Rotary Institute at Lake Placid, N.Y.), and Arch Klumph -1951.

Russell F. Greiner now close to 90 is still (1959) active in his Kansas City business and Allen D. Albert is in charge of the Art Gallery at Paris, Illinois. Deceased June 4th, 1961.

What a wonderful six to get Rotary started !

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Sid McMichael served as Chairman of the Host Club Committee for the Toronto Convention in 1924 and also in 1942. Sid never was President of the Toronto Club but served with distinction as District Governor (27th) in 1925-26. In 1924 Sid set up the firs House of Friendship at the Convention and it has been carried on ever since. Also in 1924 set up a plan or framework for the annual Conventions which, the minor changes, is still in use. He served Rotary well.



In Mexico City a fine 300 room Rotary hotel. In London, England Rotary, House was opened February 23rd, 1955. This was Rotary’s birthday. This property was formerly The Netherlands Legation. It cost London Rotarians $180,000.00. Every Rotarian welcome. Eat and drink and meet Rotarians from all over the world. This is close to Marble Arch - no sleeping accommodation.

NOTE - The London Rotary House was closed in 1961.

NOTE - The Oslo, Norway club also has a lodge for visiting Rotarians and for Rotarian couples who just want a quiet rest.



Started in 1928at Chicago and lasted five days. This carried on at Dallas, Chicago,

Austria (1931), Victoria, B.C., Poland, Maine, Mackinac Island, Mich., Mexico (1935), Buck Hill Falls, Pa., Montreux, Switzerland (1937), Del Monte, Cal., White. Sulphur Springs, W. Va., Havana, Cuba (l940), Colorado Springs, Co. ,Quebec, Canada, St. Louis, Chicago also at Edgewater Beach, Chicago, May 28th to June 21st (1945); owing to the war this was held in four sections. Swampscott, Mass (1946) Sun Valley, Idaho, (1947) Quebec(1948,) Lake Placid (1949), Chicago (1950) and for nine consecutive years, 1951 to 1959, at Lake Placid, N.Y Up to 1948 always three or four days but that year seven days, and the same ever since until 1959 when it. was cut to 5 1/2 days.

Up to 1925 an International Council had been held in Chicago for three days for instructing Governors but on a very modest scale with only the Int. President and Int. Committee Chairman doing the instructing. In 1921 only 25 Governors now about 260 and the present cost is up to about $250,000.00 per year with a great many topnotch Past Presidents and Past Int. Directors taking part.

NOTE-A school for D. Governors was first held at Chicago in 1919 (Mar. 17-18) but the name Int. Council was first used in 1921).

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In 1928 changed to International Assemblies.

Meetings of incoming District Governors were held at the Conventions in 1916-17 and 18.

On March 17-18 in 1919 the first separate school for District Governors was held at the Sherman Hotel, Chicago. The Board of Directors were there.

In August 1919 the first International Council was held at the Chicago Yacht Club. In 1920 it was held at the Sherman Hotel.

In 1921 at the Drake Hotel, Chicago. Beginning with 1922 these Council Meetings were held at the Sisson Hotel, Chicago until 1929 when it was held at Dallas following the Convention in June. Beginning with 1928 the name was changed to International Assembly and always held ( since 1929) the week prior to the Convention.

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This is a historical memorandum of the origin of the International. Assembly.

Meetings of the Governors were held during the International Conventions of 1916, 1917, and 1918.

On 17 and 18 March, 1919, a meeting of the Governors of that year was held at the Hotel Sherman in Chicago for the purpose of conferring with the International Board of Directors .

Then in August, 1919, the first meeting of what was designated as the International Council was held in Chicago at the Chicago Yacht Club.

In 1920 meeting of the International Council was held at the Hotel Sherman in Chicago.

The 1921 meeting was held at the Drake Hotel in Chicago.

Beginning with 1922, meetings were held at the Sisson Hotel in Chicago until 1929 when the meeting was held in Dallas immediately after the Convention.

In 1930 the meeting was held at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago the week before the Convention, and since that time the Assembly has been held the week before the Convention, not in the Convention city, but in some place near to the Convention city.

Beginning with 1928, these meetings these meetings were called the International Assembly.

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325 new clubs in 1961-62.

as follows - in 48 countries

84 - Asia

65 - Continental Europe, N. Africa and Eastern Mediterranean.

21 - G. B. and I.

27 - South America, Central America and. Antilles.

85 - U.S.A., Canada and Bermuda.

43 - Australia, New Zealand, Africa and other places not included in any other region.

NOTE - On July 23, 1962 - 11,321 clubs in 128 countries with a membership of 526,000.

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Sisson Hotel,

Chicago, Illinois

July 9-12


Adolphus Hotel

Dallas, Texas

June 1-6


Edgewater Beach Hotel

Chicago, Illinois

June 18-20


Grand Hotel Panhens

Semmering, Austria

June 15-19


Empress Hotel

Victoria, D.C. Canada

June 14-18


Poland Spring House

So. Poland, Maine

June 14-18


Grand Hotel

Mackinac Island, Michigan

June 19-23


Hotel De La Selva

Cuernavaca, Mexico

June 10-14


The Inn

Buck Hill Falls, Penn.

June 15-19


Palace Hotel

Montreux, Switzerland

May 31 - June 4


Hotel Del Monte

Del Monte, California

June 13-17


The Greenbrier

White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.

June 12-16


Hotel Nacional de Cuba

Havana, Cuba

June 3-7


Broadmoor Hotel

Colorado Springs, Col

June 8-13


Chateau Frontenac

Quebec, Que., Canada

June 15-19


Hotel Statler

St. Louis, Missouri

May 14-17


Edgewater Beach Hotel

Chicago, Illinois

May 18-22


Edgewater Beach Hotel

Chicago, Illinois

(held in four sections due to was)

May 28 - June 21


Swampscott, Massachusetts

May 25-31


Sun Valley, Idaho

June 2-6


Quebec, Que.

Apr. 24 - May 2


Lake Placid

Essex County, New York

June 11-17


Chicago, Illinois

June 11-17


Lake Placid

Essex County

May 19-26


Lake Placid

Essex County

May 14-20


Lake Placid

Essex County

May 7-13


Lake Placid

Essex County

May 24-June 1


Lake Placid

Essex County

May 19-27


Lake Placid

Essex County

May 24-31


Lake Placid

Essex County

April 30 - May 8


Lake Placid

Essex County

May 20-28


Lake Placid

Essex County

June 1-6


Lake Placid

Essex County

May 19-25


Lake Placid

Essex County

May 3-10


Lake Placid

Essex County

May 22-29


Lake Placid

Essex County

May 19-26


Lake Placid



Lake Placid



Lake Placid



Lake Placid



Lake Placid



Lake Placid



Lake Placid


Page 79.



The first formalizing of these meetings was done in connection with the assembly in Montreux in 1937. It was planned by President Will R. Manier, Jr., for the purpose of affording a gathering of past officers, past committeemen and past district governors of R.I. a place where they could discuss the larger problems of Rotary policy with reference both to immediate problems and problems of the future. All present were personally invited by President Manier. At the first session the President announced that the meeting was an experiment. There was no formalized program. Various subjects of Rotary administration were discussed with the President presiding. The meetings were held at times when the assembly was not meeting and the institute attendees were invited to participate in the sessions of the Assembly. A few governors-nominee took part in discussions.

The meeting was fully recorded and the report digested; copies of the digest were submitted to 1937-38 and 1938-39 Boards of Directors.

There has been an Institute at the location of the International Assembly every year since 1927 with the exception of 1943, 1944 and 1945.

July 1948. (J.A.C.)

Page 80

A Past President of R.I. always presides at the Institute. The 1959 Institute was the 9th in succession held at Lake Placid, N.Y. in conjunction with the International Assembly and now about 125 Past International officers attend each year.

There is an Institute Agenda Committee to prepare the programme and also an Institute Findings Committee to prepare the report for the R.I. Board.

- - - - - -


From The Clipsheet - June 1963.

When a classification has been opened, a man has to be found to fill it who is a dignified representative of his classification, and who has a clear understanding of the service aspects of his business or profession.

He must see his business not solely as a means of making money, but as a means of giving his money, time, and energy to maintain spiritual values. He will be a man who not only tolerates someone else's views, but respects them in such a manner that there is no doubt about his willingness to understand others.

-Weekly Bulletin, the Rotary Club of Pukekohe, New Zealand.

Page 81




1911-12 (There were First and Second Vice Presidents elected by the Convention who were not members of the Board.) At the 1912 Convention, when the N.A. of R. C. of A. with the affiliation of the Winnipeg, Canada and London, England Clubs became the I. A. of R. C., the offices of First and Second Vice-President were abolished and provision was made for the election by the Convention of several Vice-Presidents not to be members of the Board (5 from the U.S.A. and one from each other country in which there were Rotary Clubs) and in the U.S.A. 5 geographic Divisions were designated in which each Vice-President was to promote the extension and development of Rotary.

1912-13 5 Divisional Vice-Presidents in the U.S.A., 1 in Canada, l in G.B. & I. At the 1913 Convention provision was made for 2 Vice-Presidents and 2 geographic Divisions in Canada.

1913-14 5 Vice-Presidents and Divisions in U.S.A. and 2 in Canada.

1914-15 The same situation. At the 1915 Convention provision was made for changing the 8 geographic Divisions into 19 numbered Districts (15 in the U.S.A., 3 in Canada, 1 in G.B. & I.) and renaming the officer

Page 8l-A.

1914-15 in charge from Vice-President to District Governor to be nominated to by his District and elected by the Convention. In 1914-15 several Divisional meetings (Conferences) of Clubs were held although not provided for in the Constitution and By-Laws.

1915-16 19 Districts and Governors.

1916-17 19 Districts and Governors. At the 1917 Convention various provisions were adopted with reference to Districts and Governors including the setting up of District Conferences. The authority to establish Districts and Governors was given to the Board.

1917-18 20 Districts and Governors.

1918-19 24 Districts and Governors.

Prepared by Chesley R. Perry,

May 1954.

NOTE -In the Rotary year 1961-62 there 269 Districts and as of July lst, 1962 there were 270. As of July 1st, 1965 there were 278 Districts.

Page 81-B


Continued from P.81-A

July 1, 1966 278 Districts

July 1,1967 283 Districts

July 1,1968 288 Districts

July 1,1969 297 Districts

July 1, 1970 313 Districts

Page 82.


Some names stand out very clearly in all areas of the world where Rotary was planted and later developed.

We must not forget these names. It was in 1910 that P. A. C. MacIntyre, on a visit to New York, was taken to Rotary by a friend. Pac, as he was then called, liked Rotary and enroute home to Winnipeg he took a day off and went to the Public Library and had a few hours with Ches. Perry, who had joined Number one in January 1908. On his return to Winnipeg he told his friend Walter J. Clubb about this Rotary thing. Along with a Mr. Morley they got the club organized in November 1910. This was the first club outside the U.S.A. It grew and prospered.

In 1912 the National Association Convention was held in Duluth and three Winnipeg boys were there. At once a resolution was passed to change the name from "National Association" to "International Association of Rotary Clubs". This carried. W. J. Kobold was Winnipeg's first president. Walter J. Clubb was made an Area Vice-President in 1912.

When districts were formed in 1915 all Western Canada became District No. 18. Jim Ryan of Calgary was the first District Governor. Stu Campbell of Winnipeg was Governor in 1916-17. The first conference was held in Victoria in 1916. The Vancouver and Victoria clubs were organized in 1913 and Calgary in

Page 83.

1914. Jeff Lydiatt of Calgary was Governor in 1917-18, Y. S. Archibald of Winnipeg was the first man in Western Canada to be a member of the International Board and that was for the year 1914-15. F. J. C. Menlove of Winnipeg was an Area Vice-President in 1913-14 and Frank Higgins of Victoria in 1914-15. There were no more after 1914-15. About this time the name of Alex R. McFarlane of Vancouver crops up and he was on the R.I. Board in 1924-25. The name of Dr. Crawford C. McCullough of Ft. William, Ont ranks high. District Governor 19th in 1919-20 ; First Vice-Pres. R. I. 1920-;21and President of R. I .in 1921 .22. Another great name is Rev. E. Leslie Pidgeon of Vancouver, Winnipeg and Montreal. He served as 3rd Vice-Pres. in 1915-16, also 1916-17 and president of R. I. in 1917-18, and as Immediate Past president in 1918-19. Leslie was our first President from Canada and Crawford our second.

One of the greatest names of all from western Canada was James W. Davidson of Calgary who served on the R. I. Board in 1926-27. See his photo and story in another part of the Rotary Albums.


Page 84.


The Winnipeg Club was organized on Nov. 7th, 1910 as Club Number 35. A young Winnipeg business man, P. A. C. McIntyre of Berry Bros., paint and varnish manufacturers, made a trip to U.S. in 1910 and on his way home stopped in Chicago visiting his cousin, Will Lander, who was a member of the Chicago Club No.1. Pac (as he was called) had lunch with Paul Harris and Ches. Perry and as might be expected, he returned to Winnipeg just filled with Rotary. Pac contacted A. W. Morley (who is credited with founding the Winnipeg Club) and A. W. interested a few friends and they met in the old Y.M.C.A. building on Portage Ave. at 8 P.M., Nov. 3rd, 1910. After a discussion on the matter, A. W. Morley moved and W. N. Brown seconded a motion "That a Rotary Club be formed". The meeting adjourned and met again on Nov. 7th at 8 P.M in A. W. Morley' s office in 601 McArthur Building. Geo. A. Kobold was elected the first President, W. A. Templeton, Vice-Pres., with W. N. Brown, A. W. Morley and R. S. Rowland as Directors. W. J. Clubb was at that meeting and was a charter member.

The group had been in correspondence with Chesley R. Perry, Chicago, Secretary of the National Association of Rotary Clubs. A letter was read at the Dec. 7th meeting from Ches. in which he said, "It is evident this organization is now International." The group knew nothing much about Rotary and as yet had no constitution or by-laws. Another letter from Ches. dated Jan. 4th, 1911 suggested the Rotary year run from July 1st, but Winnipeg did not follow the suggestion at that time. The Club wrote

Page 85

Chicago to find out what benefit could come from joining the National Association. The letter from Ches. must have been convincing because at once $1.00 was collected from each member as the National Association per capita tax. For months the new Club meet monthly at any convenient time and then decided on the second Wednesday in each month. The annual meeting of 1912 was held in the Grange Hotel on Jan. l0th. There were 60 present and bi-monthly luncheons were decided upon. At the 1913 annual meeting held in January the weekly luncheon was adopted.

Chicago invited the Winnipeg Club to send a delegate to the National Association's Convention (the 3rd) to be held in Duluth in August. At that convention Walter J. Clubb of Winnipeg moved "that the name of the organization be changed from National Association of Rotary Clubs to International Association of Rotary Clubs", and the motion was carried. W. J. Clubb was then President of the Winnipeg Club and at this convention he was elected a Vice-President of the International Association, and of course the first officer of Rotary International in Canada. At this Duluth convention also it was decided to drop the "personal gain" idea and branch out into fields of unselfish work. In 1912 five members of the Club secured a charter under "The Joint Stock Companies Act" and the Winnipeg Rotary Club Ltd. came into existence on September 14th, 1912. This was to prevent anyone else using the Rotary name in Manitoba. On Feb. 2nd, 1914 a Private Bill Charter was issued and the "Ltd." was dropped.

There were no districts in Rotary until 1915 when at the San Francisco convention Districts were set-up and all western Canada. was in the

Page 86.

18th District. The Calgary Club had been organized in 1914. Vancouver and Victoria had been organized in 1913. At the Atlanta Convention held in June 1917 the 18th District was extended east to take in. the Port Arthur-Ft. William Club, formed in 1916. Vancouver and Victoria were removed from the 18th District at this 1917 convention but not the rest of B.C. At the Kansas City convention, June 18th, the 18th District was changed to the 19th and was set-up as Alberta-Saskatchewan-Manitoba and that part of Ontario west of the 85th meridian. At the Los Angeles convention in 1922 the 19th District was changed to the 4th. In the 1915-16 Rotary year Sam Dickson of Edmonton, working with Jim Ryan of Calgary and P.A.C. McIntyre of Winnipeg, got the Edmonton club started. At the San Francisco convention in 1915, Jim Ryan of Calgary was appointed Governor of the new 18th District. The Edmonton Club was Jim Ryan's first; Ft. William-Pt. Arthur was next in 1916 (May 17th) and Moose Jaw was next, also in 1916. The men in Moose Jaw first interested were J .E. Overs (tobacco retail) and J. F. Hare a lawyer. J. F. Hare became the first President. The organization date was May 31st, 1916.

The first District Conference in western Canada was held at Victoria, Feb. 20-21, 1916. About 250 attended but many were from N.W. United States. It will be noted this was before Vancouver and Victoria were removed from the 18th District. Stu Campbe11 was Governor of the 18th District for the Rotary year 1916-17 and he served well and is still (1954) an active member of the Winnipeg Club. During Stu's year a conference was held in Winnipeg. Only 57 registered

Page 87.

and only the Vancouver Club was represented and by one delegate. Jeffrey Lydiatt of Calgary was Governor in 1917-l8 and brought in Regina, Saskatoon, Medicine Hat and Lethbridge. Jeff Lydiatt's name also was to stand high in Rotary as he later served on the International Board.

And so Rotary became International and the 19th District grew and produced many outstanding men in Rotary, amongst whom was James W. Davidson of Calgary, a man who stands out all alone in developing Rotary around the world; also Dr. Crawford McCullough who became President of Rotary in 1921-22.


NOTE - As there were only 16 clubs in U.S. in November 1910, the Winnipeg members felt their number should have been 17. However, after months of delay for several reasons, the Secretary said it must be 35 since 18 new clubs had been formed in the meantime. Club not officially recognized until April 13th, 1912.

Page 88.



28 clubs

2,750 members






















45,000 members










92,800 members







2, J96

120,000 members






137,000 members



180,000 members



245,000 members



396,000 members


Club #10,000

470,000 members


Club #11,000

510,000 members


Club #12,000

580,000 members

1966 - June 27


598,000 members


From 1937 to 1950, owing to War, lost 491 Clubs.

Page 88a.

June 30th, 1967 there were 12,905 clubs and 622,000 members. Since July 1st, 1966 there were 467 new clubs. This is the 3rd largest number of new clubs excepting only 1953-54 when there were 487 and 1954-55 when there were 477.

On June 28, 1968 there were 13,319 clubs in 143 countries. Also 633,000 members. We had 431 new clubs in 1967-68.

On June 3, 1969 R.I. had 13,752 clubs in 146 countries or Geographical areas, and 654,500 Rotary members. As of June 3, 1969 - 439 new clubs had been added in the 68-69 Rotary year.

As of June 30th, 1969 there were 542 new clubs organized in the 68-69 year. This is the largest number of new clubs ever in one Rotary year. There were 664,000 members in 13,882 clubs in 146 countries.

On Sept. 30, 1970 R.I. had 14,373 clubs, 679,500 members in 148 countries. In 1968-69 - 540 new clubs. In 1969-70 - 530 new clubs. In 10 years ending Mar. 31, 1970 - 3,650 clubs.


At one of the early conventions, likely 1910 or 1911, a member moved - "That all men not in Rotary for business be expelled" Motion defeated.


Early in the history of Chicago No.1 Club but after Rufe Chapin (a banker) was elected Treasurer (in 1912), a group organized to help members in trouble. Elmer C. Rich, first Treasurer and Mac Martin second Treasurer, were the movers. About 10 or 15 would endorse the notes of members in financial trouble and Rufe's bank supplied the money. This plan was a definite failure.



There is no doubt that the business or profit motive helped build up Chicago No.1 to almost 200 members by 1908. Also helped in getting the first 8 or 10 Clubs started. Harry Ruggles told the writer that when the Club had 200 members he did all the printing for 180 of them.

Page 90.


In 1914 San Francisco club took a special train to the convention of The International Association of Rotary Clubs at Houston, Texas.. There was only one lady on the train, the wife of H. J. (Bru) Brunnier of San Francisco. During the trip someone 'came along and said, "Ann, are you the only lady on this train?" Ann Brunnier said she was and the questioner immediately said, "Rotary Ann". 'Then the train arrived at Houston it was met by a large number of Rotarians and wives and amongst the group was Guy and Ann Gundaker of Philadelphia. Someone said to Ann Gundaker that they had a Rotary Ann on the San Francisco train. Someone had gotten up a chant "Our Rotary Ann, Our Rotary Ann" and she was carried on the men's shoulders. Then someone suggested they had another Rotary Ann in the person of Ann Gundaker so there were two Rotary Anns. A second lady, Mrs. Merrill, had boarded the train at Los Angeles. Guy Gundaker became President of R.I. in 1923 and Bru Brunnier became President of R.I. at Mexico City in 1952. Immediately after the Houston convention the question of forming Rotary Ladies Clubs came up and made headway in Texas. As early as 1918 the Board had frowned on Ladies Rotary Clubs and the 1934-35 Board went on record against. Then the l949-50 Board went on record, as follows:-

"There shall be no legal recognition of women's clubs auxiliary to Rotary Clubs".

In 1920 the Toronto Club with Norman Tovell as President, authorized the organization of a Layette Committee with

Page 91.

Mrs. Tovell as its first President. About 50 joined the first year. Then in February 1923 at Manchester, England there was formed an organization of Rotary wives and widows and known as the Inner Wheel.

The Toronto Layette Committee grew and prospered and did a really great work and now in 1959 the club would hate to see the Inner Wheel disband. The British Inner Wheel has been very successful and at Harrogate (in Yorkshire) on May 23-24 in 1950 at the Inner Wheel Conference, there were over 2,200 ladies present. The Rotary Service (official magazine of Rotary in G.B. and I.) reported 650 Rotary clubs with 30,000 members and 500 Inner Wheel clubs with 15.000 members. In 1941 our Toronto ladies adopted the name "Inner Wheel".

In recent years and led by British Rotary there has been an attempt to eliminate the name Rotary Anns and use Inner Wheel Ladies or Rotary Ladies.

- - - - - - - -

NOTE - Inner Wheel organized in England at Manchester in February 1923. This makes Toronto Inner Wheel the oldest in the world.

Page 91-A.

On pages 90 and 91 there is the story of the Inner Wheel and how, when and where it started.

In the Rotary Whiz of Winnipeg, May 19th, 1969 there is an interesting story as follows:

Winnipeg is in Dist. 555 and the direction of Mrs. E. N. Weldon an Inner Wheel District was formed. This is the first one in N. America. The Inner Wheel district was formed in England in 1923 and they have reported up to 2000 in attendance at their Inner Wheel Conference. In the above issue that there are now 40.000 members in 1365 clubs in 40 countries.

The new I. W. District was formed with 6 clubs in it: Winnipeg, Brandon, Minnedosa, Heepawa, St. Boniface and Kenora. Mrs. Weldon was sent by the new I.W. District to attend the I. W. Conference in England this year and reported a fine get together.

Winnipeg’s move may start the forming of districts in many countries.


Footnote: The I.W. was formed at Manchester, England in Feb. 1923.

Page 92.


1915 to 1961-62

x   Thos. J. Wells, Montreal Gov. 17th Dist. (Number 1) 1915-16

x   Dr. Bruce A.Carey, Hamilton  Gov. 17th Dist. 1916-17

x   Wm. A. Hartin, London Gov. l7th Dist. 1917-18

x   S. A. Luke, Ottawa Gov. 4th Dist. 1918-19

          (note-Deceased in Nov. 1912 and succeeded by:)

x   Russell T. Kelley, Hamilton Gov. 4th Dist. 1918-19

x   F. Austin Lidbury, N .Falls Gov. 4th Dist. 1919-20

x   Harry G. Stanten, Toronto. Gov. 4th Dist. 1920-21

x   Hart I. Seely, Waverley, N.Y Gov. 4th Dist. 1921-22 Director R.I. 1925-26

     Edward C. Bull, Buffalo, N.Y. Gov. 27th Dist. 1922-23


x (deceased)



Page 93.

TORONTO'S DIST. GOVERNORS 1915 to 1961-62 (2)



     Andrew H. Wallace,  St.Catharines (now Lockport, N.Y.) Gov. 27th Dist. 1923-24

x   John T. Symes, Lockport, N.Y. Gov. 27th Dist. 1924-25

x   Sidney B. McMichae1, Toronto Gov. 27th Dist. 1925-26

x   Rev. Joseph R. Hanley, Perry (New York) Gov. 27th Dist. 1926-27

x   David M. Wright, Stratford Gov. 27th Dist. 1927-28 Director R.I. 1928-29

x   Robert C. Turnbull, Bath, N.Y. Gov. 27th Dist. 1928-29

x   Chas. W. Buchanan, Toronto Gov. 27th Dist. 1929-30

     Rev Dean Hiller, Bradford, Pa. Gov. 27th Dist. 1930-31

x   Charles E. Willox N. Falls, Ont Gov. 27th Dist. 1931-32

x   Rev. P. Mosher, N.Falls, N.Y.Gov. 27th Dist. 1932-33


x- (deceased)



Page 94.


TORONTO'S DIST. GOVERNORS 1915 to 1961-62 (3)


x   Dr. Grant L. Bird, Oshawa  Gov. 27th Dist. 1933-34

x   James S. Dunwoody, Erie,. Pa. Gov. 27th. Dist. 1934-35

     Stanley D. Forbes, Brantford Gov. 27th Dist. 1935-36

     Geo. A. Barber, Batavia, N.Y. Gov. 27th Dist. 1936-37

x   Thomas J. Patton, North Bay Gov. 169th Dist. 1937-38

x   Harry W. Rockwell, Buffalo, N.Y. Gov. 169th Dist. 1938-39

x   Owen J. Herity, Belleville Gov. 168th Dist. 1939-40

x   Alex P. Ross, Toronto. Gov. l68th. Dist. 1940-41

     Donald McQuarriee, Lindsay Gov. 168th Dist. 1941-42

x   Dr. Geo. D. McNab, Guelph  Gov. 168th. Dist. 1942-43

     Harmon E. Rice, Huntsville Gov. 168th Dist. 1943-44

     Thomas G. Rogers, Toronto Gov. 168th Dist. 1944-45


x (deceased)



Page 95.

TORONTO’S DIST. GOVERNORS 1915 to 1961- 62 (4)


x   Wm. B. Hetherington, Malartic, Que. Gov. l68th Dist. 1945-46

x   Geo. L. Ziegler, Parry Sound Gov. 168th Dist. 1946-47

     Kenneth M. Smith, Leaside Gov. 168th Dist. 1947-48

x   Edward A. Simmons, Trenton Gov. 168th Dist. 1948-49

     John W. Gooch, Toronto Gov. 247th Dist. 1949-50

     Arthur Ferguson, Gravenhurst  Gov. 247th Dist. 1950-51

x   Kenneth G. Partridge, Pt. Credit Gov. 247th Dist. 1951-52

          Director R.I. 1954-55, 1955-56

     Stanley F. Everson, Oshawa Gov. 247th Dist. 1952-53

     Ray R. Jessup, Sudbur Gov. 247th Dist. 1953-54 Director R.I. 1960-61, 1961-62

x   C. F. Basil Tippet, Toronto Gov. 247th Dist. 1954-55

     Maurice Rector, Leaside Gov. 246th Dist. 1955-56

x (deceased)



Page 96.

TORONTO'S DIST. GOVERNORS 1915 to 1961-62 (5)


     Walter De Geer, Bowmanvil1e Gov. 246th Dist. 1956-57

     Ivan Percy Brettell, Toronto Gov. 707th Dist. 1957-58

     Ed. Ruggles, Cobourg Gov. 707th Dist. 1958-59

     J .David Kennedy, Guelph Gov. 707th Dist. 1959-60

     J. Archie Turner, Port Credit Gov. 707th Dist. 1960-61

     Dr. Henry Kingstone, Toronto Gov. 707th Dist. 1961-62

     Edward G. Storie, Oshawa, Ont. Gov. 707th Dist. 1962-63

     Robert E. Day, Toronto Club Gov. 707th Dist. 1963-64

     Tibor P. Gregor, (Eglinton Club) Toronto 1964-65

     Jack Hughes, Willowdale, (Toronto) 1965-66

     Jim Dods, Orangeville, Ont. 1966-67

     Kenneth Deveson, 39 Forest Rd., Ajax, Ont. 1967-68

     The 1967-68 Governor is Kenneth Deveson Morley.


(Cont’d. on Page 96 A.)

Page 96A.

Note that Kenneth Deveson Morley of Ajax was unable to accept the District Governorship and Harold Wright of Leaside was chosen for 1967-68.

     Kenneth Miller, Scarborough 1968-69

     Stewart Munroe, Toronto 1969-70

     Peter Suttie, Toronto-Eglinton 1970-71

     Wilfred J. Wilkinson, Trenton, Ont. 1971-72


Page 97.


From "The Prophet- by Kahlil Gibran.

You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. There are those who give little of the much they have --- and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome.

And there are those who have little but give it all.

And there are the believers in life and the bounty of life and their coffer is never empty.

There are those who give with joy and that joy is their reward.

It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding.

And is there aught you would withhold?

All you have shall some day be given therefore give now that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors.

Page 97 a.

Ontario as of July 1st, 1957, had clubs in the following districts: 555, 558, 629, 633, 638, 640, 701, 704, 707, 709

The following served as Governors in districts other than the one in which Toronto was a




Crawford C. McCullough

Fort Williams. Gov. Dist. 19



Joseph A. Caulder

Moose Jaw. - Gov. Dist. 19



Wm. J. Cairns, Ottawa

Gov. Dist. 28



Wm. R. Yendall

London - Gov. Dist. 23



John J. Allen

Ottawa - Gov. Dist. 28



Arthur S. Fitsgerald

Windsor - Gov. Dist. 23



Judge Donald E. Lewis

Bronxville - Gov. Dist. 28



Alex C. Adams

Fort William - Gov. Dist. 4



W. Fred Dunn

Moose Jaw - Gov. Dist. 4



Wm. K. Gray

Chartman - Gov. Dist.23



Dr. Geoffrey A. Wheable

London - Gov. Dist. 152



James F. Shaw

Sault Ste. Marie - Gov. Dist. 151



Gerry Moes

Burlington - Gov. Dist. 169



John M. Thompson

Owen Sound - Gov. Dist. 152



Dr. Del Marr

Ridgetown - Gov. Dist. 153



Page 97 b.



Arthur W. Widnall

Fort William - Gov. Dist. 117



Geo. R. Webb

Gananoque - Gov. Dist. 170



Wm. M. O. Lochead

Kitchener - Gov. Dist. 169



Frank Leslie

Niagara Falls - Gov. Dist. 169



Claude Running

Thornbury - Gov. Dist. 152



Harry S. Binks

Ottawa - Gov. Dist. 170



Douglas Silverston

Hawkesbury - Gov. Dist. 170



Gordon A. Beaton

Markdale - Gov. Dist. 152

Director R.I. 1951-52



Harry A. Comrie

Palmer - Gov. Dist. 153



Gordon E. Perdue

Oakville - Gov. Dist. 169

Director R.I. 1948-49



Dr. Fred J. R. Forster

Stratford - Gov. Dist. 152



John F. Smith

Walkerville - Gov. Dist. 153



Wm. A. Calder

Woodstock - Gov. Dist. 169



Melville E. Peacock

Meaford - Gov. Dist. 221



Edgerton E. Byers

Kenora - Gov. Dist. 171



Atlee T. Minnis, Vineland

Gov. Dist. 248



Rev. Kingston J. Lattimore

2 Ellis Park, Toronto. Gov. Dist. 250



L. P. (Scot) Whaley

St. Marys - Gov. Dist. 221

( cont' d.)


Page 97 c

     1952-53 Alan Perry Brander, Wallaceburg, Gov. Dist. 222.

     1952-53 Hugh Heasley, Waterloo - Gov. Dist.248

     1953-54 Wilfred A. Buckley Kingston - Gov. Dist. 250

     1953-54 Wm. G. Lochead,Forest - Gov. Dist. 22l.

     1954-55 Glen W. Peacock Calgary - Gov. Dist. l7l.

                    Director R.I. 1958-59 (and)

                    3rd Vice. Pres. 1959-60.

x   1954-55 Gordon R. Eaton, Leamington - Gov. Dist. 223.

     1954-55 Paul A. Fisher, Burlington - Gov. Dist. 248.

     1955-56 Eugene F. Lerch, Buffalo - Gov. Dist. 248.

     1955-56 A. Kenneth Charlesworth, Wiartan - Gov. Dist. 221.

     1955-56 Ross Dobbin, Peterborough - Gov. Dist. 247.

     1955-56 Harold J. Vallentyne, Brantford - Gov. Dist. 248.

     1956-57 W. B. George, Kemptville - Gov. Dist. 250.

     1956-57 G. Clarence Nicols, Blenheim - Gov. Dist. 222.

     1956-57 Geo. E. McArthur, Oxford Fruit Co-op.Woodstock - Gov. Dist. 248.

     1957-58 Henry Arthur Schade, Sioux Lookout -Gov. Dist. 555

     1957-58 W. Robert Horton, Huntsville - Gov. Dist. 701.

     1957-58 Judge Harold D. Lang, Stratford - Gov. Dist. 633.

     1957-58 Frederick B. Wilson, Sault Ste.Marie -Gov. Dist. 629.


( cont' t.)





Page 97 d



     1958-59 Wm. C. Borlase,

                    P .0. Box 546,


                   Gov. Dist. 555.

     1958-59 Wm. K. van Weiler,

                    4233 Cooper Ave.,

                    Royal Oak, Michigan

                    Gov. Dist. 638.

     1958-59 Ralph J. Locke,

                   23 River St.

                   Campbellford, Ont.

                   Gov. Dist. 701.

     1958-59 Arthur C. Beach,

                    P.O. Box 731,

                    St. Catharines, Ont.

                    Gov. Dist. 109.

     1959-60 Royden Schultz,

                   111 Second St , Box 574,


                   Gov. Dist. 555

     1959-60 Russell G. Woods,

                   P.O. Box 117,

                   Watford, Ont.

                   Gov Dist. 633,

     1959-60 Harold J. Black,

                    Haliburton, Ont.

                    Gov. Dist. 701.

     1959-60 S. Preston Eagleson,

                    2066 Killarney Dr., Ottawa.

                    Gov. Dist. 704.

     1959-60 John D. Schiller,

                   4301 Main St., Snyder, New York.

                   Gov. Dist. 709.

     1960-61 Charles M. Dunn,

                    2918 McCallum. Ave., Regina, Sask.

                    Gov. Dist. 555.

     1960-61 Ra1ph M. Bird,

                    208 Summit Ave.,

                    Pt. Arthur, Ont..

                    Gov. Dist. 558.

     1960-61 Alan G. Broughton,.

                    482 Queen St. E.,

                    Sault Ste. Marie.

                    Gov. Dist. 629.

     1960-61 A. Ross MacLaren,

                   1600 Military St.,

                   Port Huron, Mich.

                   Gov. Dist. 633.

( cont' d)



Page 97 e.



     1960-61 Dr. John. R. Macpherson,

                   King St.,

                   Highgate, Ont.

                   Gov. Dist. 638.

     1960-61 Charles D. Bell,

                    P.O. Box 184,

                    Walkerville., Ont.

                    Gov. Dist. 640

     1960-61 R. Eldon (Dooley} Greer,

                   31 Penetang St.,

                   Barrie, Ont.

                   Gov. Dist. 701.

     1960-61 St. Clair Holland .

                   Ste. 330, 1980 Sherbrooke. St. ,


                   Gov. Dist. 704.

     1960-61 W. Ross Rodger,

                    178 Chedoke Ave..


                    Gov. Dist. 709.

     1961-62 Jacques Joseph Barnard Sr.,

                   157 Market St, E.

                   Winnipeg, 2 Man.

                   Gov. Dist. 555.

     1961-62 Hebert J. Farroll

                    P.O. Box 305,

                    London, Ont.

                    Gov. Dist. 633.

      1961-62 Thos. Merton Palmer,

                     P.O. Box 198,

                     North Bay, Ont.

                     Gov. Dist. 701.

      1961-62 John D. Barnard .

                     22S Ten Eyck St.,

                     Watertown, N.Y.

                     Gov. Dist. 704.

       1961-62 Elmer L. Sleeper,

                     115 Woodcrest Blvd.;

                     Kenmore, N.Y.

                     Gov. Dist. 709.

       1962-63 Roy K. Armstrong,

                     Brandon, Manitoba.

                     Gov. Dist. 555.

       1962-63 Ulysses Grant Fraser,

                     Columbiaville, Michigan.

                     Gov. Dist. 633.

        1962-63 James C. Covert,

                      Royal Oak, Michigan.

                      Gov. Dist. 638.




Page 97 f.


       1962-63 Wm. Gillett,

                      Detroit, Michigan,

                      Gov - Dist. 640.

       1962-63 J. Comdon Whitfield,

                     Orillia, Ont.

                     Gov. Dist. 701.

        1962-63 J. Douglas Mayhew,

                      Napanee, Ont.

                      Gov. Dist. 704..

        1962-63 Harold Jackson,

                      Simcoe, Ont.

                      Gov. Dist. 709.

        1963-64 A. J. Orchard,

                      Melfort, Sask.

                      Gov. Dist. 555.

         1963-64 Almon D. Olsen,

                       Duluth, Minn.,

                       Gov. Dist. 558

         1963-64 Max A. Brail,

                       Baldwin, Mich.

                       Gov. Dist. 629.

          1963-64 Wm. Rogers,

                         Sarnia, Ont.

                         Gov. Dist. 633

          1963-64 Elmer L. Conrad,

                        Walled L., Mich

                        Gov. Dist. 638,

          1963-64 Clifford W. Ashton,

                        Grosse Point, Mich.

                        Gov Dist. 640,

          1963-64 Errol W. Young,

                         Parry Sound, Ont.

                         Gov. Dist. 701.

           1963-64 C. M. Hodgson,


                          Gov. Dist. 704,

           1963-64 Robert E. Day,


                         Gov. Dist. 707

          1963-64 Fred C. Root,

                        N. Tonowanda, N.Y.,

                        Gov. Dist. 709.

          1964-65 Gordon A. Ferguson,

                         Moose Jaw, Sask.,

                         Gov. Dist. 555

          1964-65 Thos. A. Shearer,

                         Ft. William, Ont.,

                         Gov. Dist. 558.

          1964-65 J. D. Fawley,

                        Cadillac, Michigan,

                        Gov. Dist. 629.

         1964-65 Wm. F. Scully,

                        Marine City, Michigan,

                        Gov. Dist. 633.

. (cont’t)


Page 97 g.



       1964-65 John E. Farrell,

                     St. Clair Shores,Mich

                     Gov. Diet. 638

      1964-65 A. Robert Davideon,

                     Riverside, Ont.,

                     Gov. Dist. 640.

      1964-65 Arthur James Grout,

                    Chapleau, Ont.,

                    Gov. Dist. 701.

      1964-65 S. Gerald. Lockrow,

                    Massena, N.Y.,

                    Gov. Dist. 704.

      1964-65 Tibor P.Gregor,


                    Gov. Dist. 707.

      1964-65 James Michael Ledwith,

                    Milton, Ont.

                    Gov. Dist. 709

      1965-66 Leonard P. Buckley,

                    Saskatoon, Sask.

                    Gov. Dist. 555

     1965-66 Charles J. Whittey,

                    Bismark, N.D.

                    Gov. Dist. 558.

     1965-66 Glen H. Olsen,

                    Grand Haven, Mich.

                    Gov. Dist. 629.

     1965-66 Stewart McKenzie,

                    Port Elgin, Ont.

                    Gov. Dist. 633.

      1965-66 Wyeth Allen,

                    Ann Arbor,Michigan,

                    Gov. Dist. 638.

      1965-66 Perry W. Richwine,

                    Plymouth, Mich.

                    Gov. Dist. 640.

      1965-66 J. P. Rod Vaillant,

                    Kirkland Lake, Ont.

                    Gov. Dist. 701. .

      1965-66 N. Douglas Warner,

                    Cornwall, Ont.

                    Gov. Dist. 704.

      1965-66 Jack W. Hughes,

                    Weston, Ont.

                    Gov. Dist. 707.

      1965-66 Paul D. Williams,

                    Buffalo, N.Y.,

                    Gov. Dist. 109.


Page 97 g

     1966-67 John Vietch,

                   P.O. Box 129,

                   Selkirk, Ont, No. 555

    1966-67 E. Milton Kvikstad,

                   P.O. Box 1571, .

                   Fargo, N.D. - No. 558

    1966-67 Harry L. Lawford,

                  Grand Rapids, Mich. No. 629

    1966-67 Elmer P. Jasper,

                  Algonac, Mich.

                  No. 633



Page 97 h.


     1966-67 Proctor A. Dick,

                   Chatham, Ont. No. 638

     1966-67 Steven L. Boyan,

                    Monroe, Mich. No. 640

     1966-67 W. Robert Horton,

                    Huntsville, Ont. No. 701

     1966-67 Georges A. Meloche,

                    Valleyfield, Que. - No. 704

      1966-67 James B. Dods,

                    Orangeville, Ont. No. 707

      1966-67 Herbert C. Hudwick,

                    Oakville, Ont. - No. 709

      1967-68 James D. Clark,

                    Winnipeg , Man . - D.555

      1967-68 Paul G. Bowman,

                    Duluth, Minn. - D.558

     1967-68 Cornelius R. Ver Veer,

                    Grand Rapids, Mich. - D.629

      1967-68 Earle S. Clysdale,

                    Alviston, Ont - D.633

      1967-68 Eric E. Bentlage,

                    Bloomfield, Mich. - D.638

      1967-68 Russell H. Amerman,

                    Northville, Mich. - D.640

      1967-68 Lloyd E. Simpson,

                    Sudbury, Ont. - D.701

      1967-68 John J. Haves,

                    Potsdam, N.Y.- D.704

     1967-68 Gordon C. Robinson,

                    Niagara Falls, N.Y. - D.709

     1967-68 Howard L. Wright,

                   Leaside, Ont.- D.707

     1968-69 Russell Mayhew,

                   Baldwin, Yorkton. Sask. - D.555

     1968-69 Edwin S. Larson,

                   Fergus Falls, Minn. - D.558, .

     1968-69 Russell Harold Ramsay,

                   Sault Ste. Marie - D.629 .

     1968-69 Clarence L. Bolander.

                   Lapeer, Michigan - D.633



Page 97-i


     1968-69 Forbes S. Hascall,

                   Birmingham, Mich. D.638

     1968-69 Stanley J. Wojcik,

                   Hamtrack, Mich., D. 640

     1968-69 Kenneth Cuthbert Curtis,

                   Orillia, Ont. D. 701

     1968-69 Harold V. Passmore,

                   Broekville, Ont.D.704

     1968-69 Gerald Ray Wooll,

                   St. Catharines, Ont. D. 709

     1968-69 Kenneth A. Miller,

                   Scarborough, Ont. D. 707

     1969-70 Charles Tupper Hazen,

                    Saskatoon, Sask. D.555

     1969-70 Roy T. Tamte,

                   Virginia, Minn., U.S.A. D.558

     1969-70 R. Graham Keevil,

                   Traverse City, Mich. D.629

     1969-70 Wm. Arthur Bieman,

                   London, Ont. D.629

     1969-70 J. King Ward, Jr.,

                   Bloomfield Hills, Mich. - D. 618

     1969-70 Hugh M. Archer,

                   Dearborn, Mich. D. 640

     1969-70 Arthur R. Jones,

                    Peterborough, Ont. D. 701

     1969-70 Thomas A. Legge,

                   Montreal West, Quebec D. 704

     1969-70 Stewart B. Munroe,

                   Toronto, Ont. D. 707

     1969-70 Marvin E. Samuelson,

                   Batavia, New York D. 709



Page 98.



x   Dr. Crawford C. McCullough,

     Ft. William, Ontario.

     3rd Vice-Pres. 1920-21 President R.I. 1921-22

     Immediate Past President 1922-23


x   John J. Gibson,

    Toronto, Ont. 1923-24

    Joseph Caulder ,

    Regina and Toronto, Ont. 1928-29

x   David M. Wright,

    Stratford, Ont. 1929-30

x   J. J. Allen,

    Ottawa, Ont. 1933-34

x   Wm. J. Cairns,

     Toronto, Ontario. 1936-37

x   Arthur S. Fitzgerald,

    Windsor, Ontario 1941-42


x   Norman G. Foster,

    Ottawa, Ontario. 1942-43

    Dr. Geoffrey A. Wheable,

    London, Ontario. 1945-46

    Gordon E. Perdue,

    Oakville, Ontario 1948-49


    Gordon A. Beaton,

    Markdale, Ontario. 1951-52


x   Kenneth G. Partridge, 1954-55

    Oakville, Ontario. 1955-56


(Note-Ken Partridge was the 1st from Canada to serve the two year term)



Page 99





Ray R. Jessup 1960-61

Sudbury, Ontario 1961-62



NOTE - Canada, for the selection of a member to serve on the R.I. Board is divided into three zones and each three years in the even numbered years, a member is chosen. One zone includes all of Canada west of Ontario, other the clubs in Ontario except clubs in districts 701 and 704, and the other zone all clubs east of Ontario, but including all clubs in Canada in districts 701 and 704. The Eastern zone elected Edwin K. Ford of Yarmouth, N. S. in 1962 and in 1964 the director from Canada will come from the west and then back to Ontario in 1966.

NOTE - In 1963 the Board of R.I. changed Canada's zones in order to avoid complications in getting representation in electing Directors. All Clubs in 701-704 in Canada were put back into the central Zone of Ontario. Now from June 1963 the 3 zones will be Province of Ontario, West of Ontario, and East of Ontario. For 1962-63 and 1963-64 Ed. K. Ford from the Eastern Zone. In 1964 the Director from Canada will be from the Western Zone and in 1966 to 1968 from Ontario. We were unable to make a needed change on voting so for the present all Canada will vote each two years. This is obviously wrong as the members in B.C. cannot be expected to know men nominated from Quebec or Novo Scotia.


Page 99 a.

Wm. G. Lochead. Forest, Ont. 1966-1968


Copyright© Daniel W. Mooers

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